One example of this is how I used a song to help a student put on his shoes and sit up straight. I used a familiar melody from the song, Skip to My Lou, and imposed new lyrics, "Put on your shoes and sit up straight, time to get ready for music." The use of a "piggyback" song was intended to help the student's teachers use the song when I was not there. I often stop singing the lyrics and allow my student to sing to himself as I provide accompaniment on the guitar, but because of the familiar tune
michael jordan hats, his teachers have also been able to start singing the song and then the student finishes it himself.
4. Be consistent. Many of the children that I work with respond well to structure and routine. One advantage to using music to convey instructions is that you do not always need accompaniment form a guitar or piano. If you have used the lyrics with a piggyback song, then the tune should be easy to remember. Sing the song with your student whenever the need arises. Music can be a great tool if you have gone off and forgotten the picture cards that go along with the needed social stories!
We have all heard the phrase, "Words mean things!" This leads me to emphasize the importance of music as a carrier of information. One of the most powerful tools we have as therapists, teachers and parents, is using lyrics to provide directions and knowledge to our target audience. Advertisers have taken advantage of this phenomenon by using jingles to help people remember important information such as phone numbers and company mottoes.
5. Follow through. In my example above about singing for my client to, "sit up straight and put on your shoes," I did not begin the music therapy session until he had complied with the instructions in the song. I sang the song together with him many times and kept singing it as he started to put on his shoes. One word of caution, however, since I know this client very well and realize the power music has with him. Just because you sing a song with instructions does not mean your listener will follow through, but it is important to make sure that they understand that the words mean something. In my example, perhaps the student reaches for hi shoes and that is as far as he gets. Take that progress and build on it next time so that on the subsequent encounters where it is necessary to sing the song, try to hold out for a higher level of compliance to the lyric directions.
I like to use songs to deliver one and two step directions such as for passing objects, raising your hand or to indicate gross motor movements. Another useful way of using lyrics to convey ideas is with social stories. Social stories are usually brief examples of how to behave appropriately in social settings written as a short story. Social stories put to song can greatly augment their effectiveness by increasing a client's attention to the story and promoting memory and portability of the intended instructions.
3. Keep it simple and direct. Try keeping the lyric instructions limited to one or two step directions.
Perfect type of dress is full length with low neck and sleeveless. Such dresses are always elegant and need no further improvements by adding accessories.If you choose to add accessories, avoid anything heavier, than light gold or silver chain with small and neat pendant, or you risk to spoil you natural Sedu look. The make-up is as close to the natural make-up-free appearance as possible.Natural Sedu hair style is simple. The hair is either left lose and straight, with some curls at the bottom, or twisted into lose bun to express the naturalness of the image. Sometimes when hair is left lose it is better to pin up the framing tresses to show the face.To create this Sedu hair style follow these steps:1. Wash and condition the hair;2. Let it air dry, if you have time, or make a quick blow dry with the cool shot;3. Apply some styling mousse and make cool blow dry for 3-5 min;4. Use straightener to ensure that you have absolutely Sedu straight hair;5. Make curls in, or out at the bottom of the hair, or pin the hair in the bun leaving framing tresses lose to add naturalness.
2. Don't re-invent the wheel! If you can fit some lyrics to a familiar tune or song, then it will be easier to remember. This is what we call "piggybacking" new words on an old melody. One example is how the ABC song is traditionally sung to the melody for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little, Star.
1. Provide multiple opportunities for the listener to comply with sung directions. In other words, use a song with a repeating lyric line and sing the song several times in order to provide enough time for the listener to process the information and respond.
Altogether now, skip to my lou - "Put on your shoes and sit up straight; time to get ready for music!"
Now you have absolutely natural Sedu style with fall-down full-length dress, and hair style that expresses the beauty of your natural image.These are two main reasons why natural Sedu hairstyles are also popular among celebrities:1. It is hard to impress someone with sophisticated hair style or dress, but natural image is bound to attract attention;2. Great tension of the moment, when all cameras clicking, and people shouting, leaves no space to the head ache, which is usual for many women when they have a lot of pins in the hair that secure the hairdo.The most popular celebrities that prefer to have natural Sedu prom hair style are Jennifer Aniston, Lindsay Lohan
San Francisco Giants Hats Children's Walking Issue, Hillary Duff, and Angelina Jolie. They are well known for their simple, but elegant and smart styles that express their beauty.Chic Sedu Hair Style
Here are some key ideas about using lyrics: