2008 Totals 2 million in Wuxi Yongqin sports betting lottery winning Super Lotto 20,560,000 amazing story became the subject of a long colorful city , last night , a similar miracle in the province again : Nantong a Lottery 3 per bet , that gains Lottery Lotto 10,
Praying for Children in India is 35 years old man has seven daughters do not take a bath,400,000 grand prize ! Jiangsu Lottery Lottery hit a single note this year, the highest winning record. Although the Lottery Condition Wuxi than in the past not quite , but still be called magic.
10 9 th evening of the Lottery Super Lotto lottery section 10118 , the largest lottery winner in the province , is located in Nantong Gangzha District Yongxing Mall 06127 injection site out of a total prize money of up to 10.4 million yuan of additional first prize, at the same time , the site also Huai'an 08636 1 Note 6.5 million yuan in the first prize . Between the two awards was the province swept Lottery , Jiangsu Lottery arrogant evident.
10118 out of large lottery winning numbers for the former area ,
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Guy spend 2 dollars to buy 9.64 million lottery prize, Lottery win to be in our province , and because the previous high of 145 million prize pool at the top , so the current in a 2 on the very first prize value Note : 1 Note the total prize money of which 10.4 million yuan ( 1 yuan in the betting with an additional Was 3.9 million yuan ), was the site of Nantong 06127 . Another note is Huaian 08,636 sites have ,
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the current period after the birth of these two awards , this year the province increased rapidly the number of Lottery millions to 123 awards , of which more than 100 million Super Lotto prize of 30 , 500 million or more 27 Note . It is worth mentioning that,
UK inseparable twin brother of 75 years (Photo), even sending in the big lottery prize pool after winning the two- note value remains unabated fineness , Monday lottery of 10,119 , there will still waiting for prize pool of up to 137 million in Lottery shock, then,
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sac chanel 2.55 Bmibaby airline is charging passengers for small bags TopNews,, if the Lottery Continue to play a full , there is still hope capture value award. Chu Lai Chen Jinshan