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Old 05-24-2011, 05:57 AM   #1
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Default 本《尺度》是任务教导阶段生物教养的基础根据

    生物课程的基本义务是提高学生的科学素养,特别是一个普通国民终身发展所需的生物科学素养。为此提 出如下教学建议。
    生物课程目标涵盖的生物学知识、能力以及情绪态度与价值观等方面的根本要求,是要通过每节课或每项 活动来逐渐完成的。因而,在制订每节课(或活动)的教学目标时,要充分斟酌课程目标的体现和贯彻。考虑到学 生毕生发展的需要,特殊要留神能力和感情态度与价值观方面的要求。例如,在知识经济时期,获取新知识的能力 尤为重要。
    生物教学不仅是教师讲授和演示的过程,也是师生来往、共同发展的互动过程。教师必需向学生提供更多 的机会让学生亲身参与和实践。这种有目标、有步骤的学生自主学习活动主要包括对生物及其相关事物进行观察、 描述、提出问题、从各种信息渠道查找信息、提出假设、验证假设、思维判定、做出解释,并能与他人协作和交流 等。教师在引导和组织学生进行探究性学习时应注意:
    1.须要为探究性学习创设情境。例如提供相关的图文信息材料、数据,或浮现生物的标本、模型、生活 环境,或从学生的生活教训、阅历中提出探究性的问题,或从社会关注的与生物学有关的热门问题切 入等等。
    2.应该鼓励学生本人察看、思考、发问,并在提出假设的基础长进行探究活动方案的设计 和实行。
    3.注意课内外活动相结合。教师应攻破课堂内外的束缚,有规划地支配好需要较长时光才干完成的活动 ,包括必要的调查、拜访、参观等,充分利用多种教学资源,保证活动时间的落实。
    4.器重探究性学习报告的撰写和交流。先生应造就学生通过文字描写、数字表格、示用意、曲线图等方 式实现呈文,并组织交换探究的进程和成果。
    5.探究性学习不是全体的教学活动。教师应结合具体的教学内容,采用多种不同的教学策略和方式,到 达课程目标。
    实验教学既是一类探究活动,也是生物教学的基本形式之一。《标准》的内容标准部分列举的一些活动建 议中,相称部分就是实验。
    1.学校应逐步完美生物实验室的建设、仪器设备和器具的配置,保障实验教学经费的投入。生物教师也 应创造条件,就地取材、因陋就简地开设好生物实验。
    2.实验设计应当多样化。例如,可以采用比拟标准的实验仪器装备设计实验,也能够设计低本钱试验; 可以采取生物资料设计实验,也可以设计模仿性实验;有条件的学校还可以恰当引入多媒体技巧进行虚构实验。应 激励学生参加设计实验。
    3.在重视定性实验的同时,也应重视定量实验,让学生在量的变化中懂得事物的实质。教师应向学生提 供机遇学习量的测定,捕风捉影地记载、整顿和分析实验数据、定量表述实验结果等。
    4.要注意实验平安教育。安全使用实验器具(如解剖器具、玻璃器皿、酒精灯等)和实验药品(酒精、 酸、碱等)是生物学实验的基本技能,教师应强化保险教育,加强学生自我维护意识。
    《标准》多层面、多角度地强调了科学、技术和社会的彼此关联教育的重要性。例如,内容标准凸起了人 和生物圈的关系、学会健康地生活、运用生物科学和技术解决农业、医药、环境等实际问题,也提出开展联系科学 、技术和社会的很多详细活动提议等。在教学中教师应该注意以下多少方面:
    1.了解科学、技术和社会的相互关系,关注和参与与生物科学技术有关的社会问题的探讨和决议,是生 物科学素养的重要组成部分,也是培养学生对自然和社会义务感的重要道路。教师应该重视浸透科学、技术和社会 相互关系的教育,通过详细事例辅助学生认识生物科学与社会发展的严密联系。
    2.科学、技术和社会的相互关系的问题涵盖面很广,包括寰球性的、国度的、地区的科学技术与社会生 活、生产、发展相关的问题。特别要引导学生关注我国和学校所在地区的相关问题,培养他们爱祖国和爱故乡的情 感。处所课程和学校课程的教学更应关注上述问题。
    3.生物科学、技术和社会关系亲密,内容丰硕。教师应引诱学生通过图书、报刊、音像和网络等了解更 多的信息,开展调查研究,理解生物科学技术对社会发展的促进作用,同时也了解科学技术可能带来 的负面影响。
    义务教育阶段生物教学评价的依据是本《标准》,评价内容包括知识、能力和情感态度与价 值观等方面。
    生物教学评价应有利于实施素质教育,有利于学生的自动发展。教师应注意终结性评价和造成性评价相结 合,定量评价和定性评价相结合。同时,还应重视学生自评和互评,supra sneaker。教师应充散发挥教学评价在教学中的正面导向作用,积极领导学生真正转变学习方式,提高终身学 习能力。
    教学评价是指根据教学目标,体系地收集学生学习情况的信息,对教学过程中的学习活动以及成果给予评 价。通过教学评价,教师可以取得有关学生学习生物课程情况的反馈,精益求精教学;学生可以了解自己的学习情 况,增进自己更好地发展。
    培养学生的探究能力是责任教育阶段生物课程的重要目标之一。在教学过程中,教师应关注学生在探究活 动中逐步形成观察、演绎和发明问题的能力,逐步形成设计实验、调查研究、着手实验的能力,逐步形成收集和分 析数据、抒发和交流的能力等。教师应结合探究活动的全过程评价学生的探究能力。例如,"探究种子萌发条件" 的活动中,应该对学生表现出来的探究能力进行评价。
    让学生在日常生活和视察的基础上提出种子萌发可能需要的环境条件,例如水、空气、温度、阳光、肥料 、土壤等。
    学生的情感态度与价值观是学生心理发展的基本内容,在生物教学过程中,教师应密切关注学生情感态度 与价值观方面的提高以及良好行为习惯的养成。例如,"认识掩护生物圈的意义"的学习活动中,不仅应该评价学 生相关的知识和技能,同时也应答学生在活动中表现出来的酷爱家乡和祖国的情感、保护环境的意识、哗众取宠和 敢于摸索的科学精力等方面进行评价。
      (1)利用一般的纸板、凡士林等制造"空气尘埃测定板",探究什么地点尘埃传染重 大。
    (2)利用普通花盆、沙子、泥土及生活垃圾,设计实验探究哪些垃圾可能被做作降解,哪些垃圾不能被 天然降解。
    (3)学生在家长的赞助下收集和称量天天垃圾的质量,计算每人每周发生的生活垃圾量。估算一个城市 或一个乡镇每周生活垃圾的总量。
    (4)让学生设计问卷,考察每个家庭对生涯垃圾中可再生应用的垃圾的处置方法,写出调 查讲演。
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    采用"档案夹"的目的是对学生学习生物的全过程进行综合评价,以激发学生进一步学习生物的兴趣。" 档案夹"封面贴上学生的姓名、所在班级等情况。伴随学生的学习过程,逐步收集学生学习过程中的测试卷、探究 活动的报告或小论文、小制作或小标本、查阅的文献资料、收集的生物图片和照片、剪报、获奖证书 等。
    分阶段展览学生的"档案夹",老师和学生依据各项结果的评语跟评分,联合发展变更的情形,独特对每 个学生进行综合评价。
    1.学校教学设备是课程资源的重要组成部分,也是完成《标准》划定的生物课堂教学、实验教学以及科 技活动等教学活动的必要物资条件。
    生物科学是实验科学。固此,应高度看重学校生物学实验室建设,积极营造良好的实验、实践环境,同时 也应勉励学生和教师充分利用身边便宜的器具和材料,设计富有发明性的实验和实践活动。
    我国版图广阔,不同地域的不同窗校在范围、环境、师资、资金以及体系方面都存在必定的差别,然而, 学校应依照《标准》的请求,及时装备显微镜、解剖镜、解剖用具等常用仪器设备,购置必要的药品和低值易耗品 ,满意实验、实际教学活动的需要。教师也应就地取材,踊跃施展现有设备的作用,进步生物教学品 质。
    2.学校藏书楼是课程资源的重要组成局部,对扩展学生的常识面,培育学生收集信息的才能等方面存在 主要作用。
    20世纪以来生物科学技术发展迅猛,仅靠有限的课堂教学难以知足学生对生物科学技术进展知识的渴求 。生物科普期刊和书籍是学生扩大知识面的重要源泉。学校应调整图书构造,并通过调整和延伸服务时间、改变服 务方式、便利学生借阅等办法提高使用效益,切实为提高学生科学素养服务。
    3.普遍利用社区课程资源,包括社区图书馆、博物馆、展览馆、动植物标本馆、动物园、植物园、少年 宫、科技馆、高级学校、科研机构、良种站、养殖场等以及四周的自然环境。
    博物馆经常摆设、保藏自然标本,是科学技术、文明的传布机构和科学研究的场合。各地自然博物馆的馆 藏标本中就有大批的动物、植物、古生物与古人类的标本。这些标本在揭示天然发展、生物进化和生物多样性方面 拥有重要作用。
    动植物标本馆则是生物标本陈列、保藏的专门场所。多数动植物标本馆建立在高等院校以及部分中等学校 ,prada online。各地科技馆、少年宫也常常建有专项标本馆,如蝴蝶馆、昆虫馆等。
    动物园、植物园以及普通的公园,其中收集、豢养、种植、引种了大量的动植物。各地大陆公园、龟鳖馆 、水族馆和乡村的养殖场、良种场、实验田等,都是生物课程的社区资源。
    自然保护区可能完整地保留自然界的原来面目,堪称生物物种的自然"资料库"和"基因库",是生物课 程资源的重要组成部分。辽阔的自然界更是生物教学的天"实验室",依靠自然界可以开展许多探究 活动。
    社区中的人力资源(和性命科学相关的科学研讨职员、实验技术人员、出产实践人员等)也是生物课程资 源,对学生开展探究活动具备领导意思。
    可供利用的课程资源还有学生家庭。教师在教学过程中可以让学生充分利用家庭中的器具、材料、图书资 料等开展相应的活动。
    4.学生的生活经验是无形的课程资源。学生有丰富的生活经验,例如,一些学生参观过动物园、植物园 ;一些学生领略过自然保护区、国家森林公园的景色;一些学生有过饲养家禽牲畜或种植过稻、麦、果树、花卉的 经历;一些学生感触过沾染病的苦楚;一些学生体验过野外观察动物行为的甘苦等。教师在教学过程中应该充分利 用这些无形资源,通过相互交流,激发学习兴致,提高教学质量。
    5.充分重视信息化课程资源的利用,包括各种生物教学软件、网络上的生物科学教育资源 等。
    盘算机多媒体以其极强的交互性和模拟功效显示出它在生物教学中的重要作用。生物教师应该在教学中充 分利用各种教学软件,包括教师自制的教学软件,提高教学效力。
    随同网络的发展,互联网传递着越来越多的生物教育信息,如动植物的图片、课件、动动物的趣闻、最新 生物迷信进展等。这些信息也应在生物教学中得到充足利用。
    教材既是教师发展教学活动的基础素材,又是学生学习的重要材料。任务教导阶段生物教材的编写应该以 本《标准》为根据,全面贯彻落实《尺度》提倡的课程理念和课程目的,使教材有利于改变学生的学习方式,有利 于教师进行教养改造。
    1.教材内容的选择应当体现本《标准》内容标准的设计思路。本《标准》的内容标准不寻求学科的系统 性和完全性,而是从学生的发展和社会的需要动身,结合生物学科的特点,突出了人与生物圈,意在引导学生准确 认识和处理人与生物圈的关系,学会健康地生活。教材在教学内容的选择上,同样应当体现内容标准的这些思路, 并且应当进一步落实,christian louboutin shoe
    2.教材内容的抉择应当合乎学生的知识基础、心理特点和认识法则。学生已经学习了不少生物学知识, 从各种媒体上还接触到一些生物科学及其新进展的信息,日常生活中也积聚了不少与生物学有关的经验,但是,他 们控制的生物学知识是比较浅易的,生活经验也是有限的。从思维特色来看,学生的抽象思维开端占上风,但依然 是着重于经验型的。因此,教材内容的取舍既要充分考虑学生已有的知识和经验,注意与有关课程的连接,又要难 易适度,防止给学生造成过重的学习累赘。
    3.教材内容的选择要反映社会、经济和科技发展的需要,体现"科学、技术和社会"的思维。生物科学 的迅猛发展对社会和经济的发展日益浮现宏大的推进作用,也影响到社会和个人生活的各个方面;当代社会发展的 许多重大问题的解决又都依附于生物科学技术的进一步发展。教材编写应当融生物科学、技术和社会于一体,充分 体现科学、技术和社会的互动,反应生物科学的发展及其对社会发展和个人生活的影响,注意先容我国生物科学技 术的成绩和发展。
    4.应当将学生活动作为教材内容的重要组成部门。学生在情感态度与价值观、知识、能力等方面的全面 发展,应当通过他们积极参与活动来实现。教材应部署丰盛多彩的学习活动。
    对于某一具体的教学内容,可以支配的活动是多种多样的,如观察、实验、调查、讨论等,《标准》对此 未做同一的规定,只是就部分内容提出了一些活动建议,供教材编写者参考。教材编写者应在这些活动建议的启示 下,编写出更有特点、对学生的发展更有价值,同时更加简便易行的活动方案。
    5.教材选取的内容应当具有一定的弹性和机动性,以适应不同地区、不同学校办学条件的差异和学生个 性化、多样化发展的需要。在按照内容标准编写必学内容的基础上,可以适当安排一些选学内容或选做的活动,以 拓宽学生的知识面,发展学生的喜好和专长,培养学生的翻新精神和探究能力。例如,在教材中编入一些小资料、 课外浏览材料,设计一些选做实验和进一步探究的活动等。
    1.教材内容的组织应当实现学科内在逻辑与学生认识逻辑的统一。学科逻辑与学生的认识逻辑是不尽一 致的。例如,形态结构是生理功能的基础,这是学科的内在逻辑,假如按照先结构后生理的顺序组织教学内容,学 生诚然可以接收,但是,不一定能够引起学生的学习兴趣。从生理功能出发,提出有关形态结构的问题,再引导学 生探究状态结构与生理功能的关系,学生的兴趣就会增添。还应当指出,内容标准的框架不即是教材的系统。内容 标准中的一级主题并不等同于教材的篇章要目,其排列次序也不等同于教材的篇章顺序。一级主题与相应的二级题 目和具体内容标准之间,也不具有严厉的逻辑或附属关系,也就是说,统一个一级主题下的内容,在教材中既可以 编写在一个单元中,也可以编排在不同的单元中。例如,对于"人是生物圈中的一员",既可以放在"生物圈与人 "这一单元中,也可以放在"生物与环境"或"人类与环境"等单元中。
    2.教材内容的呈现方式应当改变传统的注入式写法,注意从学生的生活经验出发,创设情境,引导学生 自主学习、主动探究,培养学生一直探索、勇于创新的科学精神,实事求是的科学态度,以及终身学习的能力。例 如,有些探究活动的材料和步骤,在教材中可以不作具体的规定,而是让学生自己设计方案,进行探 究。这样,paul smith for men,有利于扩大学生自主探究的空间,也有利于教师教学办法和教学模式的改进和立异。
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  知识性目标动词 了解水平:再认或回想知识;辨认、识别事实或证据;举出例子;描述对象的基本特点等。 描述,识别,列出,列举,说出,举例说出
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Old 05-24-2011, 06:07 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 524920839 at 23:39 on December 5, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

dressed with a good first color
1, red with white, black, blue, gray, beige, gray.
2, pink with purple, gray, dark green, white, beige, brown, navy blue.
3, orange-red with white, black, blue.
4, yellow with purple, blue, white, brown, black.
5, brown with beige, yellow, brick red, blue, green, black.
6, green with white, beige, black, dark purple, taupe, gray brown.
7, dark green with pink, light purple, apricot, dark purple, blue and green.
8, blue with white, powder blue,pandora uk, red sauce, gold, silver, olive green, orange, yellow.
9, light blue with white,pandora online, red sauce, light gray, purple, gray blue, pink.
10, purple with pale pink, gray blue, yellow-green, white, purple, silver gray, black.
11, purple with blue, pink, white, black, purple, dark green.
in color, the clothes must pay attention to the overall color balance and color harmony. Usually light-colored clothing balance does not occur, the next dressed in the dark is not much problem, if it is dark upper body, lower body light, shoes to play an important role in the balance, it should be more appropriate dark
12, the same color is the same or similar range of colors, from shades of brightness changes in the depth of color produced. If neutral colors with the same color may be silver-gray corduroy jacket, white shirt and a dark flannel skirt soot, soot from the dot printed silk foundation, black high heels, black mesh stockings, silver and white woven fine grid canvas bags and so on. Note the same color with color and color difference between the brightness can not be too close nor too far, such as brightness contrast of black and white too, you need to transition to gray. The tone for the transition, may be extended to backpacks, belts, scarves and other ancillary accessories. With the same color, the best to have deep, medium and light three levels of change. Compared with less than three levels of monotonous, too many layers are easy to produce the effect of red tape loose.
colored clothing with similar skills

similar color that is similar to the color, such as red and orange, orange and green, yellow and green, green and purple and so on. And compared with the same color clothing, similar to the changes in color with a little more, but the overall effect is also very coordinated and integrated. For example, the green girl wearing a bronze loose sweaters, pea green, light yellow, sky blue, black and iron gray cloth composed of divided skirt, belt, wearing white sandals for spring or summer at the turn. Again, black silk shirt,pandora necklace, printed with orange, yellowish brown, gold or brown tea, consisting of thin strips of gray plaid, worn with black trousers, Chahe leather belt, also very beautiful.
Second, we must pay attention to situations.
men to wear clothes with

6 a: a meeting, or formal wear is better. sober suit color and mix it with the wrong color shirt and tie and do not be too eye-catching Caixing ! best choice to go with plain. modification should also pay attention to detail ~ ah ~ if it is black shoes should never wear white socks!

two: a small house would be, still the main suit, the color Well ~ you can fashion some bright points can also be a tie Oh ~ ~ wear pants or shoes, the choice of styles and colors can change slightly.

three: do not go out, so the thing to wear appropriate leisure more, plus vest shirt, looks good gentleman, ah, hot, long-sleeved shirt can be worn inside. casual shoes, watches in the regulation of both compared with the body! ok out!

four : to participate in working out outside a small dinner party, since they are acquaintances, so the dress need not be too cautious. striped pants a little increase in activity, the choice should not be too fancy bracelet.

Five: Weekend! wearing body Cowboy relax now! shirt or choose eye-catching t-convex case, compare the best shirt. hyun just bought a mobile phone quickly!

Six: finally able to rest, if you want to go shopping. wear full youth casual wear purse ~! ha ha!

also pay attention to his body.
body lean men:
wear a suit: pinstripe suit fabric without the use of plaid, jacket and trousers in contrasting colors to wear suits more than a good, wide-collar double-breasted style is more right for you, the buck head shoulder pads, a pocket flap, all this can be for you to add a broad sense, marked with a silk tie is best to moderate or vertical small triangular pattern, if possible, together with a lapel vest, so your body more thick. A clear line of pants and bends fold. With wide belts and platform shoes, you can add real sense of weight. Specifically, the following five points: 1, absolutely do not wear black and almost black coat, or become increasingly skinny people should wear color expansion clothing, the color choice of gray, taupe, light gray, etc., to increase the sense of expansion. 2, twill fabric to pattern the better way, a large grid is also a good soft texture of the hair texture of the cloth can be considered the first place, the most Do not choose a good straight lines. 3, a small chest of the men should wear tight clothes and bust, so full of clothes can hold, so that chest look wider. If you think a small chest big chest to wear the clothes to look a little fat, it would be wrong, but the large man appear to be more thin clothes. If the person wearing thin body suit, it is best to wear three-piece suit, because the vest to wear flat, narrow upper body can become rich. 4, when the color with clothing, coat and shirt, or coat and trousers to form between the more intense the color contrast. This increase in width from the feel, people seem a bit thick. 5, if the wearing of knitted garments can choose horizontal stripes, but not choose vertical stripes. Wide ties should be selected, the color should be bright. In order to make the face look a corresponding wide temples can stay too thick hair more fullness.

petite how to dress, dress with a small body of law
petite you are not being made for the nice note of what to wear it, to tell you a secret: the length and width allows you pants The figure does not seem so thin thin. Including a variety of reasons, including genetic make our body looks a bit thin thin, in the dressing with the choice of the relatively narrow space, no way! But you do not forget that clothing can change a person's overall image, see the following beautiful women wearing wide-leg pants are feeling, you will find it equally suitable for you.

light-colored cardigan can improve short-short shirt waist
can reduce the upper body from the visual proportion to the overall lengthening effect. Under the waist to the chest position to improve, extend the length of the lower body. Light gray short cardigan / MORGAN, black logo halter top / PIN KO

eye-catching small bag under his arm to focus attention and increase upper body striking degree. Black patent leather satchel / MANGO, black vest / MORGAN, beige knit cardigan / TOM BOY

small exposed ######y low V-neck T-shirt shirt
increase the area of exposed skin , ###### appeal to sight improvement. V-neck connecting the shoulder lace, ######y style surge. V-neck tunic / PINKO, gray velvet high-heeled shoes / air

light fluttering chiffon scarves
best length to the waist. With the wind flowing chiffon texture, so the upper body more light. Black silver knit tops / b + ab (it), pink scarf / MANGO

simple necklace
simple design style selection, with an area not too much is too large, the proportion of visually lengthen the upper body, long necklace / PILGRIM, white wool cardigan / b + ab (it), purple sleeveless shirt / b + ab (it), high-heeled shoes / air

choose the proportion of elongated lower body

sure to choose high heels shoes, can increase the proportion of the perfect body.
classic pointed high-heeled shoes high-heeled shoes can be elongated pointed foot distance, so that a sense an extension of slender legs. Gold tip shape allows more momentum. Gold high-heeled shoes / air

experience the beauty of

clothes can give a woman a variety of curves, which is still the most beautiful X-shaped, set off a woman's slim, slender figure, a woman full taste.
should spend more time and energy to the mix in the clothing, not only allows you 20 to 10 models with clothes to wear clothing, but also to exercise their own aesthetic tastes.
select excellent material warm coat, the sweater or shirt to wear thin, so that the principles of international dress will be more popular.

elegant dress with gentle taste, but for mature urban women, the most fundamental is the noble and calm.
Black is the color of the city forever, but if you look not very good is best to avoid adding the gray color but not too bright either jump, do not pick who is the appropriate choice.
looking for their own skin color, we must pay attention to the body garment is worn on their own, not white or black models hangers.

they say: beauty is such
dress with a standard type:
female height was 168 cm. Neck, shoulders,pandora beads, torso, chest, waist, thighs, buttocks and legs next to the meat and so on, must have a perfect ratio. Such standards are good-looking body what to wear. Harmonious in color matching can be worn under the premise of any popular fashion.
Second, the gourd-type:
like gourd body like the chest, hips sleek, slim waist, curvy, very ######y. The body of the people who wear low necklines,pandora bracelets, tight waist mini skirt or character skirt suits, better material to soft close, it is very ######y, plump and feminine dress. If you wear a large gourd-type tall fluffy dress, will detract from a lot of charm. Overall this figure is what to wear nice clothes.
three, slender type:
slim,pandora jewelry, medium or small breasts, buttocks, thin, flat, next to no fat on the abdomen and thighs. This body should be relatively easy to dress, but to avoid low-waist trousers or tights. For wearing a pleated skirt, loose suit, loose pleated trousers.
four pears Type:
upper body, shoulders, chest, thin, small body of the abdomen, hips, shape like a pear. Because the relationship between abdominal obesity, increased waist often formed, which is turned into a short upper body. For loose suits, designed to avoid the attention of the waist. Second, the coat should be loose, to cover the buttocks is appropriate length, pleated pants coupled with large jacket, and very able to beautify the body. Avoid tight pants, wide leather belt, skirt or pleated skirt pumping fine.
five, leg bags Type:
many hip and thigh fat, looks like next to hang up in the thigh as the two bags. This body should absolutely avoid tights, so will only expose shortcomings. Pleated skirt wearing style simple or trousers, brightness and color text color choices with lower dark. Try to focus on upper body, wearing the colorful silk, jewelry or decoration, not suitable for clothing are: knee-high boots, tight shirts, big plaid, or behind thick horizontal stripes pants pocket .
six, Jiao small:
height of 155 cm below the charming small, no matter what body part. Due to length constraints, the range of clothing can change size higher or much less robust. Johnson put on a small person who thought towering high heels, or comb the hair, you can make the tall and slim, it is vain to. And will look funny or out of tune. The best dressed is towards clean, concise, straight line design. Vertical line skirt, straight trousers system, from head to toe wearing the same color family or plain clothes, fitted jackets are all so charming small people seem relaxed. Large cloth material, thick fabrics, too many colors, baggy clothes, large lotus leaf, tights, etc., should be avoided.
above describes some of the knowledge of clothes, in fact, every hole tomorrow are learning, dress is a very profound scientific, hope you are beautiful and glorious day!
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