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Domar, Evsey David, 1914- (B3)<br />A founder of modem economic growth theory. Educated at the Universities of California (Los Angeles), Michigan and Harvard. Early in his career he was an economist with the FEDERAL RESERVE Board of Governors and then at the COWLES coM. MISSION, and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1958 to 1972. He is best known for reviving economic growth theory in the HARROD DOMAR MODEL; his other works include studies of taxation and comparative economic systems.<br /> <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Domar, E.V (1957) Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth, New York: Oxford University Press.
Jones Act 1920 (L5, R4)<br />US federal CABOTAGE statute, The Maritime Marine Act', which required sea transportation of cargo and passengers between US ports to be in ships US built, US owned and US crewed. Although there is some political support for this form of protectionism, the Act is increasingly obsolete as so many goods are shipped under foreign flags.<br /><em>See also:</em> Navigation Acts
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Economic Community of West African States (FO)<br />An economic association with free movement of labour and a proposed COMMON EXTERNAL TARIFF set up in 1975. The member countries are Benin, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Upper Volta.
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