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10-07-2011, 04:10 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 22,621
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10-07-2011, 04:10 AM
General of the Army
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Reprinted from 421682082 at 14:52 on January 23 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Sharing the moment
1. Not the most beautiful rainy day, was once shared with you in the rain. - \
2. Maybe time is an antidote, which I now have the poison. - \
3. I'm all the way north, belstaff online, away have your season, you say you tired, who can no longer love. Mountain wind blowing past the screen all I am wrong and breakdown ashamed that I hurt you too many - \
4. Flipping through our photos, belstaff leather, miss looming, last year's winter, we laughed very sweetly. - \
5. Turned and left, unable to say break, seabirds and fish in love, just an accident. - \
6. Emotions keep stopping the memories playing, blind pursuit of still empty, gray night sleep and do not know where to hide, a loneliness is already lying on the side. - \
7. Listen to mother, do not let her get hurt, would like to grow up quickly in order to protect her, being the total germination of beautiful white hair, the warmth of kindly angel magic. - \
8. I will be staring and then forget you, and then closed my eyes tightly, thinking that one day someone will replace, belstaff coat, so I will not miss you. --- \
9. Stranded kite on a cloudy day, and I miss waiting for rescue, I took you to the gentle line of review. - \
10. Rain all night, my love overflows just like rainwater Butterfly window like the beautiful chapter that flutters about poetry.
I went on to write my eternal love for you into the poem at the end, is the only thing I want you to know. - \For you to play Chopin's Nocturne, commemorate the dead love, and I for you anonymity, playing in the moonlight - \
12. Like maple leaves slowly drifting down to save what thoughts rush before winter comes to love you two lines from late fall through the time of tears, let love permeate the ground I just want you by my side --- \
13. I use beautiful rhymes, described by looted love; I used the font poignant, depicting regret that love --- \
14. Looking at the white dragonflies in the air and forget to move it possible to rebuild in the torrent of memories in my mind --- \
15. I hope he is more than I love you, I will force myself to leave. I really do not have talent quiet so quickly, belstaff uk, I will learn to give to you because I love you. - \
16. I know you and I are not wrong, just forgot how to step back, vows commitment to the whole space
was time to make it I know we are not wrong, belstaff outlet, but it will be better, the most beautiful love in our memories. - \
17. Temple priests who bow and arrow battle of the past, like in a crowd that you only belong to my screen, after the Soviet Union beautiful side of God, I wish the name of the goddess, thought-like spread as the Tigris, when only obscure ancient civilization The language, legends become immortal poems. - \
18. Your answer a mess at this moment I think of sweet pigeon beside the fountain how scattered you tired of the Promised Happiness I understand that love is not far short of the dream --- \
19. Broken strings, no matter how connected, I feel that you have not hear the changes you like broken strings, and then how then does not sound right, I can tell you the changes. - \
20. Can you give me a song of time tightly into a hug and never --- \21. Chengzhe Feng side of wandering in the blue sky, cloud falls in front of me, shape into the shape you are the wind with me, a bite to eat sorrow. - \
22. I am with you till the end, can not think too much would be holding hands, later to the end You said we should meet again just for an instant thank you for letting me know I am waiting never --- \
23. and I have tell you a friend or a love --- \
24. days of gray will not let me forget who you are tired to sleep does not sleep a single night, and nobody to snuggle against the darker the dream world who Kenan comfort me will be destroyed, belstaff sale, maybe decadence ----\
25. heart, even under the rain-soaked stick does not wet her hair --- \
26. I want to just hold your hand and do not let go, love can not be simply did not hurt. --- \
27. know you do not upset after breaking up much better than before that you would bless me to be able to say whether the export of the joy of the past fade Do not ask how willing ear, you say you will think of me --- \
28. I send you out a thousand miles away you silent black and white, silent era probably should not be too far away love; send you away if you are still beyond the horizon, Melody to death with a difficult to guess a lifetime to wait. - \
However, I always remember the words so:
unconsciously unconsciously you have left me
I have followed this rhythm after
After the vision to know they had a fall
hindsight I live a good life
... ...
; ... ... I want to take live
10-07-2011, 04:10 AM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 397
2556323 2008年07月11日 23:22 阅读(loading...) 评论(3) 分类:个人日记
感觉最深的是:“世界上从来没有什么意外。”这是乌龟大仙再三对功夫大师说的话。功夫大师总觉得熊猫阿宝绝 不是真正的神龙大侠,阿宝坐着火球从天而降绝对是个意外, ecco shoes womens。但大仙说,世界上没有意外。没有意外就只有必然。凡事都是有因必有果的。你种下的是桃子,它就绝对长不出 李子或苹果来。
二,对学生要有信心,对自己更多要有信心。功夫大师不相信又胖又懒又不会功夫的熊猫阿宝能学会神龙秘籍抵挡 残豹的进攻。大仙对他说,他一定要相信,只有相信了才能做好。要相信阿宝就是神龙大侠,要相信阿宝一定能练 好武功,要相信自己一定能教好阿宝武功。要有信心,相信你能行!你是一只无与伦比的熊猫!
三、教育要因人而异、因材施教。阿宝虽然没有练过武功不会一字步不会跳高,但是他天性贪吃,为了吃到东西, 他的潜能就会被激发起来一跳老高且能在空中做出标准的一字步姿势。功夫大师根据他发现的这一点,用食物来训 练阿宝,最终让阿宝学会了很多功夫。
四、教育要公平,不要偏心宠爱。残豹是功夫大师最宠爱的弟子,他把毕生所学全教给了残豹,包括后来五个徒弟 都没有学过的点穴功夫。但是,他太宠这个他从婴儿时就养大的弟子,没有教会他是非黑白,只是一味逼他练好武 功,最终导致这位爱徒走上邪路。
五、秘籍是空白的;秘密配方就是没有配方;不要想着去模仿现成的成功之道,而是要靠自己努力创 造!
One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it
2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友, ecco shoes online,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。
Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.
Quit don’t quit. Noodles don’t noodles.
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
But today is a gift
That is why it’s called the present (the gift)
There are no accidents
but there are things we can control
I can control when the fruit will fall
... And I can control
What time to seed
7.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子 ,那个种子还是会长成桃树。
Yes, but no matter what you do,
That seed will grow to be a peach tree
You may wish for an Apple or an orange
But you will get a peach
But peache can not defeate Tai Long
乌龟:也许它可以的 , ecco mens shoes,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .
you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.
师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。
Why didn’t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you
but you stayed
我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,或说我难闻, ecco shoes uk,这很伤我的心。
中国最伟大的功夫师父, ecco shoes clearance!
Yes ,I stayed .
I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head
or said I smelled ,it hurts.
But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .
I stayed ,because I thought ..
If anyone could change me ,
could make me not me ,
it was you
the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,况且这本是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。
I'm sorry things didn’t work out …
It’s just what it’s meant to be
Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.
We are Noodle folk
Broth runs deep through our veins
The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.
To make something special ,you just have to believe it’s special.
不要去对一部电影说什么,重要的是你从中学到了什么,不管你看到的是好的,或者是不好的,能从中得到什么, 才是最好的结果。
10-07-2011, 04:12 AM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 397
很多人,平时其实很正经的,很可爱的,是个好男人。但是上了网很可能见到女生就是要求ML,因为平时生 活太乏味阿,而且生理正常。既然到了网上,那还何必掩饰自己想和女孩爱的本性呢?和漂亮女生ML哪个健康的 男生不想?但是, ecco shoes womens,这些其实真正的好男人,总是被网上的女生误解,说是坏蛋,不是好人。
天理良心!哪个女生被网友欺骗的故事里面,是一个开口就是我们上床吧的男人??如果和这样的男生见面了 ,又出过 什么问题?我不喜欢说我是个特别好的男人,但是我绝对不坏,是个有责任心,我事业心的男人,有时 候还非常心软。这样的一个男生,就是因为在网上喜欢直截了当的说性、说很单纯的、说上床,就被女生形容为没 有素质、没有道德、低级庸俗的人,而且给我的定义就是不是好人,打dead都不能和我见面。
**们实在想不通,有些女生宁肯沉醉在高中毕业生,待业在家的小流氓的甜言蜜语,难道就不能现实的了解 一下我们这些看上去的确是**,其实在社会上还算比较优秀的男人吗?我有一个研究生同学,很帅 , ecco mens shoes,家庭好,很完美的一个男人,就是喜欢在网上说能不能和你见面,能不能和你上床啊,当然拒绝他的女生很多, 直到有一天,一个女生,也是很不错的外企的女生,居然在网上答应了和他一夜情, ecco shoes uk,当天晚上就见面了,吃了饭,泡了酒吧,两方感觉都不错,晚上就激情了,现在呢,大家想不到的事情是他们两 个结婚了,现在还是很幸福,房子换了180平米的,有一辆汽车。
这就是一个网上的很明显的坏男人的真实故事。**们没有什么海誓山盟,因为他们知道,这些东西都太假, 都太虚伪,太不现实,说出来是很不负责的,所以**们都是很有责任心的;**们也不会欺骗,他们会老老实实 的交待自己的年龄,职业,身高,体重,也不会写些软溜溜的文学来衬托自己的高雅,因为他们没有必要去靠欺骗 来赢得女孩子的芳心,一切真实就好;**们也不会随便和女生结婚,因为他们知道结婚了,自己就要收敛了,这 是男人的责任。
各位女生,难道你们的观点不能改变一下吗?很多很多的女生都说别和我谈性,别和我搞一夜情,其实真正的 优秀的男人,哪有那么多时间还和你网上聊天,聊工作聊感情?他们已经很忙了, ecco shoes online,他们真的懒得去花前月下的在网络上聊什么天,不就是要泡妞吗?何必搞得那么麻烦??
而且,很多有时间,看着很有学问,很有修养,很有道德,出淤泥而不染的男生,真正的身份是什么呢?是待 业青年,是穷酸作家,是想杀人想骗钱的,是不上课不学习的学生,和他们网恋能有什么好结果,我倒是问问各位 女生,你们投入了时间精力,投入了肉体,最后和一个虚假的男人待在一起了,爱上他了,那么你到底是爱真人, 还是爱网上那个虚伪的灵魂??
有一次出差,酒店上不了网,我去酒店旁边的一个网吧收邮件,一进去就看到几个半大小子,抽着烟在那里聊 天,我很容易看到他们的屏幕,这个小子167左右的身高,一脸坏笑,开着一个QQ和众多的女生聊天,旁边打 开了一个网页,
上面应该是言情小说或者散文什么的,他边聊,边粘贴一些段落到上面。他的QQ频繁的闪动着,而我这边静 寂无声。他旁边的一个朋友问他,那个小梅(忘了具体名字)搞得怎么样了。这小子说:"不错啊,估计在聊两天 就爱上我了,可以上床。"旁边那小子说:"不错啊。你这个月厉害啊。" 这小子回答:"这丫头好像挺有钱的,呵呵呵!"我深锁眉头,叹息着,就这样一个混蛋。那个笑声中隐藏着恶毒 的手段,我真不知道这个叫小梅的姑娘会怎么样的后果。
一般比较色的男人因为将一些阴暗的东西都释放了,所以很健康,相反那些满口道德的人内心倒是很值得怀疑 ,所以,我毫不内疚我很色。有一句话我至今很认可:"流氓现在都在高档写字楼里面。"不可否认,有的男人的 确是披着人皮的狼,但是绝大多数是好的。我现在可以教女生们识别**狼的几个方法。
1、**狼话不多。如果是上班时间,**狼的话的确很少,中断性很强,而且说着说着就不耐烦了,就要说 色情的东西。
2、**狼基本上不会吹嘘自己,他们一般都是你问什么就回答什么,不会和你打什么迂回战术 。
3、**狼如果有你的电话,短.信量比较少,一般都是邀请你出去玩,或者是给你发一个好笑的短.信,有 时候会问问你近况如何?还认识我吗?很少有废话连篇,卖弄文学的。
4、**狼绝对不会说漂亮话,绝对不会发誓要和你永远永远,爱你入骨什么的恶心的话,他如果真的已近爱 上了你,他会天天给你打电话,看到你会很开心,条件成熟了才会试探着问你对未来的打算。
5、**狼绝对不已结婚为目的,而是认识女生为目的,尽管有的时候只是希望能够找到性伴侣,但是如果一 旦感到的确是自己理想的终身伴侣, ecco outlet,**狼绝对不吝啬那句求婚的话的。
6、**狼上网聊天,如果你慢慢聊下去,你就能发现他其他的优点,而且如果他认为你是朋友,但是不可能 一夜情,他会时不时和你打个招呼,但是大部分时间不理你。
7、**狼也许突然会翻出一年前和你的聊天记录,因为他是在公司上网或者是在家上网,绝对 不是在网吧。
8、**狼一般都比较自信,至少不是青蛙,如果女生要照片,他会很爽快地给你传过去,当然会找你要照片 ,你如果坚持说没有,他还是会发给你。
9、**狼绝对有正当的职业,千万不要相信说自己是自由职业者的人的话,真正事业有成的人,绝对没有时 间和你在网上几个小时不停的聊天的。
女生们,你们如果愿意拿出一点点地耐心来了解一个你认为十恶不赦,不愿意聊天的陌生人,也许,你会发现 ,真正的值得爱的人就在你的眼前。
10-07-2011, 04:12 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 839
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Reprinted from 421682082 at 14:52 on January 23 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Sharing the moment
1. Not the most beautiful rainy day, was once shared with you in the rain. - \
2. Maybe time is an antidote, which I now have the poison. - \
3. I'm all the way north, away have your season, you say you tired, who can no longer love. Mountain wind blowing past the screen all I am wrong and breakdown ashamed that I hurt you too many - \
4. Flipping through our photos, miss looming, last year's winter, we laughed very sweetly. - \
5. Turned and left, unable to say break, seabirds and fish in love, just an accident. - \
6. Emotions keep stopping the memories playing, belstaff jackets outlet, blind pursuit of still empty, gray night sleep and do not know where to hide, a loneliness is already lying on the side. - \
7. Listen to mother, do not let her get hurt, would like to grow up quickly in order to protect her, being the total germination of beautiful white hair, the warmth of kindly angel magic. - \
8. I will be staring and then forget you, and then closed my eyes tightly, thinking that one day someone will replace, so I will not miss you. --- \
9. Stranded kite on a cloudy day, belstaff coat, and I miss waiting for rescue, I took you to the gentle line of review. - \
10. Rain all night, my love overflows just like rainwater Butterfly window like the beautiful chapter that flutters about poetry.
I went on to write my eternal love for you into the poem at the end, is the only thing I want you to know. - \For you to play Chopin's Nocturne, commemorate the dead love, and I for you anonymity, playing in the moonlight - \
12. Like maple leaves slowly drifting down to save what thoughts rush before winter comes to love you two lines from late fall through the time of tears, let love permeate the ground I just want you by my side --- \
13. I use beautiful rhymes, described by looted love; I used the font poignant, depicting regret that love --- \
14. Looking at the white dragonflies in the air and forget to move it possible to rebuild in the torrent of memories in my mind --- \
15. I hope he is more than I love you, I will force myself to leave. I really do not have talent quiet so quickly, I will learn to give to you because I love you. - \
16. I know you and I are not wrong, belstaff jacket, just forgot how to step back, vows commitment to the whole space
was time to make it I know we are not wrong, but it will be better, the most beautiful love in our memories. - \
17. Temple priests who bow and arrow battle of the past, like in a crowd that you only belong to my screen, after the Soviet Union beautiful side of God, I wish the name of the goddess, thought-like spread as the Tigris, belstaff outlet, when only obscure ancient civilization The language, legends become immortal poems. - \
18. Your answer a mess at this moment I think of sweet pigeon beside the fountain how scattered you tired of the Promised Happiness I understand that love is not far short of the dream --- \
19. Broken strings, no matter how connected, I feel that you have not hear the changes you like broken strings, and then how then does not sound right, I can tell you the changes. - \
20. Can you give me a song of time tightly into a hug and never --- \21. Chengzhe Feng side of wandering in the blue sky, cloud falls in front of me, shape into the shape you are the wind with me, a bite to eat sorrow. - \
22. I am with you till the end, can not think too much would be holding hands, later to the end You said we should meet again just for an instant thank you for letting me know I am waiting never --- \
23. and I have tell you a friend or a love --- \
24. days of gray will not let me forget who you are tired to sleep does not sleep a single night, and nobody to snuggle against the darker the dream world who Kenan comfort me will be destroyed, maybe decadence ----\
25. heart, belstaff uk, even under the rain-soaked stick does not wet her hair --- \
26. I want to just hold your hand and do not let go, love can not be simply did not hurt. --- \
27. know you do not upset after breaking up much better than before that you would bless me to be able to say whether the export of the joy of the past fade Do not ask how willing ear, you say you will think of me --- \
28. I send you out a thousand miles away you silent black and white, silent era probably should not be too far away love; send you away if you are still beyond the horizon, Melody to death with a difficult to guess a lifetime to wait. - \
However, belstaff sale, I always remember the words so:
unconsciously unconsciously you have left me
I have followed this rhythm after
After the vision to know they had a fall
hindsight I live a good life
... ...
; ... ... I want to take live
10-07-2011, 04:29 AM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 397
转载自 839276700 2010年03月11日 13:44 阅读(loading...) 评论(1) 分类:个人日记
最好听的男孩名字及1000个好听的女孩的名字___(珍藏版)! 你肯定用的着
致远 (出自诸葛亮的《诫子书》:“非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远”)
雨泽 (恩惠像雨一样多)
烨磊 (光明磊落)
黎昕 (黎:黎明昕:明亮的样子 )
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伟祺 (伟:伟大祺 :吉祥 )
荣轩 (轩:气度不凡 )
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浩宇 (胸怀犹如宇宙,浩瀚无穷)
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皓轩 (意为:光明磊落,气宇轩昂)
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子轩 (轩:气度不凡 )
睿渊 (睿智;学识渊博)
弘文 (弘扬;文:文学家)
哲瀚 (拥有广大的学问)
雨泽 (恩惠)
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绍辉( 绍:继承辉:光辉 )
泽洋 (广阔的海洋 )
鑫磊 (鑫:财富 )
鹏煊 (煊:光明,读xuānn )
昊强 (昊:苍天,苍穹 )
伟宸 (宸:古代君王的代称 )
博超 (博:博大超:超越 )
君浩 (君:君子浩:浩大 )
子骞 (骞:高举,飞起 )
鹏涛 (鹏:比喻气势雄伟 )
炎彬 (炎:燃烧彬:形容文雅 )
鹤轩 (鹤:闲云野鹤轩:气度不凡 )
越彬 (彬:形容文雅 )
风华 (风华正茂 )
靖琪 (靖:平安 琪:美玉 )
明辉 (辉:光明 )
伟诚 (伟:伟大诚:诚实 )
明轩 (轩:气度不凡 )
健柏((柏:松柏, ecco shoes sale,是长寿的象征。“健柏”就是健康长寿的意思)
志泽 (泽:广域的水源 )
弘文 (弘扬,文:文学家)
峻熙 (峻:高大威猛;熙:前途一片光明)
嘉懿 (嘉:美好;懿:美好)
煜城 (照耀城市)
懿轩 (懿:美好;轩:气宇轩昂)
烨伟 (烨:光耀)
苑博 (博:博学)
伟泽 (伟:伟大泽:广域的水源)
熠彤 (熠:光耀彤:红色)
鸿煊 (鸿:大也煊:光明)
博涛 (博:博学)
烨霖 (烨:光明)
烨华 (烨:光耀)
煜祺 (煜:照耀 祺:吉祥)
智宸 (智:智慧宸:古代君王的代称)
正豪 (豪:豪气)
昊然 (昊:苍天,苍穹)
明杰 (明智,杰出)
立诚 (诚:诚实)
立轩 (轩:气度不凡)
立辉 (辉:辉煌)
峻熙 (峻:高大威猛;熙:前途一片光明)
弘文 (弘扬;文:文学家)
熠彤 熠:光耀 彤:红色
鸿煊 鸿:大也 煊:光明
烨霖 烨:光明
哲瀚 (拥有广大的学问)
鑫鹏 鑫:财富 鹏:比喻气势雄伟
昊天 思聪 展鹏 笑愚 志强 炫明 雪松 思源 智渊 思淼
晓啸 天宇 浩然 文轩 鹭洋 振家 乐驹 晓博 文博 昊焱
立果 金鑫 锦程 嘉熙 鹏飞 子默 思远 浩轩 语堂 聪健
梦琪、之桃、慕青、尔岚、初夏、沛菡、傲珊、曼文、乐菱、惜文、香寒、新柔、语蓉、海安、夜蓉、涵柏、水桃 、醉蓝、语琴、从彤、傲晴、语兰、又菱、碧彤、元霜、怜梦、紫寒、妙彤、曼易、南莲、紫翠、雨寒、易烟、如 萱、若南、寻真、晓亦、向珊、慕灵、以蕊、映易、雪柳、海云、凝天、沛珊、寒云、冰旋、宛儿、绿真、晓霜、 碧凡、夏菡、曼香、若烟、半梦、雅绿、冰蓝、灵槐、平安、书翠、翠风、代云、梦曼、幼翠、听寒、梦柏、醉易 、访旋、亦玉、凌萱、访卉、怀亦、笑蓝、靖柏、夜蕾、冰夏、梦松、书雪、乐枫、念薇、靖雁、从寒、觅波、静 曼、凡旋、以亦、念露、芷蕾、千兰、新波、代真、新蕾、雁玉、冷卉、紫山、千琴、傲芙、盼山、怀蝶、冰兰、 山柏、翠萱、问旋、白易、问筠、如霜、半芹、丹珍、冰彤、亦寒、之瑶、冰露、尔珍、谷雪、乐萱、涵菡、海莲 、傲蕾、青槐、易梦、惜雪、宛海、之柔、夏青、亦瑶、妙菡、紫蓝、幻柏、元风、冰枫、访蕊、芷蕊、凡蕾、凡 柔、安蕾、天荷、含玉、书兰、雅琴、书瑶、从安、夏槐、念芹、代曼、幻珊、谷丝、秋翠、白晴、海露、代荷、 含玉、书蕾、听白、灵雁、雪青、乐瑶、含烟、涵双、平蝶、雅蕊、傲之、灵薇、含蕾、从梦、从蓉、初丹。听兰 、听蓉、语芙、夏彤、凌瑶、忆翠、幻灵、怜菡、紫南、依珊、妙竹、访烟、怜蕾、映寒、友绿、冰萍、惜霜、凌 香、芷蕾、雁卉、迎梦、元柏、代萱、紫真、千青、凌寒、紫安、寒安、怀蕊、秋荷、涵雁、以山、凡梅、盼曼、 翠彤、谷冬、冷安、千萍、冰烟、雅阳、友绿、南松、诗云、飞风、寄灵、书芹、幼蓉、以蓝、笑寒、忆寒、秋烟 、芷巧、水香、映之、醉波、幻莲、夜山、芷卉、向彤、小玉、幼南、凡梦、尔曼、念波、迎松、青寒、笑天、涵 蕾、碧菡、映秋、盼烟、忆山、以寒、寒香、小凡、代亦、梦露、映波、友蕊、寄凡、怜蕾、雁枫、水绿、曼荷、 笑珊、寒珊、谷南、慕儿、夏岚、友儿、小萱、紫青、妙菱、冬寒、曼柔、语蝶、青筠、夜安、觅海、问安、晓槐 、雅山、访云、翠容、寒凡、晓绿、以菱、冬云、含玉、访枫、含卉、夜白、冷安、灵竹、醉薇、元珊、幻波、盼 夏、元瑶、迎曼、水云、访琴、谷波、笑白、妙海、紫霜、凌旋、孤丝、怜寒、凡松、青丝、翠安、如天、凌雪、 绮菱、代云、香薇、冬灵、凌珍、沛文、紫槐、幻柏、采文、雪旋、盼海、映梦、安雁、映容、凝阳、访风、天亦 、觅风、小霜、雪萍、半雪、山柳、谷雪、靖易、白薇、梦菡、飞绿、如波、又晴、友易、香菱、冬亦、问雁、海 冬、秋灵、凝芙、念烟、白山、从灵、尔芙、迎蓉、念寒、翠绿、翠芙、靖儿、妙柏、千凝、小珍、妙旋、雪枫、 夏菡、绮琴、雨双、听枫、觅荷、凡之、晓凡、雅彤、孤风、从安、绮彤、之玉、雨珍、幻丝、代梅、青亦、元菱 、海瑶、飞槐、听露、梦岚、幻竹、谷云、忆霜、水瑶、慕晴、秋双、雨真、觅珍、丹雪、元枫、思天、如松、妙 晴、谷秋、妙松、晓夏、宛筠、碧琴、盼兰、小夏、安容、青曼、千儿、寻双、涵瑶、冷梅、秋柔、思菱、醉波、 醉柳、以寒、迎夏、向雪、以丹、依凝、如柏、雁菱、凝竹、宛白、初柔、南蕾、书萱、梦槐、南琴、绿海、沛儿 、晓瑶、凝蝶、紫雪、念双、念真、曼寒、凡霜、飞雪、雪兰、雅霜、从蓉、冷雪、靖巧、翠丝、觅翠、凡白、乐 蓉、迎波、丹烟、梦旋、书双、念桃、夜天、安筠、觅柔、初南、秋蝶、千易、安露、诗蕊、山雁、友菱、香露、 晓兰、白卉、语山、冷珍、秋翠、夏柳、如之、忆南、书易、翠桃、寄瑶、如曼、问柳、幻桃、又菡、醉蝶、亦绿 、诗珊、听芹、新之、易巧、念云、晓灵、静枫、夏蓉、如南、幼丝、秋白、冰安、秋白、南风、醉山、初彤、凝 海、紫文、凌晴、雅琴、傲安、傲之、初蝶、代芹、诗霜、碧灵、诗柳、夏柳、采白、慕梅、乐安、冬菱、紫安、 宛凝、雨雪、易真、安荷、静竹、代柔、丹秋、绮梅、依白、凝荷、幼珊、忆彤、凌青、之桃、芷荷、听荷、代玉 、念珍、梦菲、夜春、千秋、白秋、谷菱、飞松、初瑶、惜灵、梦易、新瑶、曼梅、碧曼、友瑶、雨兰、夜柳、芷 珍、含芙、夜云、依萱、凝雁、以莲、安南、幼晴、尔琴、飞阳、白凡、沛萍、雪瑶、向卉、采文、乐珍、寒荷、 觅双、白桃、安卉、迎曼、盼雁、乐松、涵山、问枫、以柳、含海、翠曼、忆梅、涵柳、海蓝、晓曼、代珊、忆丹 、静芙、绮兰、梦安、紫丝、千雁、凝珍、香萱、梦容、冷雁、飞柏、天真、翠琴、寄真、秋荷、代珊、初雪、雅 柏、怜容、如风、南露、紫易、冰凡、海雪、语蓉、碧玉、语风、凝梦、从雪、白枫、傲云、白梅、念露、慕凝、 雅柔、盼柳、半青、从霜、怀柔、怜晴、夜蓉、代双、以南、若菱、芷文、南晴、梦寒、初翠、灵波、问夏、惜海 、亦旋、沛芹、幼萱、白凝、初露、迎海、绮玉、凌香、寻芹、秋柳、尔白、映真、含雁、寒松、寻雪、青烟、问 蕊、灵阳、雪巧、丹萱、凡双、孤萍、紫菱、寻凝、傲柏、傲儿、友容、灵枫、尔丝、曼凝、若蕊、问丝、思枫、 水卉、问梅、念寒、诗双、翠霜、夜香、寒蕾、凡阳、冷玉、平彤、语薇、幻珊、紫夏、凌波、芷蝶、丹南、之双 、凡波、思雁、白莲、从菡、如容、采柳、沛岚、惜儿、夜玉、水儿、半凡、语海、听莲、幻枫、念柏、冰珍、思 山、凝蕊、天玉、思萱、向梦、笑南、夏旋、之槐、元灵、以彤、采萱、巧曼、绿兰、平蓝、问萍、绿蓉、靖柏。 迎蕾、碧曼、思卉、白柏、妙菡、怜阳、雨柏、雁菡、梦之、又莲、乐荷、寒天、凝琴、书南、映天、白梦、初瑶 、平露、含巧、慕蕊、半莲、醉卉、天菱、青雪、雅旋、巧荷、飞丹、若灵、尔云、幻天、诗兰、青梦、海菡、灵 槐、忆秋、寒凝、凝芙、绮山、静白、尔蓉、尔冬、映萱、白筠、冰双、访彤、绿柏、夏云、笑翠、晓灵、含双、 盼波、以云、怜翠、雁风、之卉、平松、问儿、绿柳、如蓉、曼容、天晴、丹琴、惜天、寻琴、依瑶、涵易、忆灵 、从波、依柔、问兰、山晴、怜珊、之云、飞双、傲白、沛春、雨南、梦之、笑阳、代容、友琴、雁梅、友桃、从 露、语柔、傲玉、觅夏、晓蓝、新晴、雨莲、凝旋、绿旋、幻香、觅双、冷亦、忆雪、友卉、幻翠、靖柔、寻菱、 丹翠、安阳、雅寒、惜筠、尔安、雁易、飞瑶、夏兰、沛蓝、静丹、山芙、笑晴、新烟、笑旋、雁兰、凌翠、秋莲 、书桃、傲松、语儿、映菡、初曼、听云、初夏、雅香、语雪、初珍、白安、冰薇、诗槐、冷玉、冰巧、之槐、夏 寒、诗筠、新梅、白曼、安波、从阳、含桃、曼卉、笑萍、晓露、寻菡、沛白、平灵、水彤、安彤、涵易、乐巧、 依风、紫南、亦丝、易蓉、紫萍、惜萱、诗蕾、寻绿、诗双、寻云、孤丹、谷蓝、山灵、幻丝、友梅、从云、雁丝 、盼旋、幼旋、尔蓝、沛山、代丝、觅松、冰香、依玉、冰之、妙梦、以冬、曼青、冷菱、雪曼、安白、千亦、凌 蝶、又夏、南烟, ecco shoes。靖易、沛凝、翠梅、书文、雪卉、乐儿、傲丝、安青、初蝶、寄灵、惜寒、雨竹、冬莲、绮南、翠柏、平凡、亦 玉、孤兰、秋珊、新筠、半芹、夏瑶、念文、晓丝、涵蕾、雁凡、谷兰、灵凡、凝云、曼云、丹彤、南霜、夜梦、 从筠、雁芙、语蝶、依波、晓旋、念之、盼芙、曼安、采珊、初柳、迎天、曼安、南珍、妙芙、语柳、含莲、晓筠 、夏山、尔容、念梦、傲南、问薇、雨灵、凝安、冰海、初珍、宛菡、冬卉、盼晴、冷荷、寄翠、幻梅、如凡、语 梦、易梦、千柔、向露、梦玉、傲霜、依霜、灵松、诗桃、书蝶、冰蝶、山槐、以晴、友易、梦桃、香菱、孤云、 水蓉、雅容、飞烟、雁荷、代芙、醉易、夏烟、依秋、依波、紫萱、涵易、忆之、幻巧、水风、安寒、白亦、怜雪 、听南、念蕾、梦竹、千凡、寄琴、采波、元冬、思菱、平卉、笑柳、雪卉、谷梦、绿蝶、飞荷、平安、孤晴、芷 荷、曼冬、尔槐、以旋、绿蕊、初夏、依丝、怜南、千山、雨安、水风、寄柔、幼枫、凡桃、新儿、夏波、雨琴、 静槐、元槐、映阳、飞薇、小凝、映寒、傲菡、谷蕊、笑槐、飞兰、笑卉、迎荷、元冬、书竹、半烟、绮波、小之 、觅露、夜雪、寒梦、尔风、白梅、雨旋、芷珊、山彤、尔柳、沛柔、灵萱、沛凝、白容、乐蓉、映安、依云、映 冬、凡雁、梦秋、醉柳、梦凡、若云、元容、怀蕾、灵寒、天薇、白风、访波、亦凝、易绿、夜南、曼凡、亦巧、 青易。冰真、白萱、友安、诗翠、雪珍、海之、小蕊、又琴、香彤、语梦、惜蕊、迎彤、沛白、雁山、易蓉、雪晴 、诗珊、冰绿、半梅、笑容、沛凝、念瑶、如冬、向真、从蓉、亦云、向雁、尔蝶、冬易、丹亦、夏山、醉香、盼 夏、孤菱、安莲、问凝、冬萱、晓山、雁蓉、梦蕊、山菡、南莲、飞双、凝丝、思萱、怀梦、雨梅、冷霜、向松、 迎丝、迎梅、听双、山蝶、夜梅、醉冬、雨筠、平文、青文、半蕾、幼菱、寻梅、含之、香之、含蕊、亦玉、靖荷 、碧萱、寒云、向南、书雁、怀薇、思菱、忆文、若山、向秋、凡白、绮烟、从蕾、天曼、又亦、依琴、曼彤、沛 槐、又槐、元绿、安珊、夏之、易槐、宛亦、白翠、丹云、问寒、易文、傲易、青旋、思真、妙之、半双、若翠、 初兰、怀曼、惜萍、初之、宛丝、幻儿、千风、天蓉、雅青、寄文、代天、惜珊、向薇、冬灵、惜芹、凌青、谷芹 、雁桃、映雁、书兰、寄风、访烟、绮晴、傲柔、寄容、以珊、紫雪、芷容、书琴、寻桃、涵阳、怀寒、易云、采 蓝、代秋、惜梦、尔烟、谷槐、怀莲、涵菱、水蓝、访冬、半兰、又柔、冬卉、安双、冰岚、香薇、语芹、静珊、 幻露、访天、静柏、凌丝、小翠、雁卉、访文、凌文、芷云、思柔、巧凡、慕山、依云、千柳、从凝、安梦、香旋 、映天、安柏、平萱、以筠、忆曼、新竹、绮露、觅儿、碧蓉、白竹、飞兰、曼雁、雁露、凝冬、含灵、初阳、海 秋、冰双、绿兰、盼易、思松、梦山、友灵、绿竹、灵安、凌柏、秋柔、又蓝、尔竹、天蓝、青枫、问芙、语海、 灵珊、凝丹、小蕾、迎夏、水之、飞珍、冰夏、亦竹、飞莲、海白、元蝶、芷天、怀绿、尔容、元芹、若云、寒烟 、听筠、采梦、凝莲、元彤、觅山、代桃、冷之、盼秋、秋寒、慕蕊、海亦、初晴、巧蕊、听安、芷雪、以松、梦 槐、寒梅、香岚、寄柔、映冬、孤容、晓蕾、安萱、听枫、夜绿、雪莲、从丹、碧蓉、绮琴、雨文、幼荷、青柏、 初蓝、忆安、盼晴、寻冬、雪珊、梦寒、迎南、如彤、采枫、若雁、翠阳、沛容、幻翠、山兰、芷波、雪瑶、寄云 、慕卉、冷松、涵梅、书白、乐天、雁卉、宛秋、傲旋、新之、凡儿、夏真、静枫、乐双、白玉、问玉、寄松、丹 蝶、元瑶、冰蝶、访曼、代灵、芷烟、白易、尔阳、怜烟、平卉、丹寒、访梦、绿凝、冰菱、语蕊、思烟、忆枫、 映菱、凌兰、曼岚、若枫、傲薇、凡灵、乐蕊、秋灵、谷槐、觅云
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10-07-2011, 04:30 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 22,621
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