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Old 04-26-2011, 08:26 PM   #1
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Default Mbt Sandals Black 青年持气压钢珠枪抢劫被围捕


  青州市庙子镇20岁青年卢某持土制气压钢珠枪抢劫一名女子,女子在返回拿钱时报警。青州警方调集警力便 衣布控,发现被围捕后,卢某在逃跑过程中居然两次向民警开枪拒捕,并差点击中追捕民警。最终,卢某被追进一 条死胡同内束手就擒,mbt chapa shoes gtx black blue,整个抓捕过程仅用了4分钟 。4月14日,记者从青州警方获悉,卢某已被依法刑事拘留。


  朱女士和丈夫在青州开了一个小超市,3月19日上午 ,朱女士外出拉货回来 ,一名穿灰色西服的男青年来租她的面包车去青州庙子镇拉货,朱女士没多想就同意了。路上,男子不断改变目的 地,加上男子行为怪异 ,MBT Unono Shoes,朱女士开始警觉 ,并要求男子下车。

  这名男子忽然从怀里掏出一把枪指着朱女士,其声称自己杀过人,现在是逃犯,而且身上有炸药。男子一把抢 了朱女士的手机 ,并让她拿3000元钱给他。

  朱女士吓得抖做一团,忙说钱都在超市里身上没带,男子便让她拉着他又回到青州城区。到超市附近,男子下 了车,让朱女士自己回店拿钱后出门往北走,到时再联系。


  惊恐的朱女士跟丈夫张先生说了事情的经过。张先生果断报警 。警方立即抽调警力,身着便衣在超市附近对嫌疑人实施布控。

  朱女士紧张地从超市出来并慢慢向北走去,几名便衣民警开车慢慢跟上,其余秘密部署的人员在各自的位置密 切观察。

  渐渐地,车子跟着朱女士走到了这条街的最北边,仍然没发现任何可疑人员。朱女士给男子打去电话,对方让 她往南走。突然,民警发现一个身着灰色西装、体貌特征与受害人叙述极其相似的男子在一个公交站牌后面站着, 右手插在西装怀里,左手抱在胸前,神情紧张,他插在西装怀里的手里露出了黑色的手枪把手。


  刑警六中队中队长郭伟下车后悄悄朝这名男子走去。当郭伟靠近这名男子时,对方忽然察觉到异常,郭伟立刻 向他扑了过去,男子一下子躲开,其余民警马上围上去。该男子边跑边掏出了枪,转身就朝民警开了 一枪!


  男子边不断回头用枪指着民警边疯狂逃窜。民警在追捕过程中鸣枪示警,犯罪嫌疑人突然掏出一个黑色物体向 后扔来!因为男子曾自称有炸药,民警们立刻猜想会不会是炸弹。当黑色椭圆物体落地后却并没有发生爆炸,民警 发现原来只是一个电动刮胡刀。


  追捕期间,民警赵庆国征用了一辆摩托车。眼看就追到嫌疑人了,嫌疑人突然往反方向一跳,摩托车跳上路基 几乎歪倒,赵庆国用腿支撑着摩托暂时无法动弹,Mbt Chapa Men Shoes,嫌疑人在三四米外用枪指了过来,“砰”的一声,嫌疑人向赵庆国开枪,由于倾斜着身体,赵庆国刚好躲了这一 枪。随后在一个死胡同里,赵庆国和其他民警将犯罪嫌疑人抓获,整个抓捕过程仅用了4分钟。民警当场缴获土制 气压钢珠枪一把,枪内还有钢珠弹4发。

  经初步审查,犯罪嫌疑人为20岁的卢某,是青州庙子镇人,曾于2009年5月因诈骗被判刑,2010年 底被释放。犯罪嫌疑人卢某对自己的罪行供认不讳。

  卢某交代,近日因手头拮据,便携带一把土制气压钢珠枪在城区寻找女出租车司机伺机下手,卢某发现朱某有 一面包车,以为是黑出租,于是假借租车拉货,实施犯罪行为。目前,卢某已被青州警方依法刑事拘 留。 《潍坊晚报》供稿




  三名犯罪嫌疑人驾驶盗窃的机动车辆,趁夜深人静之机,在临朐县城连续盗窃铸铁围墙。3月1日凌晨,民警 发现两名嫌犯在拆卸围墙,在追赶过程中,嫌犯竟持小型消防枪向民警射击。


  1月31日,Mbt Sandals Black,临朐县某工业园职工吴某发现,工厂东侧32段、价值万元左右的铸铁围墙被盗。正当民警进一步排查时,辖区 盗窃铸铁围墙案件却接连发生。

  民警经勘察另外的现场发现,犯罪嫌疑人都是先用器具将螺丝剪断,将围墙拉断后装车离去,作案交通运输工 具是机动三轮车。

  3月1日凌晨1时30分,民警巡逻至县城华特路某造纸厂附近时,发现一辆黑色桑塔纳轿车和一辆农用机动 三轮车停在工厂铸铁围墙附近,两名男子正在拆卸围墙。民警马上上前进行检查。看到有警车靠近,两名男子跳上 车发动后分头逃窜。驾驶三轮车的嫌疑人沿华特路往东逃窜后拐入村庄,在民警的紧追下,逃至一条死胡同后弃车 逃跑。

  民警下车追赶时,犯罪嫌疑人突然朝民警开了一枪。只听“砰”的一声巨响,一团火光从枪口冒出,因不能确 定犯罪嫌疑人使用的枪支类型,民警只得远远跟在嫌疑人身后。随后,民警发现嫌犯拐入县城骈邑路三元村附近一 住宅小区。

  经过对小区三个多小时的搜查,民警没有发现犯罪嫌疑人踪迹。经搜寻,民警在三元村附近雪地上发现一把黑 色消防枪,MBT Sandals men,确认是犯罪嫌疑人使用的作案工具。


  黑色桑塔纳轿车沿路往西拐入青州方向后消失,根据信息查询,此车悬挂的号牌鲁G63××8,是去年12 月12日在县城民主路与朐山路交叉路口西北角花园内被盗的一辆黑色桑塔纳2000型轿车。

  4月5日,有群众提供线索,前几天一辆悬挂鲁G63××8号牌的黑色桑塔纳轿车曾在青州弥河镇南李村出 现过。经摸排,确认当时车上的两名男子曾找过南李村的刘伟。经调查,民警确认刘伟与青州市庙子镇南后峪村的 刘林、闫栋有重大盗窃作案嫌疑。4月7日、8日,民警在青州市云门春小区附近将刘林、刘伟抓获,在庙子镇将 闫栋在其家中抓获。

  现已查明,自去年12月份以来,三人交叉结伙先后在临朐县城盗窃江淮和悦汽车、黑色桑塔纳轿车、面包车 各1辆,机动三轮车2辆,盗窃铁栅栏作案6起,在青州市盗窃铁栅栏作案9起,总涉案价值16万余元。(文中 除民警外均为化名)赵磊

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Old 04-26-2011, 08:30 PM   #2
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sandy6565 is on a distinguished road

A Glamorous Pink and Black Wedding
When we think of pink and weddings, what likely comes to mind is a very girly wedding based around a soft pastel pink. While that is certainly lovely, it is also possible to plan a very high-style wedding using a more vivid shade of pink. This is how to plan a glamorous pink and black wedding that will wow your guests.
For an ultra-glam style with a vintage flair, choose a bold pink. A shade approaching a hot pink would be ideal. Other elements to keep in mind are shine and texture to add elegance throughout your wedding. You will also want to choose a chic pattern which combines pink and black. A trend right now is to mix several patterns, rather than just using one. Damasks, scrolls, and architectural designs will suit the theme beautifully. A signature motif could also be used for a glamorous effect. I once saw invitations which had a large black chandelier in the lower corner done in letterpress; something along those lines would be fabulous. Line the invitation envelopes in your pink and black pattern to tie it all together, and you will have wedding invitations which are destined to make a smashing first impression.
Pink is really easy to fine when it comes to wedding flowers, but not all varieties will be suitable. Chic and sophisticated blossoms like orchids, roses, and lilies will hit the right note. Avoid any flowers which are too cutesy, such as gerbera daisies for your glamorous wedding. A big cascading bouquet tied with a black satin ribbon would be gorgeous for the bride. Make it even more special by pinning a sparkly pink brooch to the bouquet wrap. Custom crystal bridal jewelry to match would be incredible.
Obviously for a pink and black wedding, the bridesmaid dresses should either be pink or black. Although black is safe, it can be pretty boring, so personally, I would go with the pink. Choose a sophisticated and ######y pink, not a prim or sweet rose hue ######y lingerie, and pair it with a dressy fabric like silk satin. If you like long dresses, a halter style would be great for the bridesmaid dresses club dresses, or opt for a short and modern bubble dress, which will just scream “party!”. For the bride, a white gown with black accents will be very chic and it also happens to tie in with one of the strongest trends in bridal gowns right now. Give your bridesmaids custom jewelry in your wedding colors which complements your own bridal jewelry to give the entire wedding party a cohesive look.
At the wedding reception, glossy black chandeliers suspended over the tables will be fabulous. Perch centerpieces of vibrant pink blossoms on tall vases, either clear or black. Include a few pink anemones with black centers in amongst sophisticated blossoms like orchids and lilies for gorgeous table decorations. Set them atop tablecloths in your pink and black pattern, or an use all pink linens in an elegant shantung. A beaded black napkin ring can be your touch of black on the table; it will look great near decorative menus at table.
Finish off your glamorous pink and black wedding with a pink fondant covered cake with black accents. A black ribbon trim around the base of each tier would be simple, but striking ######y lingerie, especially in combination with hot pink sugar flowers. Or go for a more restrained design with an ornate black monogram on the side of the center tier inside an oval on a pink cake. A third option would be to replicate your pink and black pattern all over the dessert; use a slightly different design on each tier for the ultimate in a chic wedding cake that will look as good as it tastes. Let the pink Champagne flow, and you will have a festive, stylish corset tops, and glamorous pink and black wedding.

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