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Old 07-29-2011, 02:57 PM   #1
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Default monsoon matrimony wear 关于高铁的讲述 收集信息贴 (

关于高铁的讲述 收集信息贴
国内生产高速列车的厂家目前有4家,分别是南车四方、北车唐客、北车长客、合资BST,分别生产2型车、3 型车、5型车、1型车.380A和380AL是南车四方在2型车基础上改进研制的一个车型,可以当作2型车 的发展;相应的唐厂和长客厂联合推出了380B和380BL可看做3型车发展;而BST公司还没下线的38 0C是其另起炉灶的一宽车型,和原1型车关联比较小.
科普下四方产2型车大致种类.目前2型车生产超过220列,在全国动车生产中占据半壁江山,在种类上和数量 上都比较丰富.大致可分01型-07型7个种类,分别对应200公里8编(01)、200公里长座(02)、200公里长卧(03)300 公里基本型(04)、300公里2阶段型(05)、新一代高铁(06)、长编新一代(07)
2型车为引进日本川崎公司新干线技术发展而来,具有很清晰的日系血脉.应该说日本川崎公司在动车组技术等方 面给四方的支持对2型车的成功不可或缺.高铁技术好比一张窗户纸,捅破窗户纸简单,可要找到该捅的窗户却是 难事,这方面川崎是领进门的师傅.通过引进动车组技术,四方机厂的生产技术等等各个方面都经历了洗礼,和技 术相比同时引进的工作方法技术思想的影响可能更加深远
2型车基本型为8编组动车组,分4动4拖结构,采用4个动车共16台300千瓦三相交流电机拖动列车运行, 最高速度可达250公里以上.供电采用弓网供电方式,接触网电源为单相25千伏交流电,接受电力后经过主变 压器副变压器主变流器辅助电源等变压变频成不同等级电力供给全车.
通过对2型车基本型的各种改动,生产出了一系列不同型号2型车.通过增加编组的方式生产出8动8拖的长编动 车组,分坐车和卧车两种满足不同需要.动力方面与基本型一致.通过增加动力单元数量生产出300公里及以上 速度等级高铁,shop burberry,比如给8编组增加一个动力单元成为300公里级别高速列车,给16编组列车增加3个动力单元成为新一代大 编组列车等.
2型车国产化率在同类列车中比较高,从最早的原装进口靠基本自制只用了5年时间.但同时应该看到,各种零配 件尽管是国内生产但依然以合资企业为主,大量的设备还处于授权生产阶段,完全国内自主设计生产的产品比较有 限.
2型车尽管种类很多,但基本一脉相承,从最早的基本型到最新的380AL,其基本架构并无大变化,例如所有 列车的动力单元在布局和实验要求等方面基本一致,车上车下布局无大变化.这种列车属于对成熟技术的深入挖潜 ,应该说其潜力还是巨大的.
一 理想与无奈
故事从2001年说起,这一年四方工厂做了一个尝试,自行生产一款动力分散式动车.在经历了上世纪末大白鲨 动车项目和天津动车项目失败的沉重打击之后,厂里对动车生产弥漫着悲观的情绪,这种情绪一直延续影响到5年 以后才逐渐消散.应该说这款车生来就是个二奶身份,一直是之前动车项目的备胎设计,如果之前的广深天津等项 目能成功推开它大概永不见天日,但现实不是如果,之前的失败让"中原之星"号分散动力动车组羞答答的问世, 并开始在中原大地上沉默的运营,今天看来这是四方机车厂甚至中国铁路对分散动力动车组最早的尝试."中原之 星"列车一直运营了8年,期间声誉良好,最后败在速度上,2008年回到生产地默默回忆着过去的得失.对这 列车老一辈四方工人都很有感情,这是他们努力的回报.
一晃又是两年,"中华之星"头戴光环横空出世,一时夺走眼球无数.包括我在内多少年轻人在得知消息的时候难 以入睡mm中国也有蛇头的火车了,电视上小日本的铁路我们也可以有了mm2003年7月我期待了一个月都没 能在新闻上看见期待已久的"中华之星"列车上线运营消息.这个时候没有消息可真不是什么好消息.热情消散, 大家各自回家睡觉散了吧.之后整整1年我没再听说过关于"中华之星"列车的任何消息,直到奥运会闭幕的那天 突然在论坛上看见喊杀声震耳欲聋"铁道部汉奸卖国,monsoon wedding dress,扼杀中国自主高铁而全盘引进日本新干线,这将是抗战以来日本对中国最大的侵略hh"
当时我有些好奇,多留意了点新闻消息才知道,原来中国的造火车的分南车北车,南车四方公司要和日本川崎公司 合作引进日本新干线技术;北车长客公司要和法国阿尔斯通公司合作引进TGV,北车唐客公司和西门子公司合作 引进ICE,还有加拿大BSP公司在中国生产本土化的高速列车.这些合作中四方和川崎的合作最为网友痛恨, 南车四方汉奸公司的大名如雷贯耳.我是四方机厂家属子弟,一直来对自己的身份非常自豪,长辈教导过"在中国 ,四方人火车造的最早",这是我骄傲的根源,现在根本似动摇了hh真就成了汉奸么?
再后来我也成了四方机厂的一名普通员工,进厂之时顶着许多疑问,最大的疑问就是为什么中国人自己造不出来高 速列车而要买小日本的技术,中国人还苯不成?(中国人当然不苯,但造不了就是造不了,没有价钱好讲)进入工 厂开始了自己的工人生涯,被许多的陌生名词和洋玩意儿晃花了眼睛.惊讶于巨大的场地、厂房、设备、车辆、螺 丝库等等,也才知道原来工业生产是这么巨大而复杂的东西,比自己在书上看到的复杂太多了.再过几个月开始却 对中国的工业生产忧心重重mm从来不知道中国的工业生产需要如此之多的外国零件外国设备和外国专家才能玩得 转.当时参与广州地铁生产,我惊讶的发现中国产的广州地铁没什么中国的重要零件,总结概括一下这个地铁"美 国头(控制系统)、德国腿(转向架)、日本身子(铝合金车体)、中国嘴(广播与自动报站系统) ".
在厂里经过留意打听,得知当年轰轰烈烈的"中华之星"项目已经下马,而且还听到更多的故事.原来当年的"中 华之星"列车只是全国铁路厂商联合攻关高速列车的一个分项目,是长客搞的东西,同时代唐山搞出了"先锋号" ,四方出了"天驰号",都是集全国之力的结果.但经过3年多的试运营没有一列车能达到运营的条件,不得不全 部推倒重来,回头选择引进技术.和外界臆测完全相反,铁道部当年强力支持国产高铁,但国产高铁之不给力让所 有人失去了等待的耐性.在生产一线看见垃圾遍地的生产现场我总怀疑,我们厂真有能力生产高铁么?此时厂里召 开动员大会,要求全体员工做好准备开展引进生产日本高速动车技术,对此我没有信心,当时很多一线人员都没有 信心.理想很美好,wedding dresses sale,现实很残酷.
二 尝试接近理想
2005年冬天第一批日本原装200公里级别的动车组运来四方,工人们很好奇,拿指甲刮刮表皮看,然后被保 安赶走.又从川崎公司来了一大群老鬼子小鬼子,他们将是我们的老师.接下来的事情就是上课了,别以为是在学 校里,这是工厂没有那么多空闲时间,培训的过程正逢春运前屯兵车赶工,整个公司的人都在连轴转,月产客车近 200辆,这个时间段学习只能往后放,再后来春运大会战、青藏铁路项目等等接踵而来,直到2006年6月整 个公司才突然进入到动车生产的状态,连一天间隔都没有,此间苦乐只此间人享受,不足为外人道也 .
2006年夏天,四方的CRH2型车在学习调试完4列原装车5列组装车之后开始自行生产其余50列动车,计 划分3个阶段逐步把国产化率提高到70%.第10-26列是采用日本进口配件为主自行组装生产,逐步摸索生产流程和要领的过程.当时我有幸参与了动车 的调 试工作.在这段时间内,几乎人都由于强烈的不适应而痛苦万分.原先的四方机厂生产随意性比较大,经常出现前 后工序工作矛盾,tory burch sample sale,设计失败工艺不合理等问题,长期以来我们也形成了生产不符图不按章程的习惯,不是我们不遵守规范,而是规 范无法贯彻执行,不得不权宜操作.但自从开始动车组生产,我学习的第一件事情就是反复翻阅要领书,要求达到 可复述的地步才算出师.工作中所有的操作步骤全部严格的按照数百页的作业要领书执行,丝毫不许改动或增减步 骤.此要领书完全复制自日本川崎公司,充分体现了日本人的耐心细致谨小慎 微,一步步操作之细密如蛛网,而考虑经历过多年的磨合非常成熟,让我们这些习惯于自行其事的工人难受得要死 ,每日空闲都在诅咒编要领者不得好死.(到现在这套要领书已经经历了6个年头,几经修订依然是我们作业的基 本工具,它成了我们工作最得力的助手,现在看要领书上的点滴要领仍然可体会到编写时考虑之细致,问题收集之 详尽)
经过几个月的咀嚼消化,大多数人能够掌握要领书的内容了,看图成为下一道门槛,之前公司里的设计工艺部门对 图纸管理很松散,各色图纸改动次数既粗又滥,错误多改动多摩登两可多就是负责的少,所以工人干活符图率很低 ,凭经验干活是主流,图纸之是参考.动车生产再次让经验变得不适用.日本老师在我们公司讲得第一课就是符图 作业、1:1配线、定量操作等等.这些听上去并不复杂,burberry {channel} {cache} Man {ahead} stealing money in the,严格执行却需要各部门班组通力合作,杜绝扯皮推委,推行困难重重.日本人的图纸繁复,人眨一看容易头晕, 但主旨思想明确流程分布清楚,看懂了一种一通百通,没什么妖孽的设计,但看懂日本人画得密如蛛网的图纸也不 是一件容易事,没有一两年的功夫别想通会.到现在能完全看懂图纸的人在我们那里最多一半.
从2006年到2007年秋天,60列动车生产完毕,生产完全符合标准,国产化率从0提高到70%以上,当 最后一列动车出厂的时候我有种巨大的成就感,毕竟此工作是自己参与完成的,自第14列到第60列,一列列国 产动车在我们手中完成调试交付使用,中间没有发生任何事故,这是我们的骄傲.自此我才相信了我们的能力不比 别人差.
三 艰难时刻
300公里级别动车组,也就是所谓高铁项目在2007年冬天上马了,在此前后我们同时搞了其它一些方向,如 16编组长编坐车,Ironically, the thieves left a note on the four lock owner,大编组动卧等等,和300公里级别动车组一样,我们可以自豪的说,这些都是我们自己对动车技术的发展,这 是中国人自己的发明创造.
搞发明创造就意味着失败和反复.引进生产时期,2型车一直保持了良好的运营记录,维修简单,工作可靠,合理 耐用的优点得到用户称赞.同时2型车的缺点我们也心知肚明,因为2型车来自新干线技术,已属于比较古老的技 术,车内设备往往成熟由于先进不足.比如早期的2型车采用机械脱扣开关和继电器控制盘控制车辆电器设备,打 开电器柜有种回到二战时代的感觉;车厢为短途运营设计没考虑在中国这么广阔的土地上长时间开行,给水卫生系 统设计狭小不抗造,适应不了中国人粗暴的生活方式等等都让人感觉2型车如果不改必然被时代淘汰.所以当西门 子公司和唐山终于就引进技术达成协议之后,2型车的改进也就提上日程.改造的设想很简单mm老式动车8个车 厢采用4动4拖形式,分前后两个半各有一个动力单元(分布在2、3和6、7车),如果要继续提高速度只要在 预留的4、5车上加装一个动力单元工作就完成了.2个单元跑200公里3个单元就跑300公里,这是似乎是 自然的进程,可谁也没想到此工作如此咯牙,一改就耗费了近2年时间.为了08年奥运能在京津线上自己的高铁 ,公司和唐山有点别苗头的味道,2个月时间突击生产了9列300公里(公司代号04型)动车组,马上上线实 验赶上京津线开通,和唐山的3型车一起参与了奥运会政治任务.动力加上去速度自然上去了,但高铁要求的不仅 仅是速度还有安全和舒适.因为设计仓促04型在高速运行中噪音巨大车厢颠簸,被唐厂的高铁完全盖过风头,更 被上峰痛骂.不行就是不行,公司里组织一大群人马专门去京津线体验动车组.比较才知道差距,和3型车这种专 门的高速列车相比2型车直接露怯.再后来发生的弓头事件让300公里项目变成了我们厂内的玩笑,中断近2年 时间.此时间我参与调试了大编组坐车卧车等,可看着电视里威风八面的唐山3型车,心里那就是羡 慕嫉妒恨那.
四 光荣与梦想
再晃建国已经60年了,在这60年的年末,四方的300公里新一代(05型车)终于批量生产.经历风雨后幼 苗终于活了下来.原本不给力的电机换成大号的了,已经落伍的控制 器换成国产新型号.这里边最让我高兴的是我发现这新一代高铁的国产化率居然比老式动车组还高,以前看不见中 国字的牵引设备、制动系统都换成国内厂家,甚至连日本专家指导都不需要了,ski jackets sale,我们已经出师,这毫无疑义.
再后来自然的历史进程终于表现了它的威力.200公里m300公里用了3年,300公里mm380公里只用 了2年时间,tory burch shoe,For the parent to discuss men's wages to 700 yuan murder sentenced to death,和6年前相比可谓天翻地覆的变化.当然,在这个过程中我最大的感受不是欣喜自豪而是瞌睡和疲劳,无处不在 的压力与长年累月的疲劳让我们大部分生产者变得麻木于自己的工作,快把光荣这东西忘光了.如果有那天,让我 重新选择一次,我多半不会再选择这个工作.但这并不影响我为我所参与的事业感到自豪
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Old 07-29-2011, 04:25 PM   #2
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From http://songshuhui.net/ Science
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everyone has experienced a number of experienced cold, although no serious problem is inevitably hard to endure several days. Cold medicine therefore become our close partner in the family medicine chest is also pivotal role of drug industry called \

But go
familiar familiar with the use of cold medicine that we have not thought of when one of the tricks. In fact, the cold medicine use and selection, there are still many problems to note, in this can not help but want to share with you.
First is that a cold
cold medicine before that to see if we have to deal with small problems - cold
cold is a respiratory tract infection, is caused by a virus. This is also hardly a new knowledge, but I can not help but want to emphasize it. Cold is caused by a virus, antibiotics kill bacteria that can not work for colds. I have seen on the network reproduced in a widely-called \Thus, it is the use of these drugs there is still a lot of misunderstanding. Cold in the treatment of the use of antibiotics alone will not achieve any therapeutic effect, and adverse reactions and may increase the resistance of intestinal bacteria, detrimental. Even in the cold at the same time a bacterial infection occurs, the use of antibiotics, it must decide how to use by doctors, patients should not be free to use. Please be sure to pay attention to this point.
cold Another important feature is that it is a kind of \Want to eradicate drugs is a difficult task, most cold medicines are only indicators is not a cure, only responsible to relieve symptoms. For this kind of \Because of this characteristic of a cold, making the \In fact, if relatively mild flu symptoms, this is precisely the most sensible choice, drink plenty of water, plenty of rest, waiting to heal on its own line.

However, in a cold fever, stuffy nose, cough, and many other symptoms will always be hard to endure, but also for people in poor physical condition, not a cold may increase the risk to control the risk of complications. At this time, we need cold medicine to help.
Understanding of cold medicine ingredients
common cold medicine is usually the following components in a combination of several categories.

anti-inflammatory drugs is primarily for these drugs in the heat cold symptoms, both pain and reduce inflammation in (acetaminophen does not reduce the inflammatory response.)
common anti-inflammatory drugs are: aspirin, acetaminophen (paracetamol), ibuprofen (the active ingredient Fenbid), diclofenac (Voltaren this is, the pain in the sprain strain used a little more) and so on. That several common anti-inflammatory drugs, and there is not much difference on the efficacy of the treatment doses are also safe, but should note the following when used:
many of these drugs have side effects on the gastrointestinal , in which the gastrointestinal irritation of aspirin on the maximum. Although the time as a fever medicine usually only a few days, for most people will not immediately appear discomfort, but patients with peptic ulcer should not be used.
virus infection in children and young people (of course, including the flu) is if you use aspirin fever, a rare but may occur can be fatal side effects (Ruiyi syndrome, manifested as severe liver damage and encephalopathy). Therefore, anti-fever medicine for their children, avoid aspirin and paracetamol to choose as well.

In addition, aspirin has a significant anticoagulant effect, can increase the risk of bleeding. So not to aspirin and other anti-clotting effect of drugs (such as warfarin) also used before surgery should stop taking it early.
when taking anti-inflammatory drugs should also be careful not to drink, or increase the side effects and liver damage.

last to emphasize that this class of drugs suitable for long-term use, if he does not improve after a few days at home, medication, be sure to go to hospital for treatment and medication do not continue for a long time.
in the cold, the body produces more histamine (A by the body to produce, can cause allergic reactions in the material), resulting in the nose, such as itching, runny nose, sneezing and the like allergic symptoms. So often in the cold medicine will add the role of histamine allergy medication to alleviate these symptoms. Cold medicine commonly used in anti-allergic ingredient is chlorpheniramine (chlorpheniramine) and diphenhydramine.
with allergy to note that the common people of these drugs have side effects of drowsiness, eat it inevitably groggy. Therefore, the need for dangerous driving or operation (high-altitude operations, manipulation of the machinery, the challenges in the valleys like a tightrope), please do not use ingredients with anti-allergy drugs, so that energy can not concentrate, an inattentive accidents. The daily visible and night into day tablets of cold medicine tablets (such as white with black, day and night, one hundred Ning, etc.), in which the Japanese film \No technical content). The cold medicine tablets in the car at the time so you can rest assured that use, but the corresponding ease the symptoms so they could not.

in cold decongestant medicine,cheap kobe bryant jersey, we often find a stuffed nose, breathing becomes difficult. And to alleviate this situation is to rely on decongestant medicine.
in the cold, small blood vessels in nasal mucosa congestion and swelling, making the nasal mucosa is also swollen, which resulted in a nose ventilation situation. The decongestant drugs can make blood vessels become thin, so as to reduce this swelling, breathing will become smooth so the.

commonly used in cold medicine is a decongestant drug pseudoephedrine. Caused by storm several years ago \
use decongestant medicines should be noted that such drugs can make blood vessels,tennessee titans jerseys, but \In other words, it has a wide range of contraction of blood vessels, which means that after use can cause increased blood pressure. This is normal blood pressure were not enough to pose a threat, but which is suffering from high blood pressure should be careful. Hypertensive patients taking cold medicine containing pseudoephedrine to be careful, and if the situation is very serious high blood pressure will completely disabled.
In addition, certain pseudo-ephedrine on central nervous system stimulant that can be counted as a stimulant, so the players before the game should be avoided.
cough and expectorants
cold medicine and cough syrup commonly used in cough medicine is dextromethorphan class. This is a central nervous system directly through the inhibition of cough medicines, are useful for all kinds of cough. Drugs acting on the central nervous system not far from the total gives the feeling from the ecstasy, but not all of dextromethorphan may be worried about addiction issues, according to the instructions correctly is safe enough to use.
while the other alternative codeine cough medicine is not as safe. Than morphine, codeine is only one more methyl group, and 10% in the human body will be transformed into morphine, the addiction can be imagined. Therefore, the codeine will not appear in the cold medicine. Would also like to remind you that, unless the need, do not ask the doctor to open his own cough medicine containing codeine,minnesota twins jerseys, even if the real need, and do not long-term use (my students once asked a patient at the hospital to see doctor He does not need the codeine format, hope this is only one case). The way a strong reminder: Federal cough syrup codeine is the main component, please try to avoid using, in particular, avoid long-term use.
and expectorants to make a liquefied sputum dilution or drugs can make it easier to cough up sputum. Expectorants commonly are guaiacol glyceryl ether, carbocisteine and so on.
use of these two drugs should be noted that,nfl wholesale jerseys, if it is the case of cough and phlegm, cough medicine alone is not suitable, it would be difficult to discharge mucus. At this time should be used in cough medicine and expectorant. In fact, the market there are many kinds of drugs is to cough and expectorants to form joint compound, and also very convenient to use.
finally said to me! Antiviral students in the corner after squatting for a long time to issue such a feeling in tears.
Indeed, if nothing else the virus infection, antiviral drugs must be the number one hero. However, in the treatment of influenza, the antiviral drugs but it is not high status.
this one of the reasons. One is a cold fact
nothing magical anti-viral effects. Can be used to antiviral treatment for influenza, \However, just a cold start usually very mild symptoms, you want to start immediately detected immediately after the onset of medication is not an easy task. So antiviral drugs will often not be of much really had.
Second,nba jerseys, nothing in fact, the need for anti-viral colds. Indeed, only anti-virus is essential for the treatment of a cold, but even so a manager can have a good eye disease, the root of the problem also becomes less necessary. Moreover, the good effects of antiviral drugs to combat the virus not only side effect is considerable, and if the application is too broad because too many viruses to develop resistance to them can also cause big trouble. So I am sorry antiviral students, a cold area in the treatment of bench players when you have to give out.
cold medicine in the commercially available antiviral drugs that can see only one - amantadine. The drug is in addition to cope with illness, influenza virus also has a role. If you want it to play the power, keep in mind \

caffeine enhanced the role of anti-inflammatory drugs, to some extent, can alleviate allergy caused by drowsiness, and therefore often add an ingredient in cold medicine.

Chinese medicines are often made of cold medicine may contain Chinese medicines. Of Chinese medicine is not done in this discussion,nfl jerseys for sale, but to emphasize that a lot of cold medicine Chinese medicine Western medicine will also add the ingredients, in this case, be careful not to re-take the medicine contain the same ingredients, or prone to overdose . There is, Chinese medicine does not mean that safety factor, how much more does not mean that eating can be, please use strict accordance with the instructions or doctor.
Combat Raiders
Finally, it said
combat against flu drug strategy in the selection bar. Since cold medicine is the main component of symptomatic drugs, drug selection and the principle of natural selection is what symptoms the drug with the corresponding elements, there is no corresponding symptoms do not need to chose the drug.
taking cold medicine, the most in need of attention problems is to prevent duplication of medications. At last I have a list of common cold medicine ingredient list, can be seen from the table, different brands of cold medicine, the ingredients a lot of overlap, or even just a different name, same ingredients. This means that if at the same time taking some cold medicine, it is likely to cause some of the ingredients dose exceeded safe limits. Once taking the drug excess, security, lost guarantee. For example, acetaminophen in large doses on the liver injury is obvious. Therefore, when using cold medicine do not usually use two or more simultaneously, even while using some drugs, also necessary to determine where there are no duplicate or the same kind of composition, so as to avoid adverse consequences.

In addition, children should try to use children when drug-specific drugs, or read the manual carefully the instructions on the use of children. In the absence of a clear understanding when the child directly to the usage and dosage of drugs adult children (not only refers to the cold medicine) is a great risk.
finally want to point out that allergy problems. The above-mentioned drugs may cause allergies, even the allergy is no exception. If the instructions in the drug discovery process is not explained, unusual symptoms, it may be caused by a drug allergy, then should be discontinued and to the hospital.
final offer common cold medicine ingredient list, I wish you all good health ~ ~
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