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10-07-2011, 02:57 AM
Sergeant Major
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 210
怎么养生 最祛暑湿
大暑过后气候的特点是湿热、暑热,在这种天气下,人们往往会感觉出汗不畅、全身黏腻、口渴心烦、夜间失眠、 容易疲劳,
大暑过后气候的特点是湿热、暑热,此时,按照中医来讲,相应的脏腑是脾,在这种天气下,人们往往会感觉出汗 不畅、全身黏腻、口渴心烦、夜间失眠、容易疲劳,如果出现这些症状,多吃一些健脾去湿、清热祛暑的食物人才 会舒服。
暑湿是感受暑湿邪所致的急性外感热病。多发生于夏令季节,暑湿俱盛之时,尤以南方为多见。其以发病较急,初 起见有身热、头身重病、微汗、口渴、脘痞等暑湿郁遏肌表证候为主要特点。根据好发季节及临床证候特点,西医 的钩端螺旋体病、肠伤寒、流行性感冒等,可参考暑湿病进行辨证治疗。
暑湿的发生由感受暑兼湿邪而致病。夏令气候炎热,容易形成暑兼湿邪。若人体正气不足,或因天气炎热而嗜食生 冷, www.tv5173.com,以致水湿内停,往往容易感受暑兼湿邪而病。本病所及部位、脏腑,主要是卫分肌表、肺、三焦、胃肠等;若暑 湿化燥化火,耗气伤津,也可深人心营,引起动风、动血。
暑兼湿邪从皮毛而人, 光波炉,郁遏卫分肌表,可见发热较高,伴有头痛,身重体倦,肢体酸痛,脘痞胸闷等。若暑兼湿邪从口鼻而人,困扰胃 肠气机,则见高热,吐泻,口渴,心烦等气分胃肠症状。若邪热炽盛,可致暑湿弥漫三焦,或困阻中焦,或壅滞肺 络,变化复杂。
暑湿的治疗,以清暑利湿为主,佐以芳香化湿。临证中要详辨暑湿的部位,体质的虚实,暑湿之偏重,而选择涤暑 透邪、清肺解暑、清暑化湿、宣泄三焦等方法施治。当邪气化燥化火,人营入血,出现闭窍动风,津气欲脱等证候 ,与暑温危重证候相同,可参照暑温论治。
暑湿,病证名, www.2828tv.com。指暑热挟湿的病证。夏季常见病之一。症见胸脘痞闷、心烦、身热、舌苔黄腻。如暑湿困阻中焦,则见壮热烦渴 、汗多尿水、胸闷身重;如暑湿弥漫三焦,则见咳嗽、身热面赤、胸脘痞闷、大便稀溏、小便短赤,治宜清暑化湿 为主。
赤小豆薏米煲排骨,这款汤性平和,男女老幼都适用。淮山芡实煲猪骨汤或淮山莲子炖鸡,这两款汤尤其适合腹胀 、大便烂、口水多、口淡的人食用。另外,生地土茯苓煲汤、莲子粥、淮山粥等也是健脾良方。
冬瓜煲鸭, www.huangjinbei.com,具有清热消暑、利水、消肿的作用,冬瓜皮利水通淋,适合尿频、尿急、尿痛等泌尿系感染者,冬瓜仁(即冬瓜 子)可清热、化痰、通便,适合咳嗽、痰黄、大便秘结者,煲汤时可以在汤中适当加些冬瓜仁,能起到食疗的作用 。
也是清热的不错选择,但绿豆性寒凉,大暑天可以适当煮一些饮用,睡眠不好的还可以煮百合绿豆糖水、海带绿豆 糖水等。不过,脾胃虚寒的人要少吃。脾胃虚寒者常表现为:容易腹胀、胃口差,不爱喝水,口水多,大便烂,容 易拉肚子,舌苔淡、有齿印等。
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10-07-2011, 02:57 AM
Commander In Chief
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Reprinted from 641580345 at 1:18 p.m. on September 23 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Categories: Transshipment
butcher】 【monk and a monk once good friends with a butcher. To be up every morning chanting monks, and butcher them every day to slaughter a pig. In order not to delay their morning work, they called each other to get up each morning, agreed. Years later, the monk and the butcher have died. The butcher went to heaven, while the monk was hell. Why? Because the butcher to do good every day, called up and chanting monks, on the contrary, the butcher called up every day, killing the monk ... ... Small philosophy: you do things is not all you think is right, but not necessarily right.
【a】 lifelong benefits of the test questions you are driving a car. In a stormy night. You go through a station. There are three people are anxious waiting for the bus. One is about a dying old man, he needs to go to the hospital immediately. One is a doctor, he had saved your life, you dream of going to repay him. There is also a woman / man, she / he want to marry you dream / married, perhaps miss the chance. But your car can only sit one person, how would you choose? I do not know if this is not a test of your character, because each answer has its reason. Dying old man, you should first be to save him. You also may want the doctor on the train, because he saved you, this is a good opportunity to repay him. There is your dream lover. Missed this opportunity. You may never encounter a make you so attractive person. In the 200 candidates, only one person is hired, he did not explain his reasons, belstaff coat, he just said the following words: 'the doctor car keys and let him take the elderly to the hospital, and I stay with me dreams with waiting for the bus! 'Everybody I know people think the answer above is the best, belstaff leather, but no one (including me) think of the beginning. Small philosophy: Is it because we never thought of giving up the advantages we have had (car keys)? Sometimes, if we give up our stubborn, narrow, and a number of advantages, we may get more.
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Ten Notes
1, the so-called iron rice bowl, not a place to eat in a lifetime meal, but a life where all food to eat.
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6, pride is not long, For non vertical, not very happy, go rather to shift.
7, I do not pay the poor and rich, and you do not pay I do not cheap.
8, the world just can not figure out, and no dead end road.
9, power, like a check, unless it turned into cash, or worthless.
10, Living life, nothing is to make people smile and laugh occasionally others.
10-07-2011, 02:57 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
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, belstaff outlet
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Reprinted from 149577512 at 11:31 on November 6, belstaff uk, 2007 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
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10-07-2011, 02:58 AM
Commander In Chief
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34184 2010 年 03 月 31 日 12:22 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
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10-07-2011, 02:58 AM
General of the Army
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. . . - Qzone log
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34436 2010 年 12 月 18 日 23:24 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: Personal Diary
In fact, I'm tired.
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lonely occasionally pick up the phone open address book, over and over again ..... do not know who the call .......
10-07-2011, 02:58 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,125
. . . - Qzone log
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34436 2010 年 12 月 18 日 23:24 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: Personal Diary
In fact, I'm tired.
fact that nobody can understand me, I used to pretend to be strong, red wing shoes, a man accustomed to the face of all ....
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I would occasionally like to get together with friends ..
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or loss of happy looking.
I will also occasionally find vent
or effective.
or more injuries.
lonely occasionally pick up the phone open address book, over and over again ..... do not know who the call .......
10-07-2011, 02:59 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,543
, belstaff outlet
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2123255 2006 年 02 月 08 日 18:54 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Original Literature
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10-07-2011, 02:59 AM
Commander In Chief
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, red wing shoe store
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341814 2008 年 09 月 19 日 00:13 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: Personal Diary
If I do not love you. I think I will not cry. If I do not despair. I think I will not leave. If you love me. You will not hurt me. if you can. please let your memory. without my figure.
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10-07-2011, 02:59 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Nov 2010
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2123272 2009 年 09 月 25 日 13:49 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
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10-07-2011, 03:00 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 668
. . . - Qzone log
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34436 2010 年 12 月 18 日 23:24 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: Personal Diary
In fact, I'm tired.
fact that nobody can understand me, I used to pretend to be strong, a man accustomed to the face of all ....
in the end I do not know how to.
very happy and I can speak for each person, can be very presumptuous.
but no one knows, but that is disguised, it is deliberately disguised.
I can make yourself happy happy.
but could not find a source of pleasure, will only make one giggle.
I'm not used to do things with other people that since I'm not used to people looking at me with pity.
In fact, I treasure the people around, but the pressure of living so I'm good at forgetting, forgetting all those memories.
I thought forget to make yourself happier ...
but I feel it is more loneliness.
night comes, red wing boots, the surrounding air is very impatient .....
a person sitting in the window, facing out the window the crowd daze .....
do not know what they are thinking ..
miss the past, and nothing more ..
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not hung up QQ chat ..
just repeated the open space off space
I do not like chasing, but want to jump the same as before.
I like very quiet in a very quiet night, turn out the light let alone my parcel, but afraid of the dark ...
I would occasionally like to get together with friends ..
or. happy
or loss of happy looking.
I will also occasionally find vent
or effective.
or more injuries.
lonely occasionally pick up the phone open address book, red wing heritage, over and over again ..... do not know who the call .......
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