Farewell NZPA
Today NZPA sadly goes out of existence. This will make New Zealand <a href="http://www.wholesalelove.org/wholesale-discount-dior-shoes-bshoes2108menwomencheapwholes-p-18365.html?zenid=8u3vd3e1fkb1mjmsg7u62vlcg3"><stro ng>Wholesale Discount Dior Shoes BSHOES-2108,MEN|WOMEN|cheap|wholes2010 for MEN|WOMEN|cheap|wholesale</strong></a> one of the few countries without a national news agency. It also means that fewer worthy but unsensational parliamentary stories will get written and covered. NZPA provided excellent coverage of Parliament.On Stuff there is a farewell article from former NZPA Editor Max Lambert.Stuff also has an article focusing on the future:The NZPA national news service officially ceases today and the void is being filled by news services set up by both companies, named FNZN and APNZ respectively, and joined by a third from the Australian Associated Press.It will be interesting to see how the three services go. I’m not that hopeful:APNZ would be “less institutional” in its focus, putting its resources to provide news that readers wanted rather than sticking rigidly to emergency services <a href="http://www.wholesalelove.org/air-jordan-9-retro-white-black-red-302370101-p-2577.html?zenid=n09tjv99s5qlvb42r152o3b5q7"><stron g>Air Jordan 9 Retro White / Black / Red 302370-1012010 for MEN|WOMEN|cheap|wholesale|discount</strong></a> and political argument, Simons said.I read this as being more stories about Britney Spears and <a href="http://www.wholesalelove.org/cheap-nhl-montreal-canadiens-91-gomez-red-jerseymenwomencheap-p-8609.html?zenid=1inmugl7dha2189stculgcu586"><stron g>Cheap NHL Montreal Canadiens 91 Gomez Red Jersey,MEN|WOMEN|cheap2010 for MEN|WOMEN|cheap|wholesale|discount</strong></a> fewer stories about boring stuff such as the electoral system referendum. Tags: NZPA This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 31st, 2011 at 3:09 pm and is filed under New Zealand. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.