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Old 08-16-2011, 07:30 AM   #1
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Old 08-16-2011, 07:53 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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obg72dhe8z is on a distinguished road

Asian Heart Network (Reporter Shangyi Tao) 10 11, Beijing Road, a secondary school in Changji the early twenty classes of students Penghuai Jiang (a pseudonym) and students for Zhao Bin (pseudonym), an argument, in the classroom, then angrily with dagger stabbed Zhao Bin, causing the injuries, are not yet out of danger.
night of the incident, the reporter saw at the school around 10 school students. Liu said the students, according to witnesses, it happened the morning of the 11th class of the fourth class break time, when she was resting, he heard some students argue, see Zhao Bin standing Penghuai Jiang's desk,手指告诉你寿命有多长![视频] 女人三做三不做,fivefingers shoes, took a This book took a desk in the Penghuai Jiang, Peng Huaijiang a hand into his desk and pulled out a knife and stabbed him to Zhao Bin's past.
hospital. Peng Huaijiang quietly sitting in a classroom at a time, when half the V class, the teacher away.
night, reporters came to Changji City People's Hospital, Zhao was admitted to the intensive care unit,five fingers, relatives and school officials came to the hospital to visit him. According to doctors, Zhao Bin,vibram five, two wounds to the cecum and kidney damage, coupled with excessive bleeding, and sometimes coma, Zhao Bin, they did surgery to repair the cecum and kidney, but not yet out of danger yesterday, Zhao Bin have been transferred to Xinjiang Medical freshman Affiliated Hospital for treatment.
reporter has learned that after the incident Penghuai Jiang Ning wing was Changji City Public Security Bureau police station away, Zhao Bin, his father sent to his parents in 2000 dollars. But could not be reached Penghuai Jiang's family. Han Guojun, vice president of the school, said Peng Huaijiang carrying the dagger blade about 10 cm, has been the police station seized.
the early twenty-class school teacher,vibram shoes, said Liang, and afterwards it was his understanding that the morning Peng Huaijiang found in the classroom did not write the name of a textbook, then thrown to the trash, and later learned that Zhao Bin This book is his own, the two quarrel led to the subsequent wounding.
reporters questioned why the school should Penghuai Jiang knives? Liang said that Penghuai Jiang told him that three days because of the students beat him, so did self-defense with a knife.
door checks belongings class, the students, and each class has 3 students as safety officer, his analysis Peng Huaijiang more likely to possession of a concealed dagger, was not found.
Liang said he thought it happened very suddenly, in his impression, usually Penghuai Jiang and Zhao Bin's performance are good,转载:一定要学会这十种排骨做法, Peng Huaijiang are members of the class of labor, usually caught on the health class well, and Zhao Bin Sports Students in the school, the performance is also very active on weekdays.
reporter learned that Penghuai Jiang who lives in Changji City, Zhao Bin, who lives in Changji Qitai, 15 years old this year. Zhao Bin Zhao Deqiang father, said Zhao Bin injury thing, he has not told his wife, worried that she take things too hard.
Hanjun Guo said that more than 2,600 students in their school, most students are migrant children, most parents working in the field, combined with junior high school adolescents, failing to impulsive and reckless,five finger shoes shop, school management it very difficult, students will inevitably happen sometimes fight. He said the school will further increase the students managed to prevent such incidents from happening again.
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