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brain drain (F2)<br />International migration of highly qualified persons, especially surgeons, physicians, scientists, information technology specialists and engineers, from low-income countries to more prosperous economies, especially the USA. Differences in salaries and research facilities, as well as an oversupply of specialized graduates in less developed countries, have occasioned this, resulting in an increase in the HUMAN CAPITAL stock of advanced countries. Some countries have proposed the repayment of state financed education as a deterrent to emigration.<br /><em>See also:</em> immigration; migration
<strong>Gallagher grant</strong> Missouri' s Charles Gallagher Student Financial Assistance Program, administered by the MDHE until the 2006-07 academic year and replaced by Access Missouri August 28, 2007.
portfolio investment (GO)<br />Investment in securities.<br /><em>See also:</em> foreign direct investment
intergenerational loan (G2, R2)<br />A means of financing house purchase over a period as long as 100 years. The children of the original mortgagor continue to service their parents' mortgage. In times of high property prices property becomes affordable as annual payments are lower than under conventional mortgage arrangements.<br /> See also: equity release scheme interim management (M1)<br />Short-term management often to deal with
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