Students all have their own style of learning and their note making will reflect this. However
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The four main categories of academic skill are reading listening, writing and speaking. Usually the first two of these are thought to be passive, ‘absorbing’ activities whilst the second two are more active, and ‘giving out’ activities. In fact they all demand activity, though different sorts of activity.
Some students will find it easier to take notes from a book or computer generated text. The words remain fixed and do not wander out of the window. One can go back and pore over them. Despite this, the essential thing is to detect the main points that a writer wishes to make and distinguish them from illustration and examples.
Some people prefer to doodle while listening. They may draw shapes and figures that help them to understand and remember the particular emphases and balance of the talk. Others might find time only to get down the main points in bullet form under headings and sub-heads. The best individual style is one that best suits the purpose of the learner which is to record the gist of what was said.
Some people prefer the term ‘making notes’ to ‘taking notes’. The latter term implies a more active approach. It suggests that good notes will involve input from the student
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Observations at the lecture should distinguish between important messages and the illustrations that are used to support those main arguments. The important thing is not to mix up what is important with what is trivial or irrelevant.
Note taking is usually done because one wishes to remember particular points at a later date. If note taking has been properly done then the record will quickly re-awaken memories of the whole experience of the lecture, book or program that became part of the student’s learning experience.
Learn more about the skill of note taking at High School and College now in our complete review of all you need to know about the best study skills .
In the final stages of school education note taking becomes more important than it was before. New skills must be developed at this stage. If the success of early years is to be kept up then this skill must be kept up.
As one moves up the educational ladder new skills are built on others that have already been acquired. If a student has developed the four categories of skill already mentioned he will be in a good position to advance further. Making notes involves all four.
High order academic skills are required when taking notes. A student must multi-task under the pressure as words are delivered and float out the window. If the learner’s thoughts do not follow the words into space he will capture the essence of their meaning in permanent words of his own.