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Old 05-20-2011, 03:16 AM   #1
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Default 第四监仓《四》

  接第三篇...?我迫切的想知道数量。他迟疑了一下说;‘两万左右吧’行,tods shoes women,我没有斟酌就允许了他,他笑了笑然后说;‘你现在失去了自在,你许可没有用.要你家人乐意才行,你得配合 和我压服你家人’。行,我配合,我绝不考虑的答复道。固然我进来不到一天,然而我一刻都不想在这停留,这里 切实太可怕了,我得不惜所有代价重回外面的世界。这就是我当时的心理。这样吧,你把你家谈话得力的的电话告 诉我,我想了想,christian louboutin discount,而后把我爸的号码告知了他,然后他拿出纸与笔叫我写几个字,目标是叫我家人信任他的话,我怕他在我家人眼 前漫天开价我特地把价格也写上。刘管教接过我写的纸条,笑咪咪的说;‘钱到了你很快就可以出去的,安心等候 好新闻吧’听他这样一说我心里轻松了很多,嘴里忙说;谢谢刘管教,等我出去后必定得好好感谢你。出去后的事 就等到出去后再说吧,良多人从这里出去时都这样说的,成果个个出去都消息全无。我被他这句从天而降的话语弄 的摸不着脑筋,心想;说这个是什么意思呢?出去以后我才领会他这句话的意思,,就是说不用感激我,我完整是 看在你钱的份上才帮你,现在看上去像帮你,等出去时你知道全部事情的本相就不会说感谢了。当然这是我出去后 弄清事情的因由得出的论断,但可以确定的是我出来之后到现在我吊都没吊他。‘好了你回监仓吧,里面有人欺侮 你就告诉我’我没起身要走的意思,因为我得多弄几根特美思,这样就可以回去讨好大佬们了,写到这里我都觉得 可笑,笑本人在外面时有头脸的人我都不去讨好,如今沦为囚徒居然去谄谀监狱的犯人,而且还是为了弄几根烟。 他见我没起身就问;还有什么要交待吗?我笑了笑然后做了个吸烟的姿态.他连忙从口袋里掏出特美思递了多少根 给我,边掏边说;主持教你的吧?你小子也挺精的,知道弄烟讨好主持,行.下次你的钱到位给你弄几根芙蓉王。 我接过他递过来的烟连忙鸣谢,心里却想;妈的.两万块,一百条芙蓉王都买得到了。我把烟胆大妄为的放入口袋 里,就像拣到法宝似,心里空想着等一下回到监仓取出烟的神气样。。。我等待龙哥看在烟的体面上或者就会对我 好一些。我起身走出了谈心室.当我跟在他屁股后面筹备回四仓时,忽然听到七仓传来惨叫声,听到这毛骨屹然的 惨叫声我吓了一大跳,刘管教忙对我说;你在这等我一下,我主管的监仓又在打人了。说完就直奔七仓而去。后来 我才知道每个管教管两个监仓.刘管教管七仓和三仓,我们四仓的主管教姓叶。我巴不得在走廊里呆一下.好呼吸 一下新颖的空气,顺便再拣几个烟屁股,这个时候只听刘管教对着监门的小孔大声吼;操你妈的谁又打谁了,边吼 边开门,过了一阵他带着一个很高大的犯人走出了监仓,这个犯人边走边哭着说他们打得我的腹部很痛,刘管教气 呼呼的进了监控室,不一会手里拿着一付脚镣回到了七仓.看到那犯人还蹲在门口哭,又对他吼一句;你是男人么 ?然后又进了七监.不一会揪着一个光头的中年男子走了出来,光头始终喊冤说没打人,刘骂道,monster beats review;要不要带你去看监控录像?光头无语。刘又道;昨天还忠告过你,当初又打人.没措施了带一礼拜脚镣吧,再有 下次送你去禁闭室,边说边打开了脚镣给光头带上。完后带着两犯人进入了七仓。我知道这个高大的犯人肯定和我 一样在里面受到了欺负殴打无法忍受才哭的,我一点都没有瞧不起他。通过这件事我知道了并不是重刑犯才可以上 刑具的为了处分监仓里有暴力顷向的.或是充任主持打手的犯人管教也可以给这些人上脚镣。累教不改者关禁闭, 听说禁闭室更惨.一个很小很小的空间.把人的四肢分辨铐在墙壁上.嘴巴对着墙壁的一小孔.吃饭时有人就通过 此孔喂你吃,任由蚊虫叮咬。关禁闭出去还敢打人那就得从裁决里加刑了.我想这样的人肯定不.因为从禁闭室出 去还敢打人这犯人就不该送监狱了,得送精力医院.或者直接枪毙也行。不这样早晚出去还得害人,你想连禁闭这 种严刑都拿他不怎么的.何况坐牢?趁他们进入监仓我走到五仓门口往里望了一下,里面的犯人正也衣着跟我们四 监的一样的花,监仓口的几个老大们正安闲得意地闭目养神。看来方才的惨啼声并没有在这里引起惊动,这些声音 对他们来说也许早就司空见惯了.所以他们已经了麻痹了。看来每个监仓的情况都差未几.有老大.打手.奴隶. 就这样在这个狭小的空间里组成了另一个社会,尽管这里的布衣由小偷毒贩组成,但却有着周密的等级之分而且是 与世隔断的。隔壁六仓就是女监,想到这里我对六监充斥着好奇,想看看女犯们是怎么样渡过她们无聊的监仓生活 的,我心里忐踏不安的迈着脚步走向六监,我透过铁门的圆孔把好奇的目光投向六监室里面,六监不大,也就是咱 们监仓的一半左右.这兴许是女犯比拟少的缘故吧。七八个女犯坐在不同的地位.同一的短发,我留心到坐在最里 面的一个女犯还在小声抽咽,脸颊的泪痕清楚可见,我想这个女人肯定就是昨晚嘤嘤哭声的制造者,因为其她女犯 精神还状况还不错.就这个中年女犯比较病怏怏的.就在我想进一步探明六监的情形时隔壁七监的铁门哐一声又开 了,我赶快把我那好奇的眼光从六监里撤出,装做不动声色的站在走廊里,刘管教从里面走了出来,然后把铁门哐 的一声重重的锁上接着朝我这里走来.‘回去了’他边走边对我说,‘怎么了’我问道。前几天进来一个新犯.被 打好几回了,那个打人的扑街不好好整一下他就要反天了。他回答我说。然后他看了看手机说你该回监仓了.等一 下你们的叶主管找你谈话你不要提钱的事件。我点了拍板说嗯。我跟在他屁股后面.他边走边掏那串别在他腰里的 钥匙。我们很快来到了四仓的门口,刘翻开了铁门,尽管我再不甘心踏进监仓,现在也徒劳的,如经我唯一可能做 的就是期待与忍受了,我无奈的踏进了监仓.跟着重重的铁门关上的声音我又回到了这个小世界里,我知道铁门关 上的那一刻同时关上的还有我那憧憬自由的盼望。就在我踏入监仓的那一刻.刘在外面发话了‘里面的主持听着, 他是我的人谁也不许动他假如谁使计弄得我的人最后出不去我不会给他好日子过’说完敲了一下铁门就走了。我听 完刘这一席话犹如得到了天子的恩宠心里甭提有多愉快心想;当前日子可能就没这么苦了。后来我才知道他这一番 话的用意就是说我犯的事情是小事情老油条犯也知道出钱是能够弄出去的,因为这些人进来久了见多识广,要害是 这些人晓得你的事情小眼红你未几就可能出去.这些人就会在你身上制作事端让你无奈忍耐折磨好让你在这里再犯 些事结果你一犯事.比方打架.原来你的原案情不大.结果在这里加上一个斗殴罪就没法弄出去了。现在想想真毒 这一招.也够阴险。好在有刘的这一番话震慑住他们.不然我出不出得来还不一定,否则我的历史就得改写了。这 也侧面阐明刘在这里面捞人出去的教训非常丰盛。我回到了属于我的坐位上持续手里的活,不一会河南佬就走到我 旁边拍了拍我的肩头.我仰头对他微笑着,只见他傲漫的脸上看不到一丝表情,‘龙哥交待你的事情呢?’他狠狠 的对我。我知道他指的是烟.我举起手指做了一个OK的手势.河南的神色即时由阴放晴,我从口袋里掏出一根皱 巴巴的特美思,河南见我掏出的不是烟屁股,而是一根完全的烟,两眼马上放出高兴的光辉,‘拿来’我把特美思 递给河南,他接过烟然后在鼻子里狠狠的吸了一口香烟的滋味.脸上露出无比沉醉的表情.这时旁边的墙头草看着 河南陶醉的表情他深深的咽了一下口水,可见墙头草也是个瘾正人。我微微地对河南说;老大,还有。说完我指了 指口袋。他听我这样一说立刻从陶醉表情中回到了事实中.然后说;走,到龙哥面前说话。这时墙头草掐了一下我 的腿.可能示意我不要全掏出来,给他也留一根,本来我也是这样想的,但给你一根又如何呢?在这个狭窄的空间 里连放个屁都逃不外别人的眼睛,何况暗里吸烟这么天大的事,最后给大佬们发现了还不是整我一个欺君之罪,结 果受罪的还不是我和墙头草。我放下手中的活来到了龙哥面前.龙哥示意我站在监控底下的盲点.然后我把藏在口 袋里的烟全体掏了出来,龙哥见到我手里拿着白花花的香烟破马两眼发光,然后说;‘高佬把烟收好’只见河南佬 谨小慎微的接过我递给他的特美思,然后藏在装产品的朔料代里。在监仓里烟是一个极为珍贵的东西,那怕是一个 烟屁股也相对是珍稀的货色.因为这里的生涯太枯糙了,烟是独一能打发和麻木思维的物资,由其是那些在外面是 老烟枪的人进来这个狭小的空间里,没有了香烟的陶冶甭提多灾受了。实在烟也是管教与犯世间沟通的桥梁,你不 生事了,或者你们准时实现劳动的任务了.就打赏你们几根烟,当然是最差的那种烟,但是也得是大佬们和二级打 手们才干享受此待遇,三级以下的就只能干吞口水了,当然有时大佬们心境好了也会扔一个烟屁股下来给那些干活 得力又听话的奴隶。其实看管所是有划定监仓里是不准抽烟的.重要是怕产生火灾.但是管教们为了治理好监仓不 得不必此法来牵制犯人,事实证实这一招也很好用,这也许就是犯人能唯一从管教那里得到的利益了。后来我才知 道吸烟用的打火机贵得要命,而且很难弄得到.听说五百块钱一个.而且要和外监犯关系好的人外监犯才帮你买, 当然这个钱是从刚进来的新犯那里榨取。‘不错’你小子还算醒目,弄回来不少’龙哥说。接着丧哥警戒的问;‘ 刘管教和你什么关系?’是我爸的一个友人,我成心把我和刘管教的关联说的密切些。这个时候旁边的康哥说道; ‘就算他是你爹也不能二十四小时看着你,不听话照样揍你’我立刻接着道;不会不会。其实刘管教的那翻话对他 们还是起到了很大的震慑作用,只管毒枭康哥仍是说出那翻话,但我还是从他的语气中打听到一丝心虚的气味。‘ 你回去吧,看你今天表示还可以就不给你劳动义务,能做多少就多少’龙哥说。我说了声谢谢又回到浪凑近水池边 的坐位上从新开端了手里的活.眼睛不禁得又扫了一下顶头的大佬们,只见龙哥点燃一根烟狠狠的吸了一大口好像 非要把烟雾吸入骨髓一样,然后慢吞吞的吐出了刚才吸人的烟。看他这种表情情感他吸得不是香烟,而是毒品。旁 边的河南和康哥眼睛牢牢的盯着龙哥手中的烟,龙哥持续吸了好几口后就把那根他吸剩的半截烟交给了毒枭康哥, 他也狠狠的吸了几口后才把烟屁股给了河南,到丧哥时只剩下一点点了。就这样直到烟一点都不挥霍的被吸灭。我 把眼神收了回来,心里打算着我们的主管仓不知道什么时候来给我谈心,这时墙头草的脚碰了我一下然后低声的声 的说;刘管教真是你亲戚?我对着他笑了一下,没有回答他,由于我知道身处这个环境不要随便说瞎话。‘点数了 啊’突然河南佬用纯粹的一般话呐喊着。这个时候大家都把脚底下穿好的花搞成一堆,我也把我穿的花拿了出来, 我看着我那少的可怜的几条穿好的花然后又看了看别人的一大堆,monster beats by dre studio,感到很不好心思。点数的是二级的一个年青人,瘦瘦的.据说也是贩毒进来的,他来到我身边拿起其中的一条花 当真的审查起来‘错了,全穿错了’说完拿着假花直奔龙哥面前。‘操你妈肥仔,真是肥人猪脑,教你好几次了还 是穿错’丧哥骂道。龙哥接着说;‘拿回去返工,今天学不会不许睡觉.学到东方红也要学。’点数的拿着花又回 到我旁边把假花扔到我脸上瞪着我说;‘返工’然后把刚才丧哥穿好的样板扯了下来又说;‘细心的看明白不会再 有人教你了,再发明穿错一条就揍一拳’我接过假花心里暗暗骂着;操他奶奶的.这明显不是穿花,
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:23 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 455802410 at 22:24 on November 19, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Emotional World

Aries woman is very beautiful, and very proud, like the feeling of being surrounded by support. My heart will be desperate to have faith to achieve it. It will rein in the man.

look for the signatures they have been known to express the feeling of my heart was comfortable, the courage to express love, but also the courage to bear the pain of love. Jiao Jiao write text like a small love, but the language reveals the innocence and candor.

Summary: Aries woman love and pain are rampant, the love will be very honest (some would enjoy the pleasure of conquest Daozhui), not love, it will not cover How long will tend to merciless cold. Barometer and her heart will not face big change, and occasionally childlike innocence and playful very attractive man, but not easily confide in others. Stubborn, self-confidence. She was curious about the world, not afraid to put their trials, so the wounded will be taken by surprise, loss innocence. I found a large proportion of the Aries woman was down 3 angular face, anyway, that would be wide and some of the cheekbone, chin to small and round eyes, very white, the standard sign out a lot of beautiful women Ha ha. (Just a large proportion Oh, Mo condemnation)

Aries Male

reason, but the idea of impulsive behavior is not impulsive, will The emotion of keeping everything secret crush, to be expressed again when the other party has to be, and, eyes deceive people, and that faint smile of a gentle eyes light on the inside, then, is that like you. Otherwise normal eyes is very official. In their study abroad before sending a message to a girl like that, I take my cell phone did not have to, and wanted to say goodbye to you, my heart has always been there for you. In fact, they did not how to start, is that there is that feelings of his heart,多发性肌炎大概多久能治好?, he cherished to her heart.

sarcastic, talkative advantage against people (the kind of joke, especially for their favorite girl), frank optimistic, but ashamed to express true emotions. Thought to be delicate imagination than others, but does not care about love.

Summary: Aries men and not all of that impulse, as they say, their heart may suddenly burst a lot of ideas, but will think about before making. Aries for the feelings of many men tend to be passive and shy, not interested in running water after falling relentlessly awkward, but once established will be willing to express themselves, each other very well, gentle time when the gentle courage brave, a woman can depend on a feeling. Aries men are also true nature, and reasonable. Their charm is still quite a lot of oh ~

Summary: Aries people are not willing to do not force yourself to do, to do anything will have their own very solid reason, do you think of their impulses may be precisely because they think the thing to do. Strong momentum, but also more self-willed (self-willed girls only), their own ideas is difficult to be changed, but her joy and sorrow are real, you see felt. Mature Aries is definitely not mindless irrational impulse guy.

Taurus woman

food Fumio doctrine. Travel impulse disorder (mobility will catch up), personality was half-open half-closed state, in addition to their other feelings can be eloquent, open-minded, unwilling to be bound. Have crazy ideas, but more rational behavior properly distinguish the severity of right and wrong. Hidden stubbornness and temper. The crazy little (or small loli it, I did not expect was the beginning of Taurus), the wayward, Feng Wan roll up the floor, what have performed do not care, but behind closed doors to write from a small diary and wrote in the Home the Are speaking to the direct and assault, self-esteem is strong.

brains and perseverance, good taste and a reserved, not easily connect.

Summary: Taurus woman most delicate good at hiding emotions, personality traits tend to show strong and tough, the channel leading to her heart and then to narrow from the narrow to wide. They are usually very practical philosophy of life, to know when a woman is suitable when a small idea that Canada, compared to a man at ease. For general stubborn stubborn things identified to receive new stimuli back to reality.

Taurus male beauty

food doctrine. Steady eyes look a bit stupid. Mensao slow, slow speech rate is slow in words is still very hurt by its discretion, to enjoy being girls Daozhui (but not publicity.) Ons, etc. can be dispersed to accept Aventure lonely boring sport, but not easy to really emotional. The experience of love can affect the whole of his views on love and even life. Like the seemingly simple but in fact is inherently talented girl, and preferably a little smaller or bad, let him unpredictable. A woman who let him know that he lacks the whole interest and enthusiasm. Money is thought to be recognized relationship with the woman until after the generous money.

ah prodigal son a prodigal son, around half of China. Love of freedom do not like to be tied, but the woman is absolutely required part, the strong male chauvinism, a spirit of got a little older. Not cheating people would say ruthless, then escape king. Make good friends all over the world, good business sense (and money, all about the word).

Summary: Taurus Male from external sensors to receive the inner core of the nerve to run some distance, so the contrary, to express what they went outside from the inside is turtle speed. Their enthusiasm will not suddenly burst open wide, the girls need is a lasting place in the penetration. Of them have amazing tolerance, easy to see the novelty of the sensual tendencies and heavier.

Summary: In the chase and the guardian of substances while they are searching for a sense of security, so they instinctively is heavy material (the material must have a certain taste.) Response to other aspects also need to give the absolute emotional sense of security, so once fell in love with is soulful, long-lasting. Most tend to look apathetic, lazy, reserved; heart tend to stir, spirit, solemnly.

double child

simple and honest she was a little smarter, a little self-righteous cunning. Willing to accept new exciting things, but you do not try. How should I say, open-minded, more conservative behavior. Thinking quickly, but not smart, tolerant, very compassionate. Moral bottom line, love appreciation of male beauty, but inside is very special situation.

mature, decadent mask a more innocent, like stimulation, nostalgia and love, still free and easy.

Summary: know a lot of two-children, are more clever, sensitive, and care for others feelings, tolerance, love freedom, to treat seriously the feelings, feelings hurt for some time after the erosion of life tend to , everything is also quite take to heart. Attitude to life is better. Also tend to show self-righteous, stubborn character. ps, I feel good on the two-child one point, she felt your heart, it will return one-third (only friendship), at least make you feel better than you have to pay more for her.

Summary: Gemini is bound to be contradictory, but he / she is not complicated, just like a child took the mask on and you play both. Under his mask of optimism is very afraid of hurt, and once fell in love with you, to wish you entirely his, so it will pay a whole heart. I like the Twins from the heart, deep in their heart to withstand a lot of the surface but always bring people laugh. In fact, a very cute ~

constellation Gemini Male

writes about his own objective and then I have repeatedly requested the objective. How should I say, he is very smart, not great wisdom, but the use of skilled smart. Then handsome high, small is the object of all the girls go out ahead. Swelling of the liver is pulled a little bit cocky, but he loved a girl loved for many years. Winter with her heel repair at the corner, afraid of her cold feet into her clothes Wu heat. Love like a baby, put away childish look of the past hostility. She left him, he squatted in the side of the road crying. Why did she leave him? Because of twin male desire to control and too possessive. She can not stand it no more free space, so escape. And this twin is so sad why I love her she should leave me. Later, the girl came back, that would be happy, he kept the results of the twin torment she tortured himself, because he could not bear to leave her into the arms of others. Why

and write together, because they gave me the impression that is very similar, humor, talkative, his mind so that. But are afraid of injury, a strong sense of protection, like the girls will experience tension, not Zilai Shu. Touch on the issue more seriously when the perfunctory words escape, good at hiding their true thoughts. Others relatively generous.

Summary: If you live with a male twin had always been there for some time that he was not a superficial nerve noisy people, then only two explanations, you have not entered his heart; or you do not nerves. (Note: Of course not rule out the really shallow noisy idiot men, are excluded from the posts of the best real shallow noisy idiot Oh man, at least I have not met, even if not interested in the study met)

In fact, misunderstood by many people, really good Gemini men love him is to make you happy to flowering, is the kind of shake the touch. Gemini men are most talkative, very funny (and some humor from that), cheerful, smart, fast heat, easy to jealousy, controlling and domineering, childish. If you have a Gemini man sometimes fractious and sometimes you think they are mature to educate you, if he will go where you want to report to you if you see him cry (he does not cry in front of others), play What love to bring you, feel free to show in front of friends and loving your disgusting, then you believe he loves you.

Cancer Female

look mild, occasionally childish, inside a wild side, like to travel but also love at home, not too white. Easy to fall into their own world of imagination escape. Highly sensitive and delicate (for the things I cared), a high degree of cold unfeeling (for things not pleasant to the eye), a strong and lingering emotions, habits of child abuse who have. Treatment of serious and sentimental memories, very nostalgic.

insightful, such as radar, in order to protect her husband and family can do everything seemingly vicious means. Volatile temper, jealousy strong, very hard to take care of his family, a very smart woman. A good memory, a few years ago, little things make her uncomfortable to write for a long time.

was serious in the eyes of the bad girl (full of words of Cancer has made a poor girl more than narcissistic, non-derogatory), no topic is not and she said , ########ographic, disgusting and absurd, and she always surprises people, very witty. Good at self-deprecating and boastful. Vanity strong, stubborn. Very interesting friends, but she does not do you good, a good third of her before you pay you a point, self-protection mechanism of solid. Often make for desperate act emotionally, and then brought to its knees, even more negative towards love, despair, and then trampled on the feelings of people like her, they would not be free, and so a vicious circle.

derailed her husband again, she said many times to break but all soft-hearted ending. Is for others, enthusiasm, love of giving, like the stir, like the food and the warmth of the lovely floral thing, of Gerry and the innocence of the components are paranoid.

Summary: Cancer woman is very strong characteristics of a small woman, sensitive to evolution, some say women Cancer, calculating, in fact I think they are very tender desire goal is to pursue the process is cruel. Most appeared to be very weak, want to inspire the protection of man, but the heart may be a clear strong. Their mind is emotional, expression may be more rational. Most love fantasy, and easy to fall into the same time, heavy reality, because the sense of insecurity was too strong. Sensitive and accurate intuition, a strong sense of crisis. Exclusive strong sense into her heart could be less than the long-term rejection, love and hate are more distinct. Of that in her heart good to you is absolutely good, makes you think she is still like a warm innocent little girl, her feelings have deep and extensive penetration and infectious.

Cancer Male

requested to write to it but also their absolute objectivity. The occasional appearance of aging and steady gentle shy, and my heart there lived a little naughty (not familiar to you and he can not see this side.) Slow passive emotional, absolutely Mensao (from his smile to see that.) Do not like to reveal the true inner thoughts, the true self hidden deep. Insignificant issue in a more easy-going not assertive, followed his heart's voice, but does not rigidly adhere to the reality before the moment you sense of security, mobility can not keep wild imagination. Love of freedom and travel, life style tend to rebel, but also want to have a warm home. Love like a baby when a girl, childish, jealous of the choke hold in my heart to internal injuries (but definitely do not see what his face). Occasionally confused or indecisive because of reality, and finally on the various options in life tend to choose safer, or that one. Memories and a sense of history like all things, nostalgia but the basic able to distinguish between reality and ideals. Used to escape the pain of things to make their own emotional memories of harassment because of the sudden sad and sudden changes in the invasion. Praise low-key things like the satisfaction of being a high profile, will be very hard for the ideal to hard work, there is constant self-implied encouragement. Super endurance, and occasionally appear selfish. Upset, can not forget.

sober and pragmatic, to speak directly, emotional specificity but also very good with other hetero######ual relationships, it will close half an ambiguous line. Perfectly safe to do only one thing would have thought to do. Ye Hao money, so emotional Ye Hao, very rational.

Summary: Cancer male or female compatriots in the general destruction caused by a large class of groups. His gentle eyes, Han Han smile, great conversation, often make a woman lose the alert. Yixing Yuan mostly good, most like to be the feeling of worship (so there will be a vague one that) but his heart's true love is very clear. Here a man with a virgin would say different places, Cancer, in fact, men are more traditional concept of large man (about frugality which I think is also nothing wrong with this man, he knows where the comparative value of money is not stingy, in order to are willing to spend money like things), most of them want their good character, gentle and lovely woman, but the focus here, they also like a little gentle violence, ########ography and flirting with (if he likes you, otherwise you feel you not weight), they are usually not many new ideas, but you want to come out and practiced on him, he will enjoy it. Cancer, like many men and elves not only virtuous girl, both to give him a sense of security but also brought him to enjoy the excitement. Breadwinners of the sort of thing they think is the man to do, and this woman is his best friend, wife, lover, confidant, mother (to have ###### skills to play the mother to care for them, such as burning cook, tenderness to Taoer Duo comfort him or help him sort of). And Cancer men love a lot of people will think Liangzi: Biequ. Because they are euphemisms are thinking there is no safe environment will not say it, cause communication break. For the Cancer male, with a force of not, starting a seduction. (Two in the conception of their own to experience it:) Love Cancer is a family man, but he seems to love the family tend to the vast world, their hearts and ideals are often in the vast world of freedom, so many men want to get Cancer easier to open too cruel, misty. They need to be able to accompany them can lead them to fly home to the woman.

Summary: Cancer is water, is to with heart and understand. In fact, it is with international standards with Chinese characteristics, a constellation, men and women are a little tradition of open, opening tradition. They like to hide my heart, let you guess, to see how well you consider yourself how to do that. As a child, like playing rock paper scissors, or you are particularly smart, or you're simply a little simple, or even think about winning their hearts.

shooter in high school female friends. Able to open any joke with her, always easy to get along with them gray. She has faint restless heart, but needs to be ignited. In other words, the seemingly quiet and cautious when strangers, once ignited very crazy. She was very tolerant, sincere, lie did not say. Nerve in life is not very fine details, but in the article, or writing a letter can tell, she is also very delicate emotional. She has her own insights and experience of the world's fine, but you may not see from her look out. As her emotional problems, not take the initiative to talk to others, but you asked, she would not tweaking, but also to compare the humorous way to say it hurt a thing. All in all, a very sensible and optimistic.

She loves to laugh, be cute (non-derogatory, and she is funny to achieve the effect), very generous, but was not assertive, easy-going, cheerful, and the general sad The unfortunate incident will not affect her mood (even if there is, she would not show to a friend to see), love handsome pot, but the idea of their personal issues are more practical, not vision.

a little pretentious, is a woman dressed, but very generous heart, will live, take to heart, love freedom, do not mind the views of others.

Summary: If a shooter is very beautiful girl, she will be very feminine; if she is not beautiful, she at least will be quite lovely, because the character better. Lady dress women shooters usually occurs, but the little woman inside was not as easy to twist. Last seen people use the word to describe female shooter, beautiful, but also her past. A lot of sad when she told his strong heart to use optimism to face the world on any variable, they believe in love, but I believe love is not always the same, so you hardly see in front of everybody showing her obvious sadness. She will be very tolerant of small temper, she also has a fanciful imagination and the corresponding action, and will take the initiative to find all the fun in life. Some shooters will also have a dark heart women tend to like wild sense of freedom brought about decadence, but she is also very clear, she knows everyone has different. (Ps, I found that many shooters are the physical characteristics of meat woman Hu Hu's face, love to laugh, smile face muscles are rounded, eyes large and black, laughing a bit too curved flower, and then lower body easy to pile the meat, which is no basis hey, on their own feelings, do not easily pigeon-holing)


aesthetic sense of male first-class Some of angry youth, like all forms of confrontation life, put it plainly points, like through text and art to express the attitude of life. Strong self-awareness, personal Love Story more nutty. The courage to express their own ideas, like the ambiguous feeling, but regardless of pay. When will seriously love love (the case of consenting),new balance sneakers, for a still can seriously object to love others. Advocating free and beautiful, self-confidence and inferiority complex of contradictions.

a girlfriend and you still pay court to others, ah put that eye discharge, but unfortunately looks like some of the world's best, or the materials that say it is in humor to attract a small number of inexperienced deep girl. Nothing bad it is in the heart of people. Chasing a woman behind the heat back faster.

inside look easy-going critical. Not generous.

Summary: striker for men all came to speak, will speak to please people, do not speak out will be pondering his words. And humorous man shooter, then there will always be tricky, but the eye is not bad. Their inner world can be very broad, but that the world not many people can go. But if too much self, will find his world full of mirrors in fact, appears to a large space, but in reality not. Accounting than the return of his feelings, when people will pay a reward not feel that he's suddenly cool, more got the message. His feelings are likely to be every careful, it may not be serious, so to be his favorite, it is difficult.

Summary: Sagittarius love of freedom, of course, they may make people feel restless heart sinking, losing her grip, but only to find they are still in there. Heart for the body to make bow strings, ideal for the arrow, look to the future, grasp the present, flexibility is absolutely good.

Capricorn women, and no one seems

Who cooked it and are not familiar with, laughing with her jokes are easy, but can not be poked her own (or have a mind of their own position more seriously.)
love the use of cold violence, home will do, will the same requirements as the demands on themselves to each other, the release will not result in disappointment after the outbreak of accumulation (the outbreak, she is very cute, and even the other men fear.) When the idea of unfettered pursuit of freedom. Like the witty words of the expression (her signature expression), the actual humor in life but can not really free and easy.

aging and stable looking than the heart. Liking people can silently put a long time, put their heart failure temperature. Keep the balance of the state of interpersonal relationships. Pay for their own strict cordon.

pure bright smile, bright eyes is not magic, but not pro. Self, real, seriously.

Summary: Capricorn woman gave me the impression that most looks calm and cold sensation, a little natural distance. Their hearts would be Some paranoid personality in the preferred, GAO, the reality, there are difficult to detect small little confused and self-esteem. Slow cooling from the heat slowly, the situation was after injury sequelae, life beliefs will thus change, the wound will be like cold sores to numb the mind a long time difficult to heal.

Capricorn male

none of attention for so many years he is Capricorn, very practical, loyal, serious a good man. Once the reading watched entranced, not thunder scared him. Work input, when the pursuit of love, too offensive, sincere finally opened the stone, perseverance and strong will power giant, giant terrible temper when the outbreak. In the crowd, he is usually not the man ideas, but others will want the idea out in his discretion Comment. Romantic and elegant but not very tolerant but will not be condoned. Like a child, his face is a true reflection of my heart (although it will slow a film). Under natural conditions have shown a little tighter because the expression (ie more serious stink face?), So when he started smiling, surrounded by the National People's Congress of infection.

cold hard shell, from crush to attack a very long observation time, and my heart has private examination, not self-assertion also got the message, know when to retractable feelings, not easily reveal their innermost thoughts (even if very strong), control is not usually this extraordinary self-restraint can not be perfect role. Will then be passionate consensual side (need to fuse), but tend to focus on the business or other practical issues (where the wood came out feeling).

Summary: Capricorn male is not interested in Mensao, because their heart is extremely serious and deep (themselves aware of this.) Be sure you have not so good and then he imagined, given hint, but like the other direct expression of his ideas, does not like to guess. Although their love carefully, but does not care about. Capricorn is also the same smile I admire, most of the little warm sun breaking ice, the world of light feeling.

bottle appearance of moderate women

sweet, rich layers deep inside. As her journey into the heart shape vase, in the bottleneck of the transition to the bottle cavity filter sparse. During that long road, if not an instant fireworks light up her heart bottle (such as an instant spike of her man; or a deep moment to shake her soul), it will certainly go very hard. EQ consummate acting, love and hate seems vague, but in reality the slightest clear. Unofficial complex feelings, love leads a simple (ie, clear the main line, branch and heterogeneous). There does not love a man of extraordinary control over the power of love men have amazing endurance. Love someone, will love, because he was born share of the imagination (imagination amazing and lovely.) Would love to do soup man hands (and pointless as the other conditions), also with feelings and cold pull off (sank to death never looked back. Disillusionment will turn back before). Take to heart, can not let go. With a passion for the pursuit of peace in the free life,new balance shoes, the spiritual world becomes a depletion of fish on shore (because of lazy and give up on themselves or choking while entangled), but always through the passage back to the sea again. Occasionally, to fill a void or a strange reason to do ridiculous things,Mind, the decision of your life (2010 daily must-read) - Qzone log, the habit of self-flagellation in the healing and rebirth. Volatile temperament, personality facet more than the eyes is different in each of her friends, but all loved her. Aura eyes, sometimes also want to push the ambiguous sense of welcome. Sometimes naughty and sometimes willful ignorance intellectual (and the object changes with the mood),new balance mens, more than a whimsical idea of love for some small (inner unease prompted), to be repeatedly confirmed (to believe, but not easy to trust.) Stubborn unrepentant of the things identified (true to the spirit of the pursuit), has a strong and delicate sensibility and understanding, look at things to be sharply (sometimes inadvertently hurt a statement without knowing it.) People look at her lofty lofty feel, friendly people who look at her that she Linjiaxiaomei (in fact, what kind of person to see the results of their own preconceived ideas will be).

sober reason, chose to marry a man more kind of gold (but not luxury single-minded man, see things clearly are upset), life is more a result of physical security security, love (not necessarily love, yet it is called the feeling) because men are more kind-hearted security. The ethereal fantasies from a young age, to the benefit of maturity marriage, she finally achieved a sense of security has been pursuing with the youth, proper landing.

bottle unruly male

rebellious appearance, the heart very deeply. A deep love in the heart of collections of n years. Asked him, just like an indifferent look, occasionally, will reveal share seriously. Subconscious has been waiting for, but did not give himself hope. Have been more suitable, but failed to Give Love to. In order to humble the girl to do a lot of things, and sometimes do not want to pay, but eventually it will help her. Together with the loss of her bullying her in good faith, with love becomes the way he unconsciously, and perhaps longer shelf life of love, but he has feelings for the care of Tolerance. People who have ability, but I do not know unknown Bai Youcai and more attractive. Chase girls and enjoy the performance was indifferent, and can not objectively look at other people's mediocre, like to talk about deliberately casual tone Love Story. Anyway, his girlfriend he was good, but the facts in front of other people to play an ambiguous, to determine the feelings of safety they will not play.

grade male beauty, many are a few guys who chase. Open-minded, act to keep up thinking. View of marriage has been cheating on comparison and choice. He had, the woman too. Married very specific.

Summary: Most of unpredictable Aquarius female, sometimes innocent and sometimes inanimate, real emotions and expressions opposite (used to hide and reversed.) She acted believe you, and you say a lot, and you might just strangers in her. Women love a bottle will devote full, run out of wisdom (though this time slightly inaccurate intelligence), motherhood, gentle, wild (strong secretly possessive), patience. After the injury does not really hate each other (some even enjoy the taste of pain, and violent to grow), pre-potential retaliation or entanglement are quiet. She can walk thought the depth and breadth can not imagine, where there is always a party to her escape from the silent world of pain to generous. Men often misunderstood Fa bottle fits and starts, it usually only two reasons he did not sure that you (not to mention playing an ambiguous object) or did not feel all your heart. Most of them are sensitive, such as radar and a tentative, pending verification is completed he will be stable and he needs to prove that your heart, including his own heart. This really looks like they usually disguise the film peel that layer point of view, stripped of indifference will see the serious, tolerance and perseverance. As a bottle water bottle at different angles of light refraction in different colors, and bottle water will be like years, longer settling time, the bottle becomes full,new balance outlet,Travel - Qzone log, the more silence, no longer be as exposed as a young man, argumentative , self-righteous, narcissistic. Aquarius cusp gradually by time, the character wear smooth, full bottle of water beneath pure in the sun even more beautiful. The narrow mouth of the bottle, bottle cavity broad, deep within her the will see the vast sky. Pisces women

very rational, smart one. Do not understand the beginning of the constellation do not believe she was killed when the Pisces (recognizing the limitations of ah ~) occasionally in her signature information in only to find she also has a sensitive side, and even some ignorant naive sincerity. There steelyard her heart, and you good to her one minute, one minute she would be good to you, but certainly not more.

a cute girl, and she did not quite familiar with it, will over her mouth and quietly told me that she wears the hood A hood (which is size, not the top man Oh), I felt that the character she looks very attractive boys. In fact,new new balance shoes, she is a very ideas of the people, know what kind of job is suitable, will be ready early in the morning to find time to jump. In fact, and to find her husband is the same way, no wonder a lot of Pisces woman can instill obedience to her husband collected.
(To save time, some other not so deeply impressed me the moment I did not realize or do not write female Pisces)

Summary: Do not really The Pisces woman that stupid, she loves fantasy also pays attention to reality. Appearance of weak emotional, heart can be very calm. Self-esteem is very strong, not weak, desire.

Summary: Pisces must be both delicate and easily worked up, in fact, there is a Pisces man is not bad, because he will be the pet you let your mind from time to time a hot (about Hey little cross on the details, a lot of Pisces men are willing to help a girlfriend or wife kj,?) but also pay attention to him every time feeling fresh, so he went looking for other people feeling slightly.

Pisces men are very gentle eyes, as if the kind of vulnerable, like the laughing eyes forever , so that you lose him alert. But ah, that period of history can not be underestimated gorgeous cheating ~ cohabitation with his girlfriend in high school, then met a more beautiful more personal, with the road, and behavior, while not ambiguous, heart and eyes began to ambiguous, and ambiguous to ambiguous opinions on the love bed. He said he injured his girlfriend a good look at the pain,new balance running shoes, and he is crying. Why are you crying? Because of her injuries or because they did not think of yourself so bad? Gengrang later met another woman his heart, half-hearted to take the initiative to please, once again brilliantly split the leg ~ end the addition of a former girlfriend inconsolable. Cried the showdown, so that ex-girlfriend could not bear to hate her. Whole string of things, he is really in the heart of her own tendency to the side after being parted and his predecessor, did not drag too long. Before marriage, everyone has the right to re-select, but the middle of the process led by two very selfish. The end result is naturally split. What end? Decadence of a day long stand.

cute and very responsible one. And the female friend out a little bit small ambiguous words, but a measured, friends and girlfriend to do a very clear boundaries. His heart felt like other girls will have to exercise restraint, and so it has dissipated, is not allowed to develop. Look, this is the difference between and A. In fact, very easy to like a person, the human mind to that point of feeling like the same degree level, give this a little more, to that's on less. (Especially the beloved is not), to see how to control how their own decision. Need

is a good person. Why? Because he is really handsome young gigolo one, in that conservative era occlusion, rein in a lot of girls, body and mind. Decades of marriage is to maintain a consistent romantic suave, walk through the flowers (or some middle-aged stray), and provoked a show. Confess to his wife begging for mercy several times, and now finally a law-abiding. (Aside: these days really is not so handsome men, the female butterfly Kuanghua bad more frightening than the male.) Repentance when he said something: I take the home, she came to the door and forcibly themselves into my hands, so exciting I do not do stupid things it? I am not on the evaluation of his behavior, because removal of men and women, he really is the perfect husband and father and taking care of the housework, honest, kind and considerate. Can only say that he is the best, but you can not put nothing he yelled.

marriage has also been memorable affair, but still home. After his wife better. But cheating is not the hidden skills and better, and no way of knowing. Adventurous, travel, new things.

Summary: The above may be coincidence, but do not think that Pisces men are macho, can only say that soft-hearted hesitation, easy heart, love behind the gentle stimulation, control generally poor ability of their character. Many Pisces men are very accommodating wife or girlfriend, was beaten by bullies (not a real fight oh) is very willing, occasionally critical juncture in the face of a cowardly rival, or the performance was lacking courage, so that women feel not man.
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:31 AM   #3
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