hat we allow our comfort level with certain kinds of risks to disproportionately influence our perception of our Overall Risk Inclination. One of the goals of this survey is to look for correlation between the first assessment of Overall Risk Inclination and risk inclination in the various specific areas that would provide evidence of such disproportionate influence.Based on countless conversations, I have sensed that many people allow their comfort level with physical risks to significantly influence their perception of their Overall Risk Inclination. But I have been wary to assert this due to the fact that most of the people who have indicated this to me are aware of my inclination to take physical risks by skydiving.Their comments often start with a statement such as
mbt footwear sale, "I could never do what you do. I'm not a risk-taker." This seems like a pretty clear reference to physical risks such as skydiving. Given time, I will explore with the person making the statement areas of their life where they are more risk inclined. Once we can disconnect their perception of their Overall Risk Inclination from their comfort with physical risks
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