Say you are a man on a date with a woman, and in the course of your conversation she reveals to you that she is a writer by profession or perhaps the published author of a particular work, comments such as
Women Nike Max 2010, 'Really? That is fantastic.' or 'That's quite remarkable'- without, of course, being over the top - would no doubt be well received. However, let's rewind the conversation a little bit. In this scenario, you happen to be one step ahead, having actually read some of her works, so you cite the areas that most interested you. The result: the compliment would then take on a whole new meaning, having a much more genuine feel. Even if you haven't encountered any of her works, but have read something similar in genre, the commendation would carry some weight.
1 - Clean out your wallet. Carry only the credit cards, papers and store cards you will need that day. Not only will that make your handbag lighter but if you were to lose your purse, you will know the contents of your purse and not have to wonder what cards you were carrying that day.
Tips on how to Lighten Up
Do you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulder?
Isn't it just amazing what we carry in there ! Sometimes I empty mine thinking for sure the kitchen sink will come out next!
If so, you may want to look in your purse.
3- Keep your cell phone or PDA In your pocket. Also as important as the weight in your bag is how you carry your handbag . Be sure to wear the strap messenger style ( which is across your body ) Also make sure to alternate shoulders. And be sure to watch your posture as slumping or poor posture adds to the strain.
At a workshop for writers I once attended, I had the opportunity of meeting the author of a bestselling work of non-fiction. Although, I must confess, I initially felt a bit star-struck, utilising the latter part of our conversation to highlight the areas of her work I found the most intriguing paved the way for what was to become, and still is, a positive professional relationship.I must say that I have on a number of occasions been the recipient of genuine compliments from the opposite ###### too
Nike Lunar Everyday, and one of my observations is that, although women don't pay compliments to men as often as men do to women, they are usually on point when they do.One memorable instance was when Roberta, a colleague of mine in an office where I once worked
Christian Audigirt Hoody, remarked, 'The fragrance you're wearing smells real nice.
With these tips you can still carry your favorite bag without having to worry about your health, your back or anymore headaches!
2 - Stash a duplicate Make up bag in your gym locker and one at the office.
So what should you do ? Limit the contents of your purse to 3 lbs or under. In no case should you carry more than 10 % of your body weight!
Carrying A Heavy purse can cause Pain in your neck, headaches and tingling in your fingers!