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Old 05-03-2011, 07:55 PM   #1
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Default 移动通话记录查询 煽动人心的秘诀

  我坐在童炎旁边的位子上,密码破解,心里不断的重复这句话。这个什么继任大典真是折磨人,我从早上太阳升起的时候就一直坐在这里,屁股都痛了 ,这些官员还是没完没了的向我致贺词。
  连白泽都无精打采的蹲在我旁边,已经蔫的不能再蔫了,他悄声问我:“老大,我能不能变成宠物形态睡一会 啊,实在是太无聊了,手机通话记录查询 欠债人逃逸寻找。”
  “不行!”我坚决的回绝了,哪有老大受苦小弟睡觉的道理,我就是无聊死也要找个垫背的!(落月追风:可 怜的白泽,偶同情你,阿门!)
  一直到太阳下山的时候,我才好不容易接受完所有官员的朝拜,从椅子上起来的时候我已经双腿发麻了,我看 着同样陪我坐了一天的童炎好像没事人一样,不禁奇怪的问:“童炎,坐了这么一整天你不累么?怎么看起来还是 精神熠熠的样子?”
  我开始对童炎无比的同情,不过这个大典才刚开始一天,后面的八天我怎么熬过去啊。想着我就问:“那明天 呢,也是这样么?”
  童炎摇摇头,“明天没有官员,是全体妖狐族的冒险者来庆祝,你就是和他们见个面,我宣布一些事情就结束 了。后面的七天才是庆典的正题,每天都会有精彩的表演,你想看的话就去看,不想看也不会有人逼 着你看。”
  呼~这样我就可以放心了,再坚持明天一天就可以了,删除通话记录,不过这个怎么听起来好像是明星见面会?!会不会有人朝我要签名啊……想起我那爬虫一般的字体,我就一身汗 ,QQ聊天记录查询,暗下决心,如果有人朝我要签名,我就抵死不从!要是签了就真的丢人了。
  第二天,全体妖狐族的玩家都聚集在离天城的王宫,我和童炎站在高高的台子上俯视着地下密密麻麻的玩家, 虽然说妖狐族的玩家非常稀少,但也有八万左右,都站在一起还是挺吓人的。
  童炎首先向前一步,举起双手示意大家安静。妖狐族所有的玩家都知道童炎是族长,所以非常配合的肃静下来 。
  童炎满意的颔首:“今天让大家聚集在这里,是为了宣布一件重要的事,我们妖狐族上任圣女死去已经三百年 了,今天,新任的圣女驯服了我们妖狐族的守护圣兽白泽,我们妖狐族,又回到了全盛的时期!这位,就是我们信 任的妖狐族圣女!”童炎指了指我:“她和你们一样,都是冒险者,我们妖狐族从来不计较个人的出生,只要是有 实力的人,都会得到自己应得的尊重,只要战功显赫,各位也有这样的机会,修改注单!”
  童炎的这句话说完,台下就一片议论声。看的出,大家都有些头脑发热,毕竟,玩游戏玩成一个大族一人之下 万人之上的,我还是第一个,他们虽然不知道我是怎么办到的,但是身为高手,他们都认为自己并不比我差,早晚 有一天,也会得到这样的殊荣。看到一双双狂热的眼睛,我一阵暴汗,仿佛又回到了那天离开妖狐族,童炎忽悠我 们的时候,这个童炎……说的话实在是太有煽动性了,她这样做,究竟想干什么?!
  下面的声音平静下去的时候,童炎再度开口了:“今天召集大家过来,还有一件重要的事情要说,是关系到我 们妖狐族的存亡以及各位生死的事。”童炎又严肃的环视了一周,“我们得到了确切的消息,神界和幽冥界都开始 派出使者在洪荒大陆上活动了,你们当中许多人可能不知道神界和幽冥界,现在我告诉你们,神界的众神是一群贪 婪成性、假仁假义的伪君子。从我们三界存在的那一天开始,就没有停止过对洪荒大陆的觊觎,三番五次的发动战 争妄图夺取洪荒大陆,所以,他们是我们的敌人,只要见到神界的人,杀无赦!种族奖励双倍!”
  哗,手机定位 电话通话记录查询 手机通话记录,台下发出一阵欢呼,妖狐族的种族奖励换属性点技能书装备让他们都尝到了甜头,现在又机会弄到更多的奖励, 何乐而不为呢?
  童炎看自己的目的达到接着说:“至于幽冥界,他们是我们妖狐族的盟友,也是神界的死敌,以后遇到幽冥界 的人我们都要尽力的帮助,通话记录查询,我们妖狐族在幽冥界为官的不少,如果一旦神界和幽冥界在洪荒大陆开战,皇冠开户 煽动人心的秘诀,我们就是战友了。幽冥界是一个十分富庶的地方,那里随便一件装备拿到我们这里都是极品,只要大家努力,都 可以得到,圣女殿下,你说是不是?”
  我汗,通话记录查询 中国移动,我还以为没我什么事呢,手机通话记录查询,只要矗在这里当摆设就可以了,没想到还有我讲话的机会,我讪讪的上前:“族长殿下说的没错,我去过幽冥界 ,我手里的这个神器就是从那里升级的,在那里我见过无数的神兵利器,只要有钱都可以买到。”我说着掏出鬼杀 ,打开全部光影效果,立刻神器特有的三色光芒照亮了我的脸,台下发出一阵吸气声,谁都知道我这个肯定就是排 在兵器榜第一的那个“鬼杀”,比天下龙鬼的夜魔道还要变态的东西。
  童炎笑了一下:“我只是说可能,其实幽冥界的通道如果不打开的话,幽冥界的人是不可能来到洪荒大陆的, 就算上次神界大举入侵,修改皇冠注单 ★☆澳彩�士站★☆足球盘口 免�足球推介,幽冥界也没有来,只是支援了我们不少的神兵利器,毕竟如果洪荒大陆落入神界手中,幽冥界就危险了,唇亡齿 寒的道理幽冥王还是知道的,说不定这次世界大乱我们又可以从幽冥王那里捞不少好处。”
  我恍然大悟,这个童炎不愧是妖狐族的族长,论起奸诈真是无人能及,还好这样的人是我的朋友而不是敌人。 不过她为什么说要大乱?我想着就问出来:“童炎,你说天下大乱是什么意思,难道你有什么小道消 息?”
  童炎直接给我一个白眼:“盘古大神规定,只要洪荒大陆发生战争或者有人融合盘古手印,神界就可以派神将 到洪荒大陆。自从你们冒险者来到洪荒的大陆,一向平静的地方都变得不平静了,战争是迟早的事,我们自然要提 前做好准备了。”
  战争……是指帮战吗?糟了,以现在洪荒大陆上几大帮会之间的矛盾,发生战争绝对是可能的,到时候童炎所 说的神界来到洪荒大陆……灾难啊,这个,有什么办法可以阻止呢?
  看着我苦恼的样子,童炎又笑了,“只要神界来到洪荒大陆,我妖狐族第一个不放过他们,他们讨不到什么便 宜的,你的朋友也不会有危险。”
  童炎转过身对着台下,“众位我妖狐族的子民,我们妖狐族能赢得上一次世界大战的胜利,全靠两个字――团 结,我希望你们也一样,以我们妖狐族的利益为第一位,所有的人,不管你是自由人也好,别的种族帮会的人也好 ,一旦开始战争就要完全服从我的命令,一旦违令就逐出妖狐族,我们妖狐族从来没有叛族的奸细,我希望这一次 也一样,这次的圣女继任大典是我们妖狐族的秘密,如果让我发现谁泄漏出去,我会亲自捉他回来审问的!”说着 凌厉的扫视了一圈下面。
  于是我上前一步,脸上挂着淑女的微笑:“各位不必拘谨,有什么问题尽可以问我,我先自我介 绍一下,通话记录查询 手机通话内容,我叫洛水蜘蛛,是疾风旅团的团长,也是前一阵盛传的那个毒弓手,如果我们之间曾经有什么误会,我希望过了 今天就烟消云散了,因为我们没时间浪费在四人恩怨上,世界马上就会大乱了。”
  “大家玩游戏不外乎就是图个痛快,但是游戏都有自己的规则,既然我们加入了妖狐族,成为妖 狐族的一员,定位找人,那么妖狐族的利益就是我们自己的利益,我一直把这个当作自己的行为准则,即使曾经有加入数一数二帮会的机 会也放弃了,因为,那样没有任何意义,我们是洪荒里最强的种族,不需要寄人篱下,希望大家也是和我一样。大 家都知道我们妖狐族是世界公敌,你加入了其它种族的帮会,一旦发生战争,没有人能保证你的安全,只有我们有 着相同利益的人才可能走到一起,你们说是不是?站在大家的立场上,皇冠开户,我希望大家能退了外族的帮会,加我们妖狐族自己的帮会。”
  我静静的看着下面,我说这些是想让他们退出现有的帮会,因为我们妖狐族的人本来就少,到时候这些盗贼刺 客上了战场也是当炮灰的命,因为我们没有人敢向别人透漏自己的种族秘密,也就得不到信任,不会被委以重任的 。只有我们团结起来,才能应付后面的世界战争,我就不信这游戏到打仗的时候会让NPC大规模上场,到时打前 锋的还不是我们玩家。
  他们沉默了一阵之后,一个玩家开口了:“蜘蛛说的没错,我的朋友是不灭神话一个战斗团的团长,他介绍我 加入了不灭神话,足球平台出租,可是就算我如何努力,都得不到重用,只因为我的种族,我决定今天就退会,如果蜘蛛团长的疾风旅团想收人的 话我第一个报名!”
  “我不赞同,我是一个中等帮会的副帮主,我并没有觉得加入外族的帮会有什么不好。”一个盗贼挑衅的看着 我,修改皇冠注单
  我皱眉头:“我只是建议,并没有强制你们,我没有那个权力,也不想指挥大家,毕竟这只是一个游戏,每个 人都有自己的想法,不过我可以明确的告诉你,只要我们妖狐族的秘密泄漏,到时候全体妖狐族玩家都会被追杀, 那些外族的玩家可是不会嫌自己的种族贡献多!”
  我这句话点醒了很多人,对啊,玩游戏为了什么?等级、装备、荣誉、权力、金钱……都是每个人追求的东西 ,一旦有人触动了这些,将会成为大家的敌人,同样,谁要是能给与他们这些,也会成为众所矢之的,我们就是第 二种,杀死妖狐族的人种族贡献极高,为了那些贡献点可以交换的高级装备、属性点等东西,如果不是特别好的朋 友,他们绝对不会跟我们客气的。
  “我……我告诉了我一个好朋友。”一个矮小的盗贼怯生生的说,“不过我可以保证,他绝对不会说出去的! 我和他可是铁哥们!”
  听了我的话,移动通话记录查询,这个盗贼就下线了,过会上来一脸的惨白:“他……他说出去了,不过他也保证他那个朋友不会说 出去的……”
  我摇摇头,“你也说他不会说出去的啊,这种事,没有人可以保证的,我可以明确的告诉你们,我们妖狐族的 事,就连我最亲密的好朋友我都没有告诉她,还有我的男朋友,我也没有告诉他,想要保护一个秘密,最好的方法 就是不要告诉任何人,即使他是你的家人。我也不怪你,只是这个秘密已经泄漏了,我们要做最坏的 打算了。”
  “就是我们一旦走出妖狐族的地域,就会遭到其它种族的追杀。我想我和十字铁蔷薇的矛盾你们都知道,十字 铁蔷薇可能一直在调查我们妖狐族的人,前一阵很多我们的族人在白狼族和苏聂族大开杀戒挣种族功勋……你们想 想,我们的身份一旦泄漏,会有什么样的后果,我可以从十字铁蔷薇一个战斗团的围攻下逃脱,不意味着你们也可 以,怎么选择,自己好好想想吧!”
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:15 PM   #2
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:43 PM   #3
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HP Greater China President Sun Zhenyao retirement reflections:
If this article does not share with you, that was my fault.
share this article if you, you did not read, continue to make detours you do not blame me.
If you read this article, do not read only half the time you say, that you have is a \
If you read, you find this article only talk about the great truths of your life experience that is not enough, you need to pass this collection, a few years out of touch the wall, badly beaten and then come back read, you will lament your ignorance.
If you read, that makes sense, then shelved, to continue into the crowded subway, still with his own ideas yesterday to think about their own future, your life will continue to repeat yesterday's situation.
If you read, think it was a coming man, on the advice of your life and you are willing to tell you his thoughts to guide their future life, in terms of your success is not difficult, the difficulty is you Whether to use the ideas in this article has been to spur their own.
If you read, think it was a elder in his life time to write an article for your advice, that you already have something similar life experience, as long as you continue to work hard and accomplish great is not difficult, the difficulty is if you can put your own life experience and share it?
decision depth of experience, knowledge and breadth of the decision. Your life is it?


on work and life I had an interesting observation, and more foreign companies are 25-35 year old white collar workers over 40 years of age very few foreign employees twenties and thirties high-spirited, but the foreign company managers around the age of 40 is very embarrassing. I've seen around the age of 40 mostly foreign managers have quit, jump to last most of the private enterprises, for example, Jun Tang. The success of foreign workers is largely the success of the company, not individual success, Siemens, than those of the States United States great, but does not mean that Siemens managers stronger than the States United States the owner can even say far worse. And into the foreign companies often do not understand this early, 90% of his success due to their ability, in fact, foreign companies are not random, general manager of China will change what a great impact performance. Well, the question is, when these managers more than 40 years of age, they become very high salary requirements, and can in fact they are not so outstanding, as the foreign company's boss, how would you choose? Some are just not high salary, to a bit of competent and energetic young man, some, why should we use you?

from the above example, the work can actually see our trajectory, twenties and thirties, when the pressure of living is still relatively small, the body is still relatively good, above the better parent body, the following has no children , no mortgage and no kids to college, when a foreign white-collar workers is still very bright little, and earn more than enough flowers. But man, after all, to marry and have children,mulberry alexa, after all, will grow old, to 40 years old, older parents, we should see a doctor to take medicine, to some people care, they have to pay a mortgage, to have basic decent life, to raise a child needs at that time ... ... how much money is enough to spend that counts. So, look at work, look to put a little bit further, who the moment of high and low who can not say what.

From this point on, I am not too concerned about the first job in favor of the salary, but no need to compare with the first job's salary, which is just out of middle school students is common. Normal about 35 years to work, which is like a marathon, and marathon real difference is that no professional athletes in this competition, everyone is only one chance. To know that there are not many people even insist on the end, most people finally come to the end, only a few people are running across the finish line, so at the beginning of time, grab a leading position and not much meaning . When he first entered the community into the 500 if the company would be able to get the 3k-6k / monthly wages, and some special technical personnel may be able to 8k / month, the problem is, 5 years later to get the number? Estimated 5k-10k is quite a lot. Although the high starting point, but the increase was limited, and that the young people behind the growing pressure to catch up.

two days ago I asked one of my sales, you will one of these things are new for 2 years to learn, but required new salary is only your half of that time, how do you do?
career as a sporting event, a preliminary, semi final and final. Just when we all preliminaries into the community, most of the general strength of the people who work harder this time, people soon come to the fore serious one o'clock, so some people in their twenties did the manager, some people later also finally won the preliminary round, in his thirties became the manager. Then the semi-finals, semi-finals are to participate in the preliminary round win, and every man there is capability, not a problem on the intelligence, then you want to win this time, not so easy, a little bit of effort and careful alone is not enough should have a strong spirit of perseverance, to know how to rely on the strength of the team, to know how to rein in people's minds, to have long-term perspective ... ...

look to win the semi-finals is not easy, but, is not so difficult. Because the law is to give the world a little success and at the same time people become complacent, who just won the preliminary round often do not know just won the preliminary round, with a little pride of performance most people will become complacent, that they have understand all, do not need to be studied, they would think that he could not further their cause is not a. Although they are still difficult to deal with, but they are not patient, no guest, measure, and no clear long-term vision. Like an angry bull, although severe, will eventually be defeated, but won the rematch like a matador, like others, was not rash,handbag sale, followed his own beat, slowly run out of patience and physical opponents. After winning the semi-finals, has been a very remarkable about the professional managers, and became general manager of small and medium companies, large company vice president in charge of the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year business.

final came the final, to be honest I have not won the final, so for the final decisive factor can only guess it on their own, winning or losing this time is written as fiction who might like , we are all masters, made a mistake to wait for each other, to easily defeat their opponents is not possible, in addition to the all the stops, but also need a little luck and time. The laws of the world continues to play a role, won the semi-finals of the people have not only become complacent, they are often opinionated and not listen to other people, some people become irritable temper, the mood became impetuous, health began to deteriorate, their greatest the enemy is their own, in the final to do is not defeated by their own, waiting for someone to be their own beat. This sport is the same as the last game between the master to see who will win the final few mistakes.

Second, the source of the work

you happy? Your work, okay?

have done that job very happy after a period of time? Do you feel yourself in the wrong line? Feel that they have not received the treatment? Do you feel like a mess to work a pain to work every day? There is no want to change jobs? In fact, there did not feel the company did not originally thought so well? Do you feel this job is to find the original because of the pressure to survive, and it is not right for you? You get what you want from a job get that? What you happy every day?

many angry people on the horizon, you have not thought about, why do not you happy? Why are you angry?

In fact, the source of your unhappiness, because you do not know what! You do not know anything, so you do not know what to pursue, you do not know what to pursue, so you get nothing.

I always feel that his career is his first concern, what you want? Most people probably thought about this problem, the only idea is - I want a job, I want a good salary, I know everyone's desire for pay, but you want every few years Why do it all over the process of looking for work? Every year, in which you want to work and the salary for the anxious to spend it? Do not want it, like really want to clear. Harm than good, not because the thirst for hard drinking poison. The more anxious, the more feel that they need a job, the more hungry, more they want to know, the more prone to failure, your experience is getting worse, people who work under a look at your resume to frown. So you Yuehe Yue thirsty, the more thirsty to drink more, into a vicious cycle. We can only lament untimely or unfair things, only to vent up a horizon, in the failure of finding the resonance point psychological balance Bale. Most people have to survive the pressure, I also have to survive the pressure will have a lot of anxiety, positive people will get power from the anxiety, and negative people will get lost because of anxiety. Must all make choices under pressure, which is troubled world, no matter whether you like do not like mentioning.

general we are dealing with important things and things into emergency, do not do important things if it will always urgent things to do. Such as exercise to maintain good health is an important thing, and a doctor is urgent matters. If you do not exercise to stay healthy,gucci handbags, you will always worry for pain. Another example is fire prevention is important, but the fire is urgent matters, if not pay attention to fire prevention, we must always fight the fire. Looking for work, too, would like their own to what is really important thing, finding a job is urgent matters, if not better, it will always find work. People tend to urgent matters relatively large pressure, forcing people to hurry to do things that are important but relatively not so much pressure to do things most people are driven by the pressure, under pressure, always felt that non- urgent things to do first, the result is always full of fire, never-ending time. (The work of many people as busy as the pain like the fire brigade, but also because there is no work to do important things.) Those who claim to live in misery in order to survive attend to so many friends, had difficulties to find a job today, you do not The important thing to do, is the result not the cause. If today you still as eager to find a job without thinking, then perhaps in the future to continue to bear the pain of job results.

I always feel I have to say the topic of heavy points, need a lot of thinking, than to fight armed Tang smile to the boring topic, but the world is no easy success, success, a price to pay. Please forget all the pressure to survive, think of this life what you want most? Therefore, the most important things to decide before you what you want.

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Tang Jun, a lot of young people in universities feel that this is the career they aspire to, I sent in my bbs posts Tsinghua by these students have the disdain that time the students just want to go abroad or to foreign companies, but now seems, I was right, went to the grand Tang Jun, Chen created a grand, a private company. A high degree of returnees in the top 500 companies in the bigger salary, which is about the dream of many young people, the problem is that college students graduate each year in this dream, but only 500 good jobs.

people are to face, and it is like the comparisons, even at work like competition, whether it is not what you want. We believe that foreign companies well, but fortunately wrong? Well, they better office space, this is what you want it? They live in relatively good business hotel, this is what you want it? Others will admire the work of a foreign company, which is what you want it? All that is for others to read, why do you live so hard for others to see? On the other hand, they pay the general welfare, and not particularly great, they are fewer opportunities for promotion, it is difficult to achieve a very high charge, although they often dislike overtime, but did not dare not to work overtime, because \is a human stem \Do you want to clear? 500 some good? What job is to consider what you want,mulberry bags, or consider other people like to see?

most of my college classmates were to the United States, and even graduated so many years, also recently went abroad. Abroad really that good? My college classmates, most or doctoral, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars struggled so far, only a decent at an American university to get a formal teaching. What is difficult when the domestic professors? I have several cousins also went abroad, and their parents alone at home, no one to take care of, there are several people collapsed at home no one knows, to go abroad, really so glorious it? As someone said, \What do you think is the best one, because you really understand, or because people say he is the best? Even if he is the best for others, for you must be the best it?

for what they want, they have to most clearly the views of others not so important. Many people are always other people's opinions are often influenced by the views of relatives, friends, comments, colleagues ... ... The question is, who you really are to live life? Life of one's life is not a sequel to the parents, children, life is not a prequel, but not friends outside the life of the articles, only you is responsible for their own lives, others can not and can not take this responsibility. Make their own decisions, at least in the end, had nothing to regret. For most people, normal intelligence, no major decisions made right or wrong, no matter how choices are to try. For example, you do not consider that school on their own, not into this industry now, it could not live a life? Will it fail? Not really.

I think good work should be suitable for your work, specifically, should give you what you want to work, you may need in order to measure what it really your job , instead of taking the company's size, scale, foreign or state-owned enterprises, is not known, is not a listed company to measure. Small companies, not necessarily a good company, a lot of work to make money, it may not be a good job. You still must first figure out what you want, if you do not know what you want, you'll never find a good job, because you only ever see what you get, you get, are you do not want.
may be the best, have in your side, but, you have not learned to cherish. People are always staring at things that are not at the expense of those who have already got.


ordinary Chinese people, I found inspirational inspirational and abroad there is a very big difference, compared to encourage China's inspirational volunteer who has made a big, Revival, one day as rich as you. Comparison of foreign inspirational real life to encourage people to face up to face the plight of ordinary people, although the result is as rich as you, but the starting point not the same, relatively speaking, I think the latter is more realistic in the operation, while the former needs losers by 999 to pile a success story.

We are ordinary people,handbag uk, ordinary people, which means that the probability it is quite accurate. Therefore, we will not buy a lottery of 500 million, we will not be Bill Gates or Li Ka-shing, we will not fly fall, very few of us would venture successful, 30% of us will divorce Most of us will live over 65 years old ... ...

So are you thinking what they want when the quest for \on you. Such people as Bill Gates or Li Ka-shing, is relying on life, and to see the article I wrote will not let you be their, even if you become them and not my credit this article. \Target was higher for those who like a challenge is good, but for most ordinary people, but relatively easy to become discouraged and depressed, it is easy to give up.

back, the Li Ka-shing 50 times less money than you, he is more than you happy? Maybe. There is no more than 50 times you happy, certainly not. He'll be happy, than you for a maximum of twice, or even if you may not be happy. Find what you want is not a competition with others, more than anyone else want more higher, more ambitious goals than anyone else. Although this goal is ambitious as Li Ka-shing, but you will not necessarily from the target process and the pursuit of goals to be happy, but basically you can not do. You have to listen to your inner voice, can really make you look for something to be happy, and that is what you want.
you want, or we call it target, the target is actually not the level of the points, you do not need no one else because of his lofty goals and I'm sorry, in fact achieve their goal of success,gucci bag, success big and small, happy is the same. We chase success, in fact, is the pursuit of the pleasure of success, not success itself. Career path, we will be the competitive mentality often blindfolded and forget the pursuit of what, forget what makes us happier.

community flourishes in the news a lot, these messages will always be in our heart set off a lot of ripples, the ripples become more stormy sea, the waves of my heart in addition to carrying your goal overturned boat, and will not allow you rich overnight. \The thieves did not get pounded on Annaibuzhu, or mind activity, or a large sense of injustice, do you really want to call a thief, but did not dare.

ordinary day I had, to ordinary people's happiness, at least sleep well at night.
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