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08-03-2011, 12:13 PM
佣金 手续费 交易费 免费办理融资融券股指期货开户/证券股票权证期货基金债券港股最低交易佣金手续费办理/网上交易速度最快/免费办理开户转户/ 1、在我部股票开户或转户,免开户费,交易手续费(即佣金)超优惠,周末可办理,请电话预约咨询; 注: 股票佣金不限制资金最低可至万分之三(包规费),资金量或交易量大的客户还可享受比以上更优惠的手续费率; 权证佣金不限制资金最低可至万分之一点五(全包0; ETF套利佣金最低可至万分之一点五,并提供网 上套利软件! 2、在我部开户或转户,每天EMAIL发送VIP高端客户享有的行业、上市企业投资研 究报告; 3、在我部股票转户或开户,送手机股票高速行情交易软件,随时掌握行情动态; 4、 在我部股票开户或转户,提供每天VIP短信服务(个股推荐,新股提醒,大势研判),投资更有保证 5、在 我部股票转户或开户有多种礼品赠送,送智能炒股手机一部,先到先得。 周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分 路费和转托管费, 提供一对一优质高效服务。真正为您节省真金白银。 全国最低佣金.详情请咨询张 ,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三佣金:《股票万3包规费,权证万1.5包规费》不限量盘 中直扣 股票开户转户最低佣金,股票万2.3,权证万1.2,股指万0.53 股票开户超低佣金万2.3,高额返现,股指期货开户最低手续费万0.52,ETF套利最低佣金,港股开 户佣金最优惠,国内最低商品期货交易费率(最低加0.5元)! 全国最低佣金.详情请咨询张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 我们是全国综合实力最强的券商全国前三甲! 我们是全国唯一的一家拥有六条超级交易跑道的技术支持! 我们能奉献极优惠的交易佣金回馈市场, 并承诺永久生效! 我们拥有全国金牌得主的分析师团队与你一对一的服务!我们有专业的手机炒股软件, 您赚钱,我才开心,双赢是我们共同的心愿 不怕您心跳,就怕赚的钞票拿不了 资融券、股指 期货、 基金、债券、期货、B股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )!深圳最低股票佣金手续费深圳股票基金权证创业板融资融券股指期货开户,本证券公司对个人投 资者服务: 佣金:《股票万3包规费,权证万1.5包规费》不限量盘中直扣/量大更低,股指期货(佣金万0.6)融资融券、股指期货、 基金、债券、期货、B股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )!现在开户: 有多种礼品赠送,送智能炒股手机一部,先到先得。 周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费 , 提供一对一优质高效服务。真正为您节省真金白银。 最低证券佣金手续费办理!全面服务,为客户提供 全面服务。交易品种为业内最为齐全的证券公司之一,涵盖沪深A股、B股、基金、债券、权证、三板业务和四板 业务。交易手段多样,为投资者提供网络委托、手机委托、柜台委托、电话委托、磁卡委托、热键委托等下单方式 本证券的优势 1、同时拥有客户端软件和浏览器网页交易两种在线交易方式,双通道的交易系统确保跑道 更畅通、更快捷,系统更稳定。 2、同行业最具竟争力的优惠交易手续费佣金:《股票万3包规费,权证万1 .5包规费》吸引着各类型投资者光顾,帮你节省更多的交易成本。 3、实力强大的投研队伍,为您提供多种 方式的咨询服务,并独家推出业内唯一以周刊形式发行的公司重要客户内参。 4、第三方存管合作银行:中国 工商银行/中国银行/中国建设银行/中国农业银行/招商银行 /兴业银行/深圳发展银行/上海浦东发展银行/上海银行 5、一站式开户:我部与银行已实现一站式开户,最便捷的开户方式令你省时省力。 本证券的服 务 1、年满18-65周岁之间的客户,免费开户赠送上海及深圳A股股东卡(价值90元) 2、全程绿色通道服务,指导客户开户、网上、电话交易及手机炒股,送手机炒股软件 3、转户可报销3 0元深圳转托管费用 4、凡预约的客户有专人接待开户,对平时工作比较忙的客户提供夜间、周末开户 5 、开户客户可以享受本证券特有的星级短信资讯以及股票买卖提示,定期有公司的股评讲座。 6、一对一个性 化服务,解决电话打不通的问题(很多公司打电话打不通,这时候有问题可以联系你的客户经理,第一时间解决问 题) 全国最低佣金和特大优惠活动(周末可开户). 欢迎来电咨询.. 客户部经理 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三佣金:《股票万3包规费,权证万1.5包规费,股指期货 (佣金万0.6)》不限量盘中直扣/量大更低 股票开户转户最低佣金ETF套利最低佣金,港股开户佣金最优惠,国内最低商品期货交易费率(最 低加0.5元)! 全国最低佣金.详情请咨询张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 我们是全国综合实力最强的券商全国前三甲! 我们是全国唯一的一家拥有六条超级交易跑道的技术支持! 我们能奉献极优惠的交易佣金回馈市场, 并承诺永久生效! 我们拥有全国金牌得主的分析师团队与你一对一的服务!我们有专业的手机炒股软件, 您赚钱,我才开心,双赢是我们共同的心愿 不怕您心跳,就怕赚的钞票拿不了 资融券、股指 期货、 基金、债券、期货、B股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通或转户,完全免费(不收取任何开 户费用)!佣金:《股票万3包规费,权证万1.5包规费》不限量盘中直扣/量大更低,股指期货(佣金万0.6)欢迎来电咨询. 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 现在开户: 有多种礼品赠送,送智能炒股手机一部,先到先得。 周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费 , 提供一对一优质高效服务。真正为您节省真金白银。 办理广东省最低股票权证基金债券佣金手续费服务 !24小时在线提供咨询服务!最大降低您的交易成本! (股票千分之0.3,权证千分之0.15) 股指期货 融资融券 港股 基金、债券、期货、B股佣金手续一律最低,全国最低佣金和特大优惠活动(周末可开户). 欢迎来电咨询.. 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 免费证券开户:股票开户、转户、权证、创业板、股指 期货、融资融券、期货、港股、基金、债券一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用) 1、 免费开个人股东户(一般其他证券公司开户费55到100元),其他券商转入我券商(转户)的手续费全额报销 2、佣金优惠:是深圳地区最优惠的一家,非现场和现场更低标准到营业部当面商谈,一般按资金量标准,做 权证更优惠!真诚欢迎机构投资者和投资公司前来合作! 3、一对一专业服务:专业的理财客户经理一对一服 务,可提供一对一指导服务 4、开户全程陪同:可全程陪同开户或撤户流程,节省您的时间和精力 5、短 信服务:平均每天把大盘情况及个股推荐信息发送到您手机 6、投资报告服务:投资月刊送到你手上或发到你 的邮箱 7、“跑道”通畅,安全高效:同时提供大智慧level-2、钱龙两套行情分析系统;电脑交易系 统安全、快捷,交易跑道通畅,永无堵单之忧 8、交通便利,停车位多,环境优雅:营业部位于深圳华强北商 业中心 9、设施完善:营业面积近1200平方米,方便投资者进行证券交易;各类大、中户室及贵宾室可同 时容纳300余位大中客户。 10、资讯丰富:每日速递公司总部资讯信息,宏观、市场、行业、板块、个股 等一揽子投资信息应有尽有,向投资者全面开放由本证券分析师提供的证券咨询服务,并提供研究院信息产品、港 澳资讯、天相联盟、无忧久富、上证联、万国测评等多家国内知名咨询机构的信息资料。 11、优质的证券中 介服务:发挥专业协作优势,通过为客户提供优质的证券中介服务,为客户创造卓越价值,与员工一起茁壮成长, 向股东提供合理回报,与社会共同和谐发展,努力成为中国最具活力的优质证券服务商。 12、经验丰富:公 司拥有的研究所是国内三大独立证券研究机构之一,汇集了许多高学历、实践经验丰富的研究人员,并聘请全国著 名的专家学者担任该所的顾问和特邀研究员.从业人员经验丰富,为您提供优质的服务,助您在股市中更加得心应 手! 13、中国期货业务资格券商:公司经营范围涵盖了证券经纪、证券投资咨询、与证券交易及证券投资活 动有关的财务顾问、证券承销与保荐、证券自营、证券资产管理、发起设立证券投资基金和基金管理公司等各项业 务。 投资建议:中国证券市场的未来十年是“黄金十年”,也是“机会十年”。很多人都错过了本世纪初以来 的上海房地产牛市,但不应该再错过远远强于房市的股市。无论财富多少,都需要投资,这是一个人从“以打工为 生到以资产为生”的必由之路。但切记操作不可过于频繁,否则收益将收到很大影响。证券财富的起 点. 本人从事证券行业多年,办理低佣金无数,真诚为各位办理最低佣金。不存在任何欺诈行为!欢迎各新老股民 咨询! 本券商在深圳,广东省地区有任何需要开户办理低佣金的股民均可24小时电话、QQ咨询本人,保证 给您最低最舒服的价位,大资金量可以更低! 注意:开户需要各股民亲自到我公司办理,在此前提下欢迎各位咨询 温馨提示:本人从事证券行业多年,热忱 为广大新老股民朋友办理证券开户转户。本人就职于上市大型综合创新类AA级券商,有需要开户办理最低证券佣 金手续费的股民朋友均可24小时电话张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三。股票.权证.基金.债券.港股.期货交易手续费一律全 国最低优惠,最大幅度降低您的交易成本,大资金量交易量可更优惠,欢迎来电预约、咨询客户部经理:李经理 24小时咨询热线:张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三全国A类AA级证券公司提供:融资融券、股指期货、股票 .权证.基金.创业板.港股.期货开户转户最低佣金手续费办理 佣金:《股票万3包规费,权证万1.5包 规费》不限量盘中直扣/量大更低,股指期货(佣金万0.6) 现在开户: 有多种礼品赠送,送智能炒股手机一部,先到先得。 周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费 , 提供一对一优质高效服务。真正为您节省真金白银。 选择本证券也就是选择了低廉的佣金费率,开 户无须任何费用,公司免费赠送上海,深圳两张股东卡 融资融券、股指期货、 基金、债券、期货、B股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )! 欢迎来电咨询、预约.客户部经理: 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三(周末可开户). 免费提供《大智慧、同花顺》极速软件行情闪电版,比普通行情快5秒,通畅的交易跑道、权证用户专配利器 : 便捷的开户流程,客户只需携带本人身份证到指定地点将会有专人负责整个开户流程,免去了您排队等候和 不知如何办理的困扰. 专业的咨询服务,本证券强大的分析师团队,通过短信,邮件等方式为客户提供>>>等多种贴近市场,全面 ,及时,具有深度的咨询服务产品. 领先的服务理念,实行一对一客户经理服务制,为您高效,及时解决投资和交易过程中遇到的相 关问题. 先进的交易系统,6千万打造的国内目前最新最稳定的交易系统,保证客户交易快捷畅通无阻,尽享最优价格 成交. 本证券手机炒股优势: 本证券雄厚技术实力、多年的非现场交易运行管理经验确保手机交易系统在任何流 量下运行稳定。 本证券手机炒股根据客户的手机操作习惯、客户熟悉的网上交易习惯设计买卖、帐户查询、业 务办理等操作流程,让客户轻松完成投资交易。 本证券手机炒股提供的行情、帐户查询、资讯等服务完全免费 ,只按国家规定收取证券交易佣金。交易软件,全方位覆盖市场上主流品牌手机,满足您个性化、品位、享受的需 求! 本证券为手机炒股客户配备一支专业服务队伍,总部及各分支机构有专业的手机炒股专业服务人员能在第 一时间响应客户服务需求。 本证券手机炒股针对不同手机品牌和操作系统平台定制了Kjava、Symbi an、Windows Mobile等11个版本的软件。 营业部特色服务: 我们为广大投资者提供A股、B股、港股、期货、 国债、企业债、开放式基金、货币基金、证券收益基金等较为全面的金融产品,以满足不同投资者的理财需求。 我们与众多银行联合开通三方存管业务,使广大客户在我部的投资更加便捷、舒畅。 我们免费上门安装专业 的股票分析软件及指导 我们能为大客户提供一对一的指导服务,开户手续费更加优惠,为您设计安全稳健的理 财规划。 我们具有专业的专家团能为您提供实盘指导,历史交易收益能保持稳健增长。 我们能为您提供开 户资金不限制的客户帐号,让您充分使用您的资金。 我们能为您提供的交易软件跑道畅通,交易方便快捷,决 不堵单 我们能为您提供专业的基础知识培训以及咨询,让您能清楚充分地了解期货市场风险,让您知己知彼百 战多胜。 我们能为您提供24小时电话服务热线,随时欢迎您的咨询与批评 我们为您承诺尽我们所有的能 力全心全意为您服务。 本人从事证券行业多年,热诚为股民朋友服务,真诚为各位办理最低佣金手续费,不存 在任何欺诈行为! 温馨提示:本证券营业部在深圳,开户需要股民朋友亲自到我公司办理,在此前提下欢迎各 位咨询!有需要开户办理最低证券佣金手续费的股民朋友均可24小时电话咨询: 客户部经理 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富Q,,Q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三
08-03-2011, 12:42 PM
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remember, go out, bring your wallet, I remember rushing to pay. Do not think that men take for granted the money, only you use your own is the most comfortable, provided that you have to learn to economic independence and self-reliance. -
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If you love a man, you have to remember to tender, love him, la gear on sale, do not always vexatious, capricious extreme. Men are also very fragile, it takes him more time to care for you, if he would willful coquetry, tweak his nose, holding Hong Hong, even if he shamelessly skin, learn to gently like a mother to him, You know it is because his heart was warm, he needs to rely on, it was his greatest trust in you. -
If a man loves you, his eyes shining, he'll love and spirits, if he is with you always depressed, then think about what you is not the contradiction between, if not, then please leave him, he was just frustration perfunctory you. -
Remember to learn to say sorry, you can feel that they are the glory, but to learn to apologize and bow. -
If you are single, please do not sigh, you're just waiting for him on the way, he will come to you, we must have confidence in ourselves, full of happiness waiting. Do not feel inferior, to believe in yourself before he came to learn so that they are beautiful. Do not feel like you are together, and their calculations a random person, it really is for their own irresponsible. -
If you are single, la lights, remember not to come home late at night, if a person lives, safety is first. To learn self-protection, self-defense. -
If you have a lot of time to study the harvest, much larger than you see those soap operas and go shopping, remember, no one likes to girls, do not feel impatient, I believe that knowledge makes you a very elegant . -
to learn to filter, filter your thoughts, your circle of friends filtration, filtration you your weaknesses, learn to make themselves very clean and very comfortable to show in this wonderful community, learn to calm, calm, looks more than you make people like it. -
even if you furious, it must be stable in a lot of time to learn to not mess, do not put their hands confused panic panic feet, mess, and learn cool things located. If you have patience and slow, then learn a piece of land of thinking and learn to do things efficiently and can be, and learn to walk is usually a get rid of the habit of walking on it, if you are anything Zuohuaibuluan, then also the pieces of a very troublesome thing. -
remember punctual, remember the word, to develop good habits, it will make your life more depth. -
believe in yourself and learn not to feel inferior, I believe will give their own to build a good life, learn to rely on their own, creating their own happiness. -
other men do not easily touch, unless you love love him, or he really worthy of your love. -
night, I know you will be very afraid, you can hold your bear, pick up your favorite pillow, his head buried in, that is also the warm sense of security, telling myself that everything will be OK , the day soon dawn. -
broke up, cry, do not try again and good, hard round broken mirror, even if the round can not be touched except with injury records, unless we really cure my drink to forget yesterday, la gears sneakers, a good bed days, A few days can make their own decadence, but must not allow themselves to mold, I want you to think and forget the time a few days, and then move forward with ease, and begin again. -
If you fall in love with a man, then you do not have to be passive, waiting for him to come to you, the opportunity to grasp, not the same words can be used in love, you know, there is no missing. -
to learn to understand him, love him to believe he is the best to support his peace of mind with him, and to be with him, you have to learn to let that be enough, and peace of mind, do not back off his affair, Finally, is you lose badly. Vulnerable as men, need only the most pure love, though he rarely mouth love, but he did not carefully bit by bit you feel? -
who listen to his advice, you have to be stubborn as to think he is the right, in fact, his views are often very real and practical, often it is the best shortcut. -
remember to maintain a good sleep, smooth skin, beautiful young woman is the most obvious, when you hold a lot of snacks when eating habits, take a look at his waist, is not still very slim, good figure to remember and the mouth of the thrift has a lot Oh. -
not feel good is a brand of cosmetics or expensive, keep in mind is the best for you. -
You can follow the latest fashions, but to learn to keep their own the proper conduct, not 30 years old, but also to non-mainstream, that is a very funny thing. -
Society shallow laugh, at any time; anger makes you ugly, when someone offends you, remember to hit back at him with your wisdom, do not curse, even if you are angry, we must learn to be beautiful, but mean people do not hesitate, do not use dirty can be. -
you can grumble, but remember that not too much, the rest to digest their own emotions, I do not want to see, like you and Xianglinsao become sad. -
Institute of responsibility
remember, whether at work or feeling, remember, your responsibility is very important. -
you stupid, but remember that is kind of pretty good quality, if you're a good girl, you must maintain, because you good, in this society is almost extinct. But you have to learn to recognize right and wrong, do not let yourself be bullied. -
remember not to spend money in those things does not make sense to allow back-filling their savings adequacy is the cornerstone of your success, good work, is having peace of mind, love your work, do work you love to you Operating your life, you will be very exciting. -
not to get married late, to a certain age, remember yourself in a quiet place where you can drift, but remember that alone will make your life such as the dry yellow land and always have a home. -
I remember my mother often calls, greeting my father, they love you, they will always be your strongest backing. -
If you like to make friends, it must learn to filter, is not able to make friends, and learn to make my life not to be so chaotic, learn self-love. -
learn well behaved, even when you are staunch many very stubborn. Learn not to hurt each time out, then learn to let his mouth filter text, because people know you, more often through your mouth, learn to make their mouth very clever and very gentle, I believe, is the most mess with you of love. -
vanity you can, but remember, you have to learn to meet their own vanity, if a man deliberately to be nice to you, then if he really likes you to pursue you, he is also very Italian, very cleverly learned accepted. If it was a malicious man, tell yourself, there is no free breakfast, learn to skillfully refused. -
if the ex-boyfriend come back for you, to figure out what he wants, if he just wanted to make up for his guilt, then you can only save his QQ stranger in your friend, he's everything you Do not read carefully, the eyes on it, he said, you can just listen, do not mind, if he really loves you, how can you not give you happiness, unless you were wrong, if he want you to be his lover, tell him I'm sorry, I do not play this game. Then close your eyes, then opened his eyes, telling myself, I finally reborn. -
you must then cry, then cry, do not just help themselves and even the rain, like a long free period, do not expect you get people to pity you learn to stand up, smile, go of a makeup, go for a walk, eat meal, happy to sleep at night. -
temperament can practice, you can, from now on, you can also graceful deer. When you see even you are fond of a beautiful woman, remember not to look at Baba, Aung your head, light to pass, learn to sublimate their own realm. -
need to study philosophy, and you will see a lot of life's truth, you will find the views of philosophy is interesting. -
believe they are the best, is the most happy, beautiful hearts, delicate as you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
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