Again, this topic sounds common, almost ninety percent of the students would write on the personalities who have travelled in space. So, you should go for something else, like; I can proof, nobody has ever put a foot on the moon or you can also opt for any movie, like; star wars trio.
Ideas for space travel essay:
You can incorporate this idea in writing Gulliver’s travel essay, that is;” what are the causes that one is forced to leave his country”. You can provide the answer of the given question by quoting the context from Gulliver’s travel novel.
Ideas for time travel essay:
Hence, it will be much better if you go for the above mentioned ideas to write your travel essays because you don’t have to travel for composing such type of essays,, you can also write on any of your travelling experiences as they will make you essay of travel unique, original and interesting. Whatever topic for travel essays you go for, make sure it is properly formatted and organized, otherwise it will destroy your impression on the reader.
Who doesn’t like travelling,, but when a student is assigned to write travel essays,¬e=30579, they become confused on how to write a good piece of writing. Travel essays are something that should make a reader enjoy reading, it should interest the reader to the extent that he may imagine himself travelling. Therefore, we have decided to provide some travel essay examples for the students to write their best travel essays in no time.
Time travel has always been intriguing topic; you can use this idea for writing your travel essays. For example; Invention of time machine can destroy the world or you can go for a more traditional approach, like; Time has travelled too fast for America since the day of its discovery or you can also write on simple “ if time travelling becomes possible, where would I be going”, this approach will again give an original touch to your travel essays but make sure whatever travel esasy topic you are choosing,, you are doing justice with it.
After reading the title, the first thing that comes into the mind is the travelling experience of the writer, but you can give it a new touch by writing travelling experience of a mocking bird while you can also write on backpackers travel. But if you will write on your travel experiences than it will give a totally different and unique touch to your travel essay as it will be involving your opinions about your journey.
Around the world in 80 days:
Ideas for travel experience essay:
A novel written by Jules Verne can be a great idea to write your travel essays on,, for this you has to read the book, but if you hate reading then you can also watch the movie that was released in 2004, starring Jackie Chan which was totally based on this novel but it will be better if you go through the whole book because it will be in detail describing every aspect.
Ideas for Gulliver’s travel essay: