ork, "This is the end of you." And the next spring there were for every root,
MBT Staka, fifty witnesses to rise up and say, "By death we live."
And as it is in the floral tribe,
puma shoes sale, so it is in God's kingdom. By death came everlasting life. By crucifixion and the sepulchre came the throne and the palace of the Eternal God. By overthrow came victory.
Do not be afraid to suffer. Do not be afraid to be overthrown.
It is by being cast down and not destroyed; it is by being shaken to pieces, and the pieces torn to shreds, that men become men of might, and that one a host; whereas men that yield to the appearance of things, and go with the world, have their quick blossoming, their momentary prosperity and then their end, which is an end forever.鈹丅eecher
鈥淢easure thy life by loss and not by gain,
Not by the wine drunk, but by the wine poured forth.
For love鈥檚 strength standeth in love鈥檚 sacrifice,
And he who suffers most has most to give鈥?
鏈変竴骞村澶╋紝鎴戝湪涔¢棿鍥瓙閲屼慨浜嗕竴涓暱鏂瑰舰鐨勮姳鍦冿紝绉嶇潃绱弨鑺憋紝鑺卞紑鑼傜 洓銆備絾瀹冧滑涓嬬鏄緢鏅氾紝褰撴灊椤剁粨瀛愮殑鏃跺�欙紝涓や晶杩樺湪钀屽嚭椴滆姳銆傚垵闇滈檷涓村 悗锛屾垜鍙戠幇閭d簺鑹充附鐨勮姳鏈垫灟钀庝簡锛屾垜鍙归亾锛氥�屽攭锛屽畠浠彈涓嶄綇杩欓噷鐨勬皵鍊欙 紝閮藉畬浜嗐�傘�嶆垜鍚戝畠浠憡鍒�?
鎴戜笉鎰垮啀鍘荤湅閭h姳鍦冿紝瀹冪殑鏍峰瓙钀藉埌濂界浉鍍忎竴涓姳鐨勫潫鍦恒�備絾鍒颁簡缈屽勾鏄ュぉ 锛屾湁涓�浣嶅洯涓佽鎴戞敞鎰忛偅鍧楄姳鍦冿紝宸查暱婊′簡鏋佸叾鑼傜洓鐨勭传鑿�锛涙垜鍘讳竴鐪嬶紝鍙 閭f垜璁や负鍦ㄥ幓骞村啲瀛f灟钀庤�屾鐨勬瘡涓�鏍传鑿�锛屽嵈宸茬粡绻佹畺浜嗕簲鍗佹牚鏂拌嫍 銆傚幓鍐殑鍐伴湝鍜屽瘨椋庯紝瀹屾垚浜嗙箒娈栫传鑿�鐨勪换鍔★紝鎴戦棶鑷繁锛氭槸鐮村潖鍛紝鏄缓 璁惧憿锛?
褰撻偅鍘诲勾鍐鐨勫瘨椋庡皢绱弨鑺辨í鏂芥懅鎶橈紝鍚规幏婊″湴锛岀敤娌鹃洩鐨勮剼浠绘剰璺佃笍锛屽 苟涓旇锛氥�岃繖鏄綘浠殑鏈棩銆傘�嶅埌浜嗙浜屽勾鐨勬槬澶╋紝姣忎竴鏋濇畫鑺辩殑鎵�鍦ㄥ嵈闀 垮嚭浜嗘牴鏉ワ紝璇撮亾锛氥�屾垜浠洜姝诲緱鐢熴�傘�?
鍦ㄦ鐗╃晫濡傛锛屽湪澶╁浗涔熸槸濡傛銆備粠姝讳骸閲岃寔鍑轰簡涓嶆溄鐨勭敓鍛姐�傛案鐢熺湡绁炵殑 瀹濆骇鍜屽娈匡紝寰楄嚜鍗佸瓧鏋跺拰鍧熷銆傝儨鍒╁緱鑷け璐ャ�?
鍑℃槸浼熶汉甯歌鎵撳�掕�屾湭琚秷鐏紝鍏堣鎶樼(寰楃墖鐗囩矇纰庯紝鐒跺悗鎵嶈兘鍙樻垚浼熶汉锛 屾墠鑳藉姏鏁屽崈鍐涳紱鑰岄偅浜涘彧椤剧溂鍓嶇殑浜猴紝闅忎織娴矆锛屽繀鐒舵槞鑺变竴鐜帮紝鍦ㄧ煭鏆傜殑 鍏存椇涔嬪悗锛岄殢鍗虫秷閫濓紝鑰屾案鍔笉澶嶃�傗攣鐨偙
October 12
"And Joseph's master took him, and put him into a prison鈥ut Jehovah was with Joseph鈥?and that which he did, Jehovah made it to prosper" (Gen. 39:20-23)
When God lets us go to prison because we have been servi