When a computer runs slow, it can cause a lot of frustration especially if it happens when you are in the middle of some very urgent work. There are some useful tips that you can use to make sure the machine is working efficiently and the best things is that you do not even have to spend too much time or money to correct the problem.One of the first things that you should do is check your windows registry. This will determine if there are any errors that are causing the machine to lose speed. There are various registry repair programs that are available on the internet if you want to improve the machine's efficiency. The programs help to clean this part of the system and they get rid of any errors.Sometimes a computer runs slow because of all the temporary files that you have stored in the machine. This is very common especially if you regularly use the internet. To increase the speed on the machine, you can remove all these files from your hard drive. They take up a lot of space in the system and this is one of the reasons why they affect speed.A computer runs slow when the system has viruses therefore it is good to conduct a virus scan regularly. Your anti-virus should also be updated every once in a while because there are new viruses that are being created every time.You can also increase machine performance by updating your mal-ware and spy-ware protection. If you have no clue about the kind of program that you should use, you can ask a technician to recommend one for you. You can get the program from the local store or buy it online. Mal-ware and spy-ware can interfere with speed therefore; you need to have adequate protection.If the files and folders in the hard drive are not well organized, the system will start to slow down. A computer runs slow if it has to collect information from various parts of the hard drive. Defragmenting your system helps to organize the contents of the hard drive and this makes it easy for your system to get information from the files and folders.When computer runs slow, the problem can be the lack of adequate RAM. It is easy to increase your RAM but you need to determine your needs first. You can purchase the RAM yourself and install it or ask a technician to help you out.