The expansion of Coach handbags
It is reported that Coach is focusing on expanding in China. Coach's direct-to-consumer business,
Thomas Sabo TR1826-001-12 Ring, which includes sales in China, rose 10 percent to $654 million. Sales at Chinese stores open at least a year rose at a double-digit rate, the company said. While China is a small part of Coach's sales, it represents a "significant opportunity," Frankfort said. Coach plans to open 15 new locations in China, compared with four last year, and it is adding its first Asian distribution center in Shanghai. Meanwhile in North America, the company plans to open 10 new North American stores, down from 20 in each of the past two years.
From this news, we knew that Coach is quite in popularity. Actually, except the popularity in different countries market, Coach is also popular online, especially Coach handbags and Coach wholesale. Coach handbags, one of the most popular handbags for women, display its prevalence on the internet. There are many Coach handbags suppliers and many replica Coach handbags on sale on the internet. The price is much lower than the original Coach handbags. These replica Coach handbags are sold like hot cakes, which implies that Coach handbags are very popular and prevailing and also suggests that people are tend to buy these handbags with high performance price ratio.
Because of the prevalence of replica Coach handbags, many people began to cast their eyes on this market. So wholesale replica Coach handbags are very in fashion. For the price is very low, some people bought a lot of Coach replica handbags to match their different clothes in various styles. And some people began to be their own boss to sell replica COACH handbags to earn money. Coach handbags bring a lot of benefit for both the customers and the sellers.