Carefully Consider About your Growth Options when you Open a Dollar Store by Bob Hamilton
One of the clear messages about business growth is that you cannot allow sales to remain flat. Those who open a dollar store soon find this message was almost written for them. They discover they must grow dollar store sale levels just to keep up with their rising dollar store cost. After all, there are tight margins in the dollar discount business world, and sales growth is one of the keys to maintaining dollar store profits. One of the frequently taken strategies for growing sales is to open a second store, and then a third. Yet this form of expansion may not be the best choice for your business.
In this article I present another option for you to consider before adding another store to your dollar store business operation. That option is to grow the store you are currently operating. In fact it is almost impossible for the small business person to beat this option until you have maximized the sales and overall performance of your existing location. Until you have maximized dollar store sale levels at your existing location,
nike air presto 2000, the potential dollar store profits justify maintaining continued focus where you are at. For almost no added dollar store cost you grow sales further. If there is added space available, simply expanding your current location may be the smartest growth option once you have maximized sales completely.
Maximizing your present location rather than going ahead to open a dollar store at another location can truly be the lowest dollar store cost option available. Rather than adding all of the labor required to open, manage and operate another location you add just the headcount required to support the increase in business.
Of course this option does require a solid location that can support added sales. There must be the parking and a customer base to draw from for it to work. You will also need to make changes to the interior of your store. After all added sales will mean added inventory. Added displays and storage will be required for the new inventory. And of course it will also require some incremental staffing and support. Finally this strategy will also require added marketing and promotion to bring in more shoppers.
This strategy for growing sales comes with minimal added dollar store cost. Yet the potential dollar store profits combined with the reduced risk over adding another store and the ease of operation make this option a real winning idea for many dollar store businesses.
To your success when you open a dollar store!