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08-03-2011, 12:42 PM
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本人从事证券行业多年,办理低佣金无数,真诚为各位办理最低佣金。不存在任何欺诈行为!欢迎各新老股民咨询 !
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预约、咨询开户客户经理:张经理,手,,机:一三,,零八,,八八,,四零,,四三,,零,Q,,Q:八零 ,,六八,,七九,,六八,,一
24小时咨询服务请联系:张经理,手,,机:一三,,零八,,八八,,四零,,四三,,零,Q,,Q:八零 ,,六八,,七九,,六八,,一
08-03-2011, 12:42 PM
Commander In Chief
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Reprinted from 622007965 at 16:10 on October 15 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Log This is a shock wonders of the world. Xinhua News Agency, the San Jose mine trapped 33 miners for up to 69 days after the long wait, finally ushered in a saved the day. Local time at 0:10 on the 13th, the first miners Florencio avalos with the
Interestingly, the winners turned out to be an ordinary miner, and Chinese popular leaders go first.
gathered there not only the relatives of the trapped miners, and two presidents, more than 1,700 journalists and a heavy rescue equipment from China operations engineer.
the perfect ending to the rescue just past the Chinese mine rescue Wangjialing seems even more tragic.
strip mining is the flamboyant country's lifeline. But few incidents from there came the news of the dead miners as well.
global attention through this rescue 69 days of life and death, the country reveals the mystery - companies believe life is always important than the creed of the ore, for which they built the emergency shelter in the underground which, in the trapped miners could eat every 48 hours per two-tablespoon of canned fish, half-chip cookies and half a cup of milk. Behind a strong system to protect - Chile's Constitution clearly dealing with the central government the responsibility in the catastrophic event. In the rescue process , the Chilean government to immediately take up the work of rescue trapped miners. Chile's armed police, military, firefighters and government at all levels of joint operations to rescue them.
no man can conquer nature of the slogan in this country, and believe in science rescue, tods men shoes, and even NASA invited a panel of experts, with astronauts living in space in the vast experience of the space for the trapped miners small, scarce goods under guarantee the quality of life for reference.
presumably over time, is still a lot of overgrown mine safety hazards to life and working hard to bet the Chinese miners would receive this message through the media, in the face of this good news from afar, In addition to foreign workers for the blessing, when the results in the following Lament: Zhihen not born in Chile.
in the past decade, tods handbags, China received nearly forty percent of global coal production, resulting in close to the country the world's coal mine death toll Bacheng, if you reduce it to the world average, each year thousands Kewan Hui miner's life.
that someone has done a very black humor of the statistics: January to October 2007, killed 840 US troops in Iraq, the Chinese coal mine disaster killed 3069 people. This means that in a peaceful environment in the productive labor of the Chinese miners died in a state of war is the probability that American soldiers was 3.5 times.
the world is not mine does not occur in the country. Such as mine in Wangjialing shortly after, the United States also occurred in West Virginia with a major mine: mine explosion killed 25 people were killed and another four people missing, the United States since 1984, a record number of deaths up to a record of mine - even if So, this figure is also lower than the Chinese media enthusiastically eulogize the victims Wangjialing rescue miners combined.
recent years, China's regulations on safe production in the continuous improvement efforts in increasing the accountability penalty, in improving the safety awareness of miners, but local governments face the madness of GDP pursuit in the face of rent-seeking interests of Xiaguan the bloody chain of coal collusion in the face of extremely weak protection of the interests of miners, the high cost of appeal is not on the face of fatigue and the absence of social supervision, the departments concerned to be frequency Development of the mine completely obscured, there has been no fundamental signs of easing.
as well as increasingly stringent accountability in government today, resulting in high-risk occupation, two official: one of the most busy, call the State Administration for Work Safety; a fear, called the governor of Shanxi Province.
, of course, Western society is not a step to reach today's people-oriented, scientific production situation.
20 century and the first 30 years, the average annual US coal mine accident killed more than 2,000 people have had the astonishing figures, US mine deaths in 1907 was as high as a record 3,242 people, tod shoes, including one in West Virginia coal mine gas explosion caused 362 deaths.
and safety management in China mainly relies on the current executive power is different from the United States as the representative of the Western countries chose the rule of law. In 1910, Congress passed legislation establishing a Ministry of the Interior Bureau of Mines, specializing in coal mining industry to reduce accidents. Since the 40's since the 20th century, around the coal mine production safety, the US has developed more than 10 laws, tods shoes, safety standards are becoming increasingly high. 60's of last century, tods online shop, the US government has also formulated a new This is also the most stringent in US history, the most comprehensive mine safety regulations. Later continue to improve this bill in 1977 setting. Accordingly, the United States also established an independent safety supervision department - Mine Safety and Health Council.
main content of this law include: each mine four times a year, the Ombudsman must be checked; In addition to regular checks at any time any of the miners can take the initiative to be checked for federal inspectors, tods sale, and must not be threatened by their employers; illegal coal mines must receive heavy fines and even criminal proceedings; all mine rescue team must be established; each new miners must accept 40 hours of safety education.
an important American experience is: the cost of economic development should not let factory owners and managers.
However, China is full of power and rent-seeking, the production environment is different conflicting interests, the United States rely on the strength of the rule of law to push the Government to make these regulations are a powerful implementation.
present, the Chinese authorities in order to promote safety, is to accompany the administration of the miners go down the name of promoting the mine. The results, whether private or state-owned mining the main leadership of small mines frightened, by death squads have to go down the mine model promoted assistant surprise, a few into a scene.
This also explains
disguise the status of the Chinese coal mine safety and regulatory difficulties.
true master of the organization are to China's coal mines in Chile, study tour to look at - is what makes their life above all else, as the miners?
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