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Old 07-29-2011, 03:06 AM   #1
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Default tory burch shoes 男子与前女友跟好无望向对方泼硫酸

  2010年9月10日,经检察机关提起公诉,成都市中级法院对此案作出一审宣判:董利平因犯成心损害罪 被判正法刑,剥夺政治权力终身,赔偿受害人张雯艳各项经济丧失费98576元。
  对这个判决结果,董利平在新疆工作的姐姐电话里说:“判得太重了。我们坚定要上诉。”她称目前还未将成 果告诉父母,“我爸爸2007年才做了喉癌手术,不敢告知他……”她说,下一步,他们只能在拿到裁决书后再 看该怎么办。至于民事赔偿方面,她说:“我们家景也不好,然而,咱们会尽最大尽力。”对可能到达的赔偿力度 ,她的语气登时消沉下来:“我父亲做手术就花了2万多元。父母都在乡村,还有个妹妹……实在弟弟也说过,假 如张雯艳乐意,他未来会一辈子照料她,一直陪她到老……”
  在本案中董利平是间接故意还是直接故意?在一审中,董利平辩称张雯艳对抗才导致硫酸溅出致伤对方,无伤 害故意。对此,法院认为:董利平承认其作案时翻开瓶盖后,左手抓住张雯艳头发,在张背对自己时,右手主动向 张雯艳脸部倾倒硫酸;董利平的该次供述与张雯艳陈说董利平左手抓其头发、右手向其脸部倾倒硫酸的受伤经由根 本一致。此外,如果董利平泼张雯艳硫酸并非故意,为何在张被硫酸烧伤大呼“救命”之时,董利平却逃得九霄云 外呢。



  在法警率领下,董利平走进法庭,手上、脚上都戴着镣铐。走进法庭时,董利平抬开端,偷偷瞄了一眼坐在被 告席上的张雯艳,又敏捷把眼光躲开了,online ralph lauren 包工头腻烦工人讨要工钱雇凶杀人。在他两三米外的原告席上,张雯艳始终埋着头。

  走出法庭,当被问及听到董被判死刑是什么感到时,vibrams on sale,她显得有些难堪:“心情很庞杂,说不出什么感觉,我也不晓得……”不外,让张雯艳没有想到的是,从董利平 的反映看来,他仿佛没有检查本人的错误。“他就是这样偏执的人……”
  此时,董利平终于抬头认罪,他低头小声地说:“我认罪,不论怎么说,是我伤害了她。至于赔偿,我会和我 家人尽最大努力,赔不清的,等我出来后接着赔。”
  在成都安家立业一直是张雯艳的幻想。张雯艳是甘肃天水人,今年才24岁,5年前单独来到成 都打工。

  在本案中受害方是否存在过错?在庭审中,董利平辩护人曾提出:张雯艳在与董利平恋爱期间仍与别人来往, 以至双方为此产生情感纠纷进而引发该案,存在过错。对此,法院认为,首先,辩护人所提该项辩护意见缺少证据 支撑;其次,被害人张雯艳抉择与何人交往并不受双方曾有恋爱关联的束缚。因此,张雯艳并不存在过错,法院不 予采纳该辩护意见。

  失事前,张雯艳对将来充斥信念,她盘算先打工学点做生意的门道,而后再做点小生意,找个男友人,在成都 安家破业,“对我来说,那就是十分幸福的生涯。”

  起初董利平许可了张雯艳的请求,可后来他又反悔了。他屡次找到张雯艳要乞降好,但都被谢绝 。
  法庭争辩结束。在当事人最后陈述时,张雯艳哽咽着说:“他毁了我的毕生,恳求法院从重处罚 。”

  2009年8月30日上午,vibrams uk [节目专区],董利平携带当时购置的硫酸,最后一次与张雯艳会谈。“跟我去上海吧!”董利平的语气很沉着。“我们都分手 了,就不要说这些了,你知道我的心……”张雯艳的话还没说完,冤仇的怒火就充满了董利平的全部脑筋,他拧开 装有硫酸的瓶子,捉住张雯艳的头发就朝她脸部及身上泼了去,随后回身迅速逃跑……

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  至于自己对今后的计划,这个24岁的女生主意很简略:“配合医院做完全容手术,之后再找份工作,好好生 活。”
  被告人席上董利平身子微微一颤,脸上布满惊骇,他显然没预料到这样的终局。“要上诉吗?”法官问。“我 确定要上诉!我感到量刑太重。”或者是没想到被判逝世刑,董利平谈话时语速很快,声音发抖。

  从法庭出来,记者留神到:张雯艳虽然戴了口罩,但脸上、脖子和手上的烧创痕迹还是很显明,下巴更是向外 鼓得很高……“我的下巴安了扩大器。”见四周人紧盯自己的下巴,张雯艳自动说明,她下巴上鼓起的是扩张器, 下个月就能取下。目前,她已接收了某医院的两次免费整形治疗手术,总体恢复的情形较好。

  据懂得,父母给了张雯艳一个娇美的脸蛋,在朋友眼中,她是“小容祖儿”。可现在,全身多处疤痕增生、双 侧鼻翼缺失、五官严重畸形……她连照镜子的勇气都没有。

  9.8万元的民事赔偿,在张雯艳的代办律师看来有点少。“我们保持160万元的民事索赔。”律师说,一 审时,张雯艳就提出包含37万元残疾赔偿金、61万元后续医治及交通费、50万元精力侵害赔偿金等共计16 0万元的索赔。“当初只判赔9万余元,我们肯定要上诉。”

  9月10日上午,成都市中级法院五号法庭门口,张雯艳头戴白色帽子和红色口罩站在人群中,分外背眼。她 的哥哥、妹妹和律师始终陪同在身边。董利平的父母跟姐姐因不在成都,不到庭旁听。
  泼硫酸的男子叫董利平,事发前在成都一家酒吧打工。因为在九龙商场工作的张雯艳提出和他分别,他就用这 种最残忍的方法来停止两个人的恋情。

  “慎用死刑,判决着重,tory burch outlets。”四川成高律师事务所寇翼律师认为,董利平的手段无比残忍,行动也很恶劣,给张雯艳造成了严峻伤害。但是 ,我国法律一直强调慎用、少用死刑。本案中,法院对董利平的判决偏重。“固然造成了严峻效果,但是不足以判 死刑。”
  “他乡遇故知”――接下来发生的所有也就很天然了,半年后他们同居了。俗话说“相爱轻易相处难”,在一 起还不到1个月,两人就常常因生活琐事发生纠纷。董利平性格火暴,时常对张雯艳拳脚相向。“只有一句话错误 ,他就要打。”生活中没有了欢喜可言,更忍耐不了董利平的暴力,张雯艳提出分手。7月,张雯艳搬出了两人同 居的屋子,tory burch shoes

  2009年年初,ralph lauren on sale,张雯艳在一家小餐馆吃饭时,偶尔相识了25岁的老乡董利平。
  2009年8月30日上午11点半,四川省成都市九龙商场的消防通道内,传出一声撕心裂肺的惨叫,一名 男子将硫酸泼向前女友后,仓促逃离现场……
  过去在朋友眼中,她是“小容祖儿”。可现在,全身多处疤痕增生、双侧鼻翼缺失、五官严重畸形……她连照 镜子的勇气都没有。

  法庭上,针对间接故意还是直接故意、受害方是否存在过错和被告人是否认罪悔罪进行剧烈辩护 。
  出事后,一直是哥哥和妹妹照顾她,远在甘肃的父母也赶到成都探访女儿。跟着媒体的关注,张雯艳的遭受得 到社会普遍的同情,良多热情机构和人士纷纭向她伸出支援之手。有好心人帮二老找了工作,许多善意人捐款,律 师陈逢逢免费供给法律援助,一家病院也免费进行手术……

  四川大学法学院教学王建平认为,法院对董利平作出死刑判决,量刑是公道的。“一个女孩,lauren shirt,面目被毁容是多大的伤害?更何况,被告方认罪态度还不好,事发后也不踊跃赔偿。”王建平表示,法院的判决 和女孩的受伤水平成正比。现在,女孩被鉴定为一级残疾,而依据刑法相干划定,就应当依照顶格的 量刑来处罪。

  案发后董利平是否定罪悔罪?对辩解人所提董利平是初犯,其认罪悔罪,倡议从轻处罚的辩护意见,法院以为 :董利平虽系初犯,也能供述基础犯法事实,但对作案的要害情节,避重就轻,且其作案手腕特别残暴,并造成了 被害人难以解除的毕生苦楚,犯罪成果特殊重大,社会影响恶劣,该情节不足以对其从轻处分,因而法院不予采用 该辩护看法。

  “很多人向我伸出援手,社会上仍是好人多……”事件从前一年了,张雯艳的心境也得以平复,性情变得豁达 起来,和人聊地利偶然还能发出开朗的笑声,她说,她对辅助过她的很多人心存感谢。



  眼看和好无望,董利平底本充满着爱的心变得冷淡而猖狂。在持续找前女友和好的同时,谋划着一起极其残忍 的诡计。
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Old 07-29-2011, 03:07 AM   #2
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newspaper Jining October 24 (Reporter Huang Guanghua Zhu Guotao correspondent) -50 year-old woman was pushed into a serious injury, is still in a coma after surgery. Intensive care rooms,ralph lauren polo, the driver has been waiting seven days and nights, to take care of the injured and to advance medical expenses. The driver 24 Master Meng said, care in a hospital bed is - female patients. The patient in a coma,ralph lauren polo sale, around the age of 50 years,ralph lauren sale, height 1.6 m above the tall, lean. Beds - the first single-hung and CT films intravenous infusion bag, doctors do not know patient's name, in order to facilitate the call, write in the name column of the
the name of critically ill patients and - related to traffic accidents. 16,polo ralph lauren shirts, the Mang Jining fish master driving along the road of economic returns from the Yutai Jining, 23:30 Xu, Yu Zhunzhen in passing pesticide plant in Central City, the front door and across the oncoming car would light. After the accident, he adjusted the first vehicle in front of nursing the wounded, . The injured were rushed to the ambulance to the Second People's Hospital of Jining City.
Hospital opened green channel, the injured for treatment, and at 17 at 2 am on the injured the surgery. . The injured are still in a coma.
driver of the ambulance rushed to the hospital to follow the master Bangladesh, the initial advance of the 1.5 million of medical expenses, and keep in intensive care rooms, use of visiting hours per day into the intensive care unit care - the next victims. Master Meng said that because the injured who have no documents, no communication, it happened so far have not found the families of victims.
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Master Meng told reporters that time of the accident, the woman wearing - the red shirt - Article square pants. If an insider,ralph lauren shop, call the hotline 96706 newspaper, the families of the wounded as quickly as possible.
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Old 07-29-2011, 03:07 AM   #3
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Ya-Han in prison broke down in tears when interviewed. Ya han reporter Zoufei She wrote
3 wishes

This is the tragic story of a lovestruck woman.
after two failed marriages, the face of the third husband's betrayal, she was furious, raised his hammer to sleep, he killed. Exile, she was madly in love with a man leukemia and earn money with the soul of sin. However, fled 13 years end, that she was eventually arrested, the city suspended death sentence Fifth Court. Recently, by the relevant licensing, our reporter in an exclusive interview with her in prison.
both declare they are in truth

10 am yesterday. Jiang'an the end of Peng Zhen, a rental house, suffering from leukemia, Chen Jun (pseudonym) to accept the reporters. He is 52 years old, 14 years ago, suffering from chronic leukemia.
Then suddenly his cell phone ring tones. Hammer to kill her third husband because, Beipansihuan, is currently serving a prison in Chongqing.

Chen Jun said with tears, think of Chongqing recently visited, I did not realize the disease is becoming more serious.
That Ya Han prison since early this year wrote to him. A letter a few days ago, Ya Han said:
love life going through ups and downs

55-year-old Ya-Han. In prison before she was interviewed, it was not to speak on the piercing cry.
the mid 70s of last century, back to the city to the countryside after the Ya-Han, was the recruit depot in Chongqing Railway Branch Kwong as fitter. Soon, she and the man with the unit Pengmou married, married and has a son. Later, they agreed to a divorce because of emotional discord, under her son, daughters, to do a hysterectomy. They started feeling good, but the problem was because of his son,ralph lauren uk, the two have a contradiction. In 1989, Ya-Han filed for divorce.
experienced two failed marriages, she kept buckle asked: , she would to a ballroom to dance Guanyinyan. There, she met Fluttering and dancing, the grace of a mature man, Lee. In 1990, Li Moucheng her third husband. She thought that finally found its own However, fate once again make fun of her.
soon after the marriage, Lee 7-year-old son was killed. The following year, Lee proposed to her regeneration of a child, was rejected.
Ya Han's heart hurt again. September 1996, Ya-Han unto the husband in bed, her husband lost all trust. They fight, fighting has become commonplace.
third husband killed Fugitive

Ya-Han Li Leli chaotic thoughts, painful memories of that October 26, 1996 evening, at the marriage of her pain filed for divorce, but her husband was refused. 11 pm that night, she slept alone. Crimping under the pillow.
the touch does not matter, she found her husband placed a pillow under the hammer. She huff, wielded a hammer, went to her husband hit his head severely, and then went into the kitchen, used a kitchen knife. After the incident, the forensic identification, Lee's head office has 10 percussion injuries, neck chopped.
killed her husband, she fled to Zhongshan City, Guangdong, alias CHEN Yu-xia, entering into a garment factory workers, and later became a technical director, a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, from ever since the days of anonymity .
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in Zhongshan City, working during the school computer for her with a local person in charge of training institutions CHEN acquaintance. Chen's home town of Yibin Peng Jiang Anxian the end, he divorced, no children. Met shortly after, Chen gave her a few thousand dollars for tokens keyboard,polo ralph lauren shirts, she have loved treasures.
six months, they lived together. CHEN meticulous care, to make her feel warm, that the search for true love has finally come, she madly in love with him. While living in common,ralph lauren shop, Ya-Han has always been conservative in his own painful experience, Chen said her husband only because of sick and died. Later, she discovered CHEN chronic leukemia. Which she is undoubtedly a heavy blow.
Ya Han broke down in tears, said she lied several times to work overtime without telling CHEN quietly came to a river near the factory, finishing thoughts, think of 3 times before their marriage failed, she lamented unfair fate, with her head in tears. Think of the future with Chen Jun, had shaken her intention to leave him. But look at the poor helpless look Chen Jun, she hesitated.
Chen Jun told reporters, when Han Ya subtle move that conflicts, once told him captured. He has called the Ya-Han to leave him, did not want to miss her life, does indeed hold Ya did not think he began to cry. She said she would not leave him, determined to accompany her to the old. She said that although she was married many times, wanted to be his bride, but always CHEN
prison wish: to meet him as soon as possible

2000, the two returned to his home CHEN Yibin business. Ya han run from the nursery and became a principal,ralph lauren polo, was also run from the Yingcai computer training. Apart from success, good things began to sin Ya-Han. Her adoption at a local nursing home for 80 elderly people, give them donations. Local government, said a staff member in the earthquake, the Ya-Han contributed two million.
the afternoon of April 15 last year, just for kindergarten students after class Ya Han, was apprehended by the police in Chongqing. The hearing, defense lawyer Li Ya Han cried, in local eyes, Ya-Han The joint letter. August 24 last year, the city said the Fifth Court of sentencing, Ya Han was arrested after a good attitude, show repentance,ralph lauren sale, was sentenced to death with reprieve.
. He said he would continue to wait for her,
Ya Han reporters interviewed in prison when she reporters wrote 3 of the desire: a good transformation in prison to get their loved ones for forgiveness; early and meet the people I love; May I love good health.
When a reporter to tell Ya-Han CHEN these words, he became excited and said to himself on Ya Han said: a round you do the bride's dream.
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