The content and classification of collaborative
Synergy is a system of coordination between the various subsystems,
ei indexed, cooperative or joint action and collective synchronized behavior,
ei论文发表, collaboration is the system integration,
sci论文发表, the intrinsic correlation between the performance; Webb's Dictionary refers to the interpretation of synergy as the nerves and muscles between the various elements such as the system of joint action or operation,
反剽窃软件, etc.; Ansoff concept was first used in economic management to coordination theory,
全国教育科学规划课题, that directs the company's overall synergistic effect is greater than the sum of the separate components of the effects,
学术不端文献检测系统VIP, often expressed as "2 +2 = 5."
Coordination and division of labor are closely linked. Marx's analysis of the division also conducted in-depth on the collaborative research,
课题结题报告, the collaboration of many people in the same production process,
ei收录, or in different but interrelated processes,
学位论文检测, there are plans to work in conjunction (Marx,
论文定制, 2004). With the evolution of division of labor,
ei 检索, especially the rise of modular division and proliferation,
房价, and promoted the production of modular organization. More and more enterprises begin to adopt professional management,
sci投稿指南, development and production in the module,
代发论文, which made the module more demand collaboration and coordination is based more on the basis of the module.
From the modular perspective,
论文写作指导, industrial systems in an open,
sci论文, collaborative system can be divided into collaborative,
学术不端文献检测, industry cluster coordination and synergy with the three types of industrial ecosystems. The three approaches complement each other,
研究助理, and jointly promote the business to better meet the complex and volatile environment.
1The content and classification of collaborative