Several eco-fashion blogs,
Make Me a Superstar – Fashionista Fashion Industry News, Designers, Runway Shows, Style Advice, including the well-done Ecouterre, are concerned that H&M’s organic cotton collection may not be 100% organic. Indeed, H&M has admitted that some of its certified-organic clothes may contain genetically modified strands of the white stuff.
Fashion News Roundup Tonchi Talks, de Havilland on the Mends, Jimmy Choo for Sale – Fashionista Fashion Industry News, Designers, Runway Shows, Style Advice, how big of a deal is this? Well, for those admirably dedicated to wearing only 100% organic fashions, it could be crushing news. However, I urge you to look at the bigger picture.
While some of H&M’s organic collection may in fact be 100% cotton–and let me say that it’s all really cute, too; definitely my favorite range in the store–it’s certainly not sustainable.
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People Are Talking H&M’s Organic Cotton Isn’t 100% Organic–It’s Not Sustainable, Either By Lauren Sherman Tuesday, Jan 26, 2010 / 12:45 PM GMT -5
Not only does it take a LOT of fuel to fly the cotton from India where it’s grown to Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia where it’s sewn together to make dresses and skirts, but it takes even more fuel to ship it to hundreds of H&M stores worldwide.
It seems like,
Elle’s Beauty Breakfast – Fashionista Fashion Industry News, Designers, Runway Shows, Style Advice, if you’re that committed to wearing sustainable fashion, you should be buying items that are produced locally with locally-grown materials. (There are brands who are able to accomplish this.)
What about you? Is it important to you that the cotton you wear is organic and if so,
dior sunglasses, sustainable as well? Or is wearing organic cotton–regardless of how far away from you it was produced–good enough?