include “copy the content to clipboard” option,
Laptops, Notebooks and Netbooks - USA,
Office 2007 Ultimate Key
suppose you want to copy the whole text of the notepad document and paste it in ms word document. so you will have to open the notepad file and then select all the text and then copy. but all the jobs can be done by just right clicking on the notepad file and and selecting the “copy to clip” item.
navigate to hkey_classes_root\txtfile\shell in the registry editor.
create a new key under shell and name it “copy to clip”,
Office Professional 2007, following the same procedure as the previous case. in the right pane modify the value of “default” and you can give any thing meaningful that will appear in the right click menu,
Cheap Windows 7 Home Premium, say “copy the contents to clipboard”.
again create another new key under “copy to clip” and name it “command“. right click on “default”,
Office 2010 Standard Key, click on “modify” and put the following code in “value data” field
cmd /c clip < “%1”