How sharp is Razer's new Blade laptop?
These self-inflating bike tires have us pumped.
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to Former Shuttle Facilities"--and other ideas for NASA-insired sci-fi.
This week, news of Steve Jobs' resignation from his post as Apple CEO had us pondering the reach of the man and the products he's had such a profound hand in shaping. You're in our thoughts, Steve!
For Sony, it's all in a name.
In case you missed the latest installment of Donald and Eric's podcast hilarity:
Android's coming to the TouchPad, but not without hitting some speed bumps.
Green lights the whole way? We're in.
Cameras, cameras, and more cameras.
Got something hilarious to tell Donald and Eric? Or any other member of the Crave crew? Write to us at crave at cnet dot com. And be sure to follow us on Twitter at @crave.
Here comes the bride--and her iPad bridesmaid.
Two views on Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
- steer clear of Auto Tune
-Google CEO Larry Page
iPad met its match in the TouchPad Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News
- along with power outages and flooding.
- along with at least nine insurgents.
-In Tripoli
- which could easily beat me at Jeopardy.
- according to a Pew Internet survey.
-Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple CEO this week
- The live streamed event is archived at Facebook.
- 2011 10
-Over the last year and a half
- along with his or her Internet
- perhaps
East Coast battens down as Hurricane Irene hits Digital Media - CNET News
- telling the people of Tripoli