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Old 08-17-2011, 06:11 AM   #1
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Default 2010 christian louboutin 动车事故拷问央企垄断机制

  垄断会导致市场竞争失灵,而破除垄断的最好方法就是引入竞争。陈剑认为,最重要的一点是要改革,打破这 种垄断,创造条件让民营企业进入。虽然《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》(简称“新36 条”)已经出台一年多,但是有些行业民营企业还是很难进入。另外,要对国有企业在市场经济中的定位进行广泛 讨论形成共识。



  甬温线的监控系统由创业板上市公司世纪瑞尔提供。其2010年12月3日公布的《招股意向书》显示,2 010年1至9月,该公司的前5大客户中,就分别包括了通号集团和通号院。“2000年以来,全国新建、改 建主要干线有80%以上安装有本公司的行车安全监控系统软件产品。”世纪瑞尔表示。另外,Wind资料还显 示,在现任董事会成员中,世纪瑞尔的董事尉剑刚曾担任过铁道部通信信号总公司的软件中心工程师 。

  28日“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故国务院调查组在温州召开全体会议。上海铁 路局局长安路生表示,根据初步掌握的情况分析,这起事故主要是由于温州南站信号设备在设计上存在严重缺陷, 遭雷击发生故障后,导致本应显示为红灯的区间信号机错误升级显示为绿灯,信号设备由通号院设计,2009年 9月28日投入使用。

  “在中国,政企不分问题是一种‘痼疾’,虽讲了多年,但迄今很难说已经完全分 开,尤其在号称自然垄断行业更是如此。有的迄今还是‘政企合一’的体制,如铁路部 门。在国外,这些产业部门要么作为政府公司由政府按照公法体系来直接管理,要么政府依法对取得这些产业特许 经营权的私企业进行管制。但是在中国,这些产业部门(如今日之铁道部)的法律地位,究竟是何?政也?企也? 亦政也,air jordan alpha aj1 outdoor,亦企也,2010 christian louboutin。”著名经济学家常修泽对《经济参考报》记者表示。

  “它实际上是一个体制内的交易或者是一个相对封闭的交易圈,uggs outlet。”中国人民大学法学院副教授孟雁北对《经济参考报》记者表示,(信号系统)这种产品本身并不是一个指定性 的产品,而是一个竞争性的产品。信号系统是一个竞争性的领域和竞争性的产品,它在形式意义上有竞争,但在实 际意义上没有竞争。它形成了一个利益圈,所有的利益在一个特定的圈子里来分配,这种分配可能是由于政策性原 因、长期的历史原因或者是利益的一致性造成的。

  调查组组长、国家安全监管总局局长骆琳则强调,调查不放过任何一个环节、细节,也绝不回避广大人民和社 会舆论关心和热议的任何一个问题。要通过对各方面的认真深入调查,确保事实原因彻底调查清楚,确保调查结论 科学严谨,经得起历史检验。要切实做好调查工作,严肃认真彻底查清,依法依规给遇难家属和全社 会一个交代。

  实际上,铁道部、中国通号的情形仅仅是庞大的国有企业垄断中的一个小小的缩影。常修泽向记者提供的一份 数据显示,2006年,在中国垄断性行业固定资产投资中,铁路运输业的1966 .5亿元,有97.5%来自于国有控股,在其它包括邮政、烟草、城市公共交通、航空运输等行业,这个比例也 超过了80%。
  孟雁北认为,在这种情况下,这些本应经过充分竞争的产品虽然形式意义上没有市场进入的障碍,相对应的管 制措施相对较少,但在特定的过程中间,竞争只是在表面层次上展开,实质意义上没有完成。实际上,如果是指定 性产品的话,会有非常多的指标,而如果是竞争性产品的话,竞争者之间会相互形成制约和监督,black christian louboutin,这样能够相对保障产品的质量。(信号系统)作为竞争性产品却没有在实质意义上完成竞争,从而导致了对其的 管理和评价处于缺失的状态。

  2008年5月,通号集团与中铁电气化局集团作为联合体,与沿海铁路浙江有限公司签订了新建甬温线的工 程合同,合同价格约为5亿元。根据合同,通号集团负责“通信信号专业”。在拿下系统集成的合同之后,通号集 团开始对工程进行分拆招标,中标单位包括佳讯飞鸿、世纪瑞尔以及通号集团旗下的卡斯柯信号有限公司、通号院 等十几家公司。

  公开资料显示,通号院成立于1953年,是中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司(以下简称“中国通号)下属全 资企业。而中国通号则是由通号集团作为主发起人发起设立的,通号集团目前是国资委直接监管的大型中央企业。 诡异的是,中国通号的官方网站当天也同时挂出了该道歉信,但随后即被删除。《经济参考报》记者当日多次拨打 了通号集团新闻发言人、党委工作部部长杨万智的电话,但接听其手机及座机的工作人员均表示杨部长正在忙,稍 后会有公开对外发布的文件,burberry retard Hamas governor killed in Pakistan。截至发稿,记者仍未见到这份文件对外发布。
  28日,有关部门公布了“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故的初步调查结果,北京全 路通信信号研究设计院(以下简称“通号院”)和中国铁路通信信号集团公司(以下简称“通号集团”)顿时成为 众矢之的。然而,多位接受《经济参考报》记者采访的专家认为,这起事件背后所反映的,实际上是央企政企不分 ,对产业链形成垄断、在小范围内分配利益,进而丧失市场竞争的普遍现实。
  而据媒体报道,中国通号旗下全资子公司沈阳铁路信号有限责任公司(原沈阳铁路信号工厂)、天津铁路信号 有限责任公司(原天津铁路信号工厂)等企业原本皆属于铁道部下属企业。正是在这种情况下,铁道部、通号集团 以及一系列涉及高铁产业的公司有着千丝万缕的联系。
  国家行政学院教授张孝德则对《经济参考报》记者表示,央企无限制没有边际的扩张导致市场竞争的失效。比 如,铁路部门在采购设备的时候使用企业内部、同行内部的设备,这不利于市场化、相互监督机制的形成。如果一 个垄断企业的所有产品都是内部采购,这种模式不能保证所采购产品是市场上最好的产品,采购前后对产品质量的 监控、监督是否按严格的程序进行,new balance 769,都会受到质疑。当垄断遏制了竞争的时候就会导致产品的选用和市场监督下降。
  28日,通号院对外公布《致“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故死伤者及家属的道歉 信》。当日下午,通号院召开了新闻发布会,该公司党委宣传部部长田振辉在会上反复提及,作为参与建设单位之 一对此事表示哀悼,并称都是技术问题,一切要等国务院事故调查结果。当记者问及是否有公开招标时,田振辉说 “不太了解,会按国家程序走”,当被问及监督是否到位,田振辉说“监督部门应该履职”,甲流病毒在埃及再次抬头 上千人感染56人死亡
  公开资料显示,通号集团原隶属铁道部,2000年该集团与铁道部脱钩,划拨为国资委管辖。由于其与铁道 部的历史渊源颇深,再加上身为央企,salvatore ferragamo shoes men 美宇航局发宇宙奇景,伴随着中国高铁的迅猛发展,通号集团的业务也急剧扩张。其网站公布的资料显示,通号集团先后完成了武广高 速、京津城际等多个重点工程的通信信号系统集成工程,目前正在参加京沪、哈大等高铁建设。
  “应用型的产品都应该交给市场,不应该被央企垄断起来。现在需要对央企现有的经营产品链条进行重新思考 ,央企是不是在经营这个产品的产业链中形成垄断,这个产业链中是不是有些行业应该放给市场,让民营企业让市 场竞争企业介入,而不是单独的一家来垄断。”张孝德说。记者吴黎华 实习记者张彬周煌
  “垄断最大的危害就是会让竞争机制失效。”孟雁北表示,市场机制要起到资源配置的作用,会极大地激发创 造性,推动社会生产力发展,从法律层面来看,垄断就是消除和限制竞争的行为,一旦垄断的话,竞争就会被限制 和消除,市场配置资源的功能就会失效,整个社会的效率就会大打折扣。中国经济体制改革研究会副会长陈剑则对 《经济参考报》表示,垄断导致效率低下,导致资源浪费,导致资源闲置,导致两极分化,并易滋生 腐败。
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Old 08-17-2011, 06:16 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 282447491 at 09:14 on November 19, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: around around

have to remember that 20 species of PS technology! The United States will not do your photos!

have to remember that 20 species of PS technology! The United States will not do your photos!
a simple digital photo retouching
1 open late pictures, like the implementation of color / saturation (-40) to reduce saturation.
2 new layer, the layer mode to soft light, with the brush tool will need to polish the part of the painting several times, where you can easily extract the color palette used
3 pictures soft color transition is not enough, then about the implementation of the following Gaussian blur filter (+85)

simple with photos came to light less than
1 Open the image, copy the background layer, change the background color filter layer pattern of the background
2 Levels adjustment layer

30 秒 get Plmm artistic photos
1 Open the picture, copy the background layer twice
2 for reproducing the background layer a Gaussian Blur (radius of 4 to 6), Copy the background layer to the second mode of light
3 new layer, add filling pattern (a semi pre-defined gray well and half white horizontal stripe pattern), set the blending mode to Multiply

image displacement effect
1 Open the picture, a new layer, select the View - the ruler, select the move tool, respectively, from the top and bottom drag out the two blue markings (9 cell)
2 Using the rectangle selection tool, fill the box (dark gray 1,9, 5,7 black, 3 light gray) to psd format, and then close the file
3 to Filter - distort - the replacement, select the save psd File
Notes (black (color value = 255) is the largest positive displacement, that is the corresponding image pixel to the right and down; gray (color value = 128) did not produce displacement)

photo shading effect
1 Open the image, Select - Select All, then Edit - Copy, build a new channel, Edit - Paste to paste the copied images into the new channel]
2 implementation of the image - adjustment - Anti-like, back to RGB channel, edit - remove, delete the original image
3 to Select - Load Selection, call the new channel, Executive Editor - fill (the color)

1 Open the picture , a new layer, set foreground / background color (black / white), to Filter - Render - Clouds, will add a layer mask layer
2 Repeat the filter - render - clouds, image - Adjustment - Brightness / Contrast (80,0, a mode to color filter layer)

character illustrator effects
1 Open the image, copy the background layer, the implementation of the image - adjustment - Channel Mixer (Gray , +30, +60, +10, monochrome), the implementation of the filter - stylize - find edges, remove the noise
2 Levels of mixed mode to %
3 background layer add a Levels adjustment layer, adjust the output levels (0, +155) the implementation of form, color image Marxist
4 - adjustment - optional color, fine-tuning of color (red, 0, +100, +100, -75; yellow, 0, -40, +100, -40)

old photos using the color overlay to add light and color effects
1 Open the image, copy the background layer Executive Image - adjust - to color, adjust brightness / contrast (-42, +18)
2 Add need to color (red), and then merge visible layers
3 add filters - lens flare (brightness +100)
4 Duplicate the background layer, added again, color background.
3 will blend mode to layer, and to add a mask
6 Select One of the original layer (Ctrl + J).
2. on the replication layer uses Gaussian blur filter (+4.0).
3. do color adjustments (+50,0, -64)
4 . with a blurred edge eraser erase clear need for some.
5. the proper use layer blending modes.

create hazy in bright (landscape, ecological type)
1 Open the picture Duplicate the layer.
2 copies of the layer blending mode to U) (0, +12,0).
5 add some sharpening, reducing transparency.

a photo to add a glass effect
1 selected area, press Ctrl + J
2 on the shear layer Gaussian blur (+3.1 pixels).
3 to adjust color balance (-39, +29, +16).
4 new layer. Choose the thickness of the glass area add a custom gradient filling (black and white gray, the order is dark, glossy, dark, high light), press Ctrl + T on the constituency to adjust the thickness of the glass.
5 filter - distort - Glass , select your favorite pattern (distortion, smoothness of 1, zoom 50%).

burning paper effect of the old photos - PS handling $
1 pure open a picture, the implementation of the image - adjustments - Hue / Saturation (+1, -58, +1).
2 image - adjustment - change (mid-tones, deeper yellow, deeper red highlights).
3 Duplicate the background layer, the implementation of filter Mirror - texture - particles (9,56, vertical).
4 new layer, to Filter - Render - Clouds.
5 and run the image - adjust - brightness / contrast (+27, +100 ).
6 with the Magic Wand, select one layer of black constituency.
7 off layer of a preview, click Copy the background layer, the foreground color to dark brown.
8 Select - Modify - Expand (5 pixels), select - Feather (5 pixels)
9 Edit - Fill (foreground), the selected layer one, with the magic wand select the black constituency
10 off the background layer and A preview of the layer, copy the background layer selected, Executive Editor - Clear.
11 images - the canvas size, height / width of one centimeter was increased, positioning (in).
12 opened the background layer Preview , select the background layer and fill the foreground color (light brown).
13 Duplicate the background layer selected, do Layer - Layer Style - projection. (positive end laminations, 45% opacity, angle 45, from 7 expand 2%, size 10).
14 merge all layers.

mottled effect of the other arts frame a new system of law
1 file by D key fill the background is white
2 Then, filters --- --- clouds rendering.
3 CTRL + M to adjust under the curve (high contrast black and white).
4 After completion of the effect of further next filter - distort - Glass (Distortion 7, 3, smoothness, texture - canvas, zoom 50%).
6 Create a new layer, the background is black, the other a new layer, add sufficient white rectangle.
7 layers in the implementation of the rectangle where the filter - distort - replacement, select the default option. Then find the newly saved PSD file can be replaced.

PS rendering the atmosphere of your photos (landscape)
1 Image - Adjust - Levels (RGB +29,1.0, +234). Form the implementation of Marxism
2 Color Hue / Saturation command (full size -14, +41, -1).
3 continue to Hue / Saturation (red, hue values decrease, increase saturation).
4 continue the hue / saturation (yellow, -22, +45, -1)
5 continue to Hue / Saturation (green, +15,0,0).
6 adjust the brightness / contrast (brightness reduce / increase contrast). Xingse doctrine (
simple sketch effect
1 easy open picture, do to the color, adjust brightness / contrast (brightness decrease / increase contrast).
2 Duplicate the background layer (Ctrl + J), select the background layer, the implementation of the filter - the style - find the edge, then the UXXXXX sharpening, then
layer mode to Overlay.
3 new layer, fill White, Add Noise, then the motion blur, the layer mode to Multiply.
4 rubber tools (opacity to 15%), wipe some of the high light.

stroke sketch effect of drawing
1 Open an image, copy the background layer, select Layer 1 copy to Filter - Blur - Gaussian blur (2.0 pixel)
2 Duplicate the background layer again, select copy the map Layer 2, the implementation of the filter - sketch - watercolor pen (20,60,80), the layer blending mode to darken.
3 Duplicate the background layer again, select Duplicate Layer 3, the foreground color set red, to Filter - Sketch - Sticky Notes (25,7,10), opacity is set to 30%.
4 Duplicate the background layer again, select Duplicate Layer 4, the foreground color set to black, foreground / background color set to black / white, and the implementation of the filter - sketch - copy (1,50), the Executive Levels adjustment (RGB, 157, .0,159), filled with the value of 30%.

simple way to do special photos
1 Open an image.
2 selected the blue channel in the channel, and then in the blue channel to Filter - Stylize - overexposed, you can point back to the RGB channel.

Matrix effects
1. Create a size of 500X300, RGB mode, the white background paper.
2. with a text input tool for channeling 01 randomly enter a code, press CTRL + T to its vertical Come put spin and pull into a multi-copy number ranging from small, casual place a few. Another method is to use filters, you can achieve very good results. is the menu - Filter - Texture - particles, the intensity and contrast are adjusted to 100, particle type selection vertically on it.
3. to those 01 code all the text layer and merge the background layer, and the foreground color R: 100, G: 255, B : 0 around the green, the background color set to black.
4 Select Menu - Filter - neon light effect, luminous size set to 10, brightness to 15.
5. Select Menu - Filter - Stylize - illuminate the edge, the edge width is set to 1, the brightness set to 20, about the smoothness set to 1.
6. Select the menu - Image - adjust - brightness / contrast, the brightness to -10, the contrast transfer to 60 or so

Ps film, it would be weird and interesting color comparison. If used in the MM portrait photograph, will make even filled with a decadent decadent avant-garde colors.
1 Open the image, and let the right shows .
2-channel control panel option in the blue channel, into the confirmed.
3-channel control panel option in the green channel into the confirmed.
4-channel control panel in the red channel selection into the into the 6-channel control panel in the green channel selection into the , 220, confirm.
7 election in the red channel access control panel, go to +20 to confirm.
9 control panel in the channel all the RGB channel selected, go to +15, confirm
this post from the Zhongguancun online digital photography forum: < a href = ' href = ' target = ' _blank ' & gt ;
This tutorial introduces the method of the pink color photo location. general color process: first with the color tool to bring up the base color generally, and then gradually strengthen the need to highlight the part, if that can be appropriate to increase the single tone some of the complementary color.
1, open the original material, the color adjustment layer to create an optional parameter settings:
Red: 23 -22 38 -41
yellow: 0 0 -26 0
2, create a new layer, fill color: # 450D7D, layer blending mode to Layer Blend Mode to > Gaussian blur, a value of 5, determined to blend mode to black background and the characters skin brush to wipe out some
6, copy the layer of the current layer, layer opacity to: 30%.
7, create a curves adjustment layer, slightly a little brighter.
8,womens timberland boots, create a new layer, back layer. appropriate to the character under the skin mill, select the Dodge tool to figure painted face some of the high-light a little brighter.
9, create a curves adjustment layer, on the blue adjustment (upper left half-cell, lower right half-cell) to determine and then create the brightness / contrast adjustment layer (0 6)
10, create a new layer fill color: # 021D60, layer blending mode to layer opacity to: 10%
11, press Ctrl + Alt + ~ tune out the high-light some of the constituencies,timberland uk, create a new layer filled with white, the layer opacity to: 5%.
12, with Pen triggered lips part, due eclosion about to create color balance adjustment layer, slightly a little brighter
13, to create the brightness / contrast adjustment layer (0 3)
14, create a curves adjustment layer (blue Right second half of the grid).
15, create a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer (0 -5 0)
16, create a new layer, sealed layer. layer blending mode to layer opacity to: 30%, with a layer mask to retain only the top of the other parts of the wipe in black pen.
final adjustment of the overall color, completion of the final results.

1. Open the image, dragged into the sky material, the opacity set to 20%, and the solution map with the mask (this step can be omitted, but the big blank sky must add Oh)

2. a new layer seal, execute channel mixing control operation, the blue channel value is set to 0,0,85

3. the implementation of the Hue / Saturation operation, the saturation values down to -15

4. renderings found more gray, do the brightness / contrast operating
Brightness: -8 Contrast: 5

5. a new layer filled with white, the layer mode to Overlay and Opacity set to 30 %

6. copy the white layer and the layer mode to Soft Light and Opacity to 20%

7. create a new layer, set foreground color to white, with gradient from the foreground to transparent gradient sky stayed to figure

8. create a new layer, back layer, the implementation of image manipulation applications, the data set as follows
channels: red color mixing: Hard Mix Opacity: 8%

9. increase the effect of map layers, perform another Levels adjustment
Input Levels: 29 1.32 255
10. on the text, completed.

This tutorial describes common production method for color fading pictures. process is very simple, create a new layer or another color gradient, and then adjust the layer blending modes and layer opacity to. But in order to cope with this effect, but also need to add some decorative elements, such as stars and some fantastic decorating brushes. some people need a simple whitening and dermabrasion.
topaz filter and some brush commonly used on both the www.68ps.com download, you can also search for Baidu .
1,mens timberland boots, to form good habits. Copy a layer (ctrl + J), then copy the filter layers after the treatment, the paper applied to the Topaz filter, set the following parameters: sharp: 2.10 : 1, brittle edges: 2.23, noise density: 1.57.
2, use rubber, and then add a mask to the layer of mask treatment: the use of filters does not need a simple place with a rubber clean look, to achieve the effect you want. Here I am only small changes with the Department, to avoid too many filters to the face after the results.
3, add a color balance adjustment layer (-30, 26, 37)
4, add a rainbow gradient, transparency 75%, mode is set to: Soft Light (The Rainbow gradient what is it? is one of seven colors of the gradient, the gradient inside the system to one, if Color can also be satisfied with their new one, if not new then please leave a message.)
5, the last is dotted, you can use your favorite brush lightly brush a few times, the key is to have fantastic feeling, which need to blur, the new one good brush pen Gaussian blur on this layer like a

1, open the original material, a layer of the background copy layer, appropriate to the character dermabrasion ( Microdermabrasion thousands and thousands of ways to not elaborate, there are many online image processing software supporting, NIKON comes with that on the good,timberland outlet, novice proposal Mito Xiu Xiu, lighting and the like, can quickly deal with the skin, and then enter PHOTOSHOP regional treatment.)
2, create a curves adjustment layer, adjustment of the red and blue (red micro-light, lighter shades of blue, simply means that the red curve on the side, blue or lower)
3, according to Ctrl + Alt + ~ tune out the high-light selection, press Ctrl + Shift + I invert the selection, then create a curve adjustment layer, adjustment of blue (Input: 231 Output 249 this value will want you to move out under the curve , also do not understand the words say this is the left point through the first half of cell, the lower half of the right end of grid)
4, create a new layer with white to transparent gradient out of a radial gradient, and then fill the layer to: 31%.
5, create a new layer, or with white gradient, the location is in the upper right corner of the screen to light that does not figure the direction of the layer fill to: 78%.
6 to create an optional color adjustment layer, choose black, values are: Yellow: -5 / White: -6 / Yellow: +7
7, create a color balance adjustment layer, select the high-light, value: yellow: -5 Red: +5, determined to complete the final results.

1, first open the original, and some defects on the skin to repair, to make a gradient map mediation layer, the color settings as shown in Figure, the color system comes , the principle has been in the previous tutorial said, will not repeat it here, mixed color transparency 27%, followed by color and color balance to do the mediation layer, middle tone, 0 / +4 / -20 /, do not maintain the brightness, so well after the 2-step pattern on the right to get results

2, complete the two steps above, you can choose to merge or not merge layers, I was doing when Lennon tutorial to facilitate the capture layer All combined, we continue, a new blank layer, the default foreground color, set the Gradient tool as shown in the drawing a blank layer gradient, mixed-mode darken, depending on your graded the severity of the opacity, depending on the purpose of this step is the pressure hidden corners, then make adjustments Levels: 5/1.13/248, made a slight increase contrast for an end to temporarily step photo quality

3, merge, copy the background, color balance adjustment, not to maintain brightness, Middle notes: -19 / +16 / 0, as we continue to change the hair to retain details of the Blend Mode to Color, Curves shown in Figure (186.200/67.56) to change the opacity of 60% of the background of most students a copy of currency, proper sharpening,timberland boots, change the canvas size of the layout, effect on the well in this case, this morning, said gradient map tool is mainly the use of value only for the purposes of this tutorial material

1, open the original material, press Ctrl + J to Copy a layer of background layer, press Ctrl + M to adjust the curve, select 58%. add layer mask angle with soft black brush to erase some of the part is too bright. the purpose of this step operation is to lighten some of the layer.

3, create a new layer, Fill color: # 0d0537, layer blending mode to br> 5, select the menu: Layer New Adjustment Layer > > optional color parameter settings are as follows (note that methods are selected > Yellow: -68 5 31 -100
Green: 100 -100 5 100
Magenta: 6 0 1 100
White: 100 -18 20 0
neutral colors: 268-611
6, and then select the menu: Layer New Adjustment Layer > > optional color parameter settings are as follows (remember must be relative):
Yellow: 25 13 -37 23
Green: -100 0 -100 100
7, select the menu: Layer New Adjustment Layer > > color balance, set parameters as follows:
Midtones: -11 1 18
check the point with a large eraser to wipe out the middle (do corner vignetting effect)
10, willing to add text to add text, merge all layers, filters - sharpen-usm sharpening, the default value. completed, can not not like sharpening sharpening. very simple tutorial PS color, mainly using PS

1, open the original image, select - image mode - lab color
2 , into the channel in lab mode, select a channel (what is selected a channel, many beginners do not understand this problem, an error led to the selection of the layer, the so-called select a channel that you want to use the mouse left-click the channel layer, so that That channel has become the working channel), then press and hold the left mouse button click on a channel ctrl marquee
3, select reverse (Ctrl + shift + I), and copy (Ctrl + C), select the b channel, press ctrl left mouse button click b live marquee channel and then paste (Ctrl + V) the image mode back to RGB color
4, image - apply image - channel (blue) - Mixed (brighter)
5, image - adjustment - Photo Filter - Dark Yellow - concentration - 15 - reserved brightness, color complete.

one. open the picture,timberland boots uk, copy the background layer.
about to adjustment to the curve of brightness (his master), hue / saturation (+12, specific own hands, because no picture is identical to the effect of bright can a)

II. the image mode to Lab mode (not flattened), the image - apply image (a channel, soft, 60%), then the image mode back to RGB

III. Finally, a little adjustment Click image parameters like color, make color more harmonious! (If you have already satisfied, you can not transfer), the merger is completed!
1, open the original material, creating an optional color adjustment layer, set the following parameters :
Red: -2 -11 28 0
yellow: 0 -10 9 0
Green: 91 -18 -100 29
White: -19 -22 4 0
2, then Create an optional color adjustment layer, set the following parameters:
Green: 100 35 -30 0
Yellow: -7 0 49 0
3, create a curve adjustment layer, which provides bright. (to curve slightly upward bending can be, otherwise it will result in overexposure)
4, create a new layer, fill color: # 5729CE, layer blending mode to , press Ctrl + Alt + ~ tune out the high-light selection, create a new layer filled with white
6, create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E back layer, do: fuzzy filter > > Gaussian blur, a value of 5, determined to blend mode to Adjustment (Input: 230 Output: 255)
8, 8, create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E back layer. Implementation: Fuzzy > > Gaussian blur filter a value of 5, determined to blend mode to a little deeper parts, and then click the appropriate sharpening to complete.

1, open your material
2, copy the background layer 2, layer one to color (ctrl + shift + u)
3, the model of the second color filter layer reduce the transparency 60
4, in the second layer above plus a new color balance, color scale value is 0210, and the second layer grouping (ctrl + G)
5, add a solid color, value R: 67 G: 44 B: 0, mode reduces light transparency 50
6, complete, simple, right?
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