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Old 05-14-2011, 08:37 AM   #1
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Default birkenstock boston sale39950

芒果品种:鸡蛋芒(福建叫法),香味比较浓郁形状较椭圆,果肉是橙色的,如小鸡蛋那么大,超甜超香,适合榨 汁,汁极浓稠,可兑些淡淡的蜂蜜水; 比鸡蛋芒稍差些的是腰芒,形状像小猪腰,果肉是黄色的,有的是淡黄,果核很薄,这种芒果很甜,但香味不如鸡 蛋芒;还有象牙芒、贵妃芒,不够熟时会有些涩、酸。另外有一种绿色的芒果青芒,比黄色的更甜。
挑选:选芒果一定要选比较饱满的、圆润的,不软不硬的,颜色黄的纯正的,香味老远就能闻到的,没有斑点的( 有斑点的是从里面烂掉了),闻香味,挑选大约8分熟的,Air Jordan 1 High Heels,放一两天熟透就可以吃了,买熟透的即吃的芒果,可以看一下芒果的根部,应该是很清爽的,没有出水,同时皮 也不能皱起,那种水份已经没有了。
芒果的汁液有一种成分,对皮肤不好,所以吃时最好切成一小块一小块的,不要碰到皮肤和嘴唇,这 样就好了。
高身橙,扁身柑,光身桔"。橙子要挑高身的,柑要扁的,桔子的皮要光亮。挑桔子的话不论品种,中间有个环形 的是母的,通常都会比较甜一些,有个点状的是公的,没有母的甜,挑皮薄有弹性的,早桔汁多味甜,晚桔比较粗 糙多筋。柚、桔、橙子要捡沉手的,外皮要捡润滑的象宝宝的皮肤一样的,粗糙的像麻子脸的别买,不过冬天流行 的砂糖桔就是皮很粗糙的,光滑的都不好。买橙子的时候最好买底部,即"屁股"上面有个圈的。脐橙呢,就买" 屁股" 那个洞是凹下去的比较甜。柚子、蜜柚一般越紧实越好。手掂感觉同样大小的越沉越好。用手按,越硬越好,按不 下去的皮薄,皮越薄越好。蜜柚皮越光滑,颜色越均匀、越偏金黄越好。这样的柚子,果肉水分充足,甜度高,味 道也正些。
挑选西瓜时,supra shoes website72034,要挑瓜的花纹感觉像是撑开了一样,尾巴开花的地方收口小的,"肚脐眼"凹进去的摸起来瓜的表面不是光滑的 ,而是凹凸不平的,supra website76827,瓜色比较绿色泽比较深,用一只手托起,轻轻拍打,听声音,应该感觉有点空洞,托着的手感觉微微有震动,这 个西瓜是沙瓤的,里面不紧密。如果不熟,就是很死的声音。
挑选白色的甜瓜应该选瓜比较小,瓜大头的部分没有脐,但是有一点绿,这种是一棵瓜的第一个叶子结的,比较好 挑,mbt shoes online,因为长的小。还有就是挑有脐的,脐越大的越好,按一下脐的部分较软的.闻一闻香瓜的屁股,有香味的就是好 又甜的好瓜。
富士应该挑那种看上去一丝一丝的,黄里透红的,这样的一般壤是黄的,又脆又甜还有一点点酸,味很正。千万不 要挑绿里透一点点红的,这样的,一般味道都有点寡淡的,水分可能也不少,但甜味一定不行。正宗的红富士苹果 放在桌子上都是歪的,没有正的,Cheap max shoes,否则肯定不是正宗,颜色不能特别红,有些粉红,且不是红成一片,要挑有许多红丝的那种,还有"肚脐"要陷 下去深的,这样才甜。皮上麻点多的,用手指轻轻弹,清脆有回声的,是又甜又脆的,discount sebago shoes
买苹果(主要是红富士),最好选外表为条状红的(称"条红"),而且红里面有一些黄色。那种苹果脆性、汁水 多、很香甜。
榴莲挑香味浓的,稍微裂开一点的,看得到里面的果肉软软糯糯的,又绝不湿漉漉的,果肉相对细长、金黄的,果 形较丰满的外壳比较薄些,果肉的瓣也会多些。那种长圆形的,一般外壳较厚,果肉较薄。挑选时壳以黄中带绿为 好。
选荔枝的时候要选表皮凹凸不平,纹路深的那种,那种荔枝通常都是小核的!而表面光滑平坦的那种,一般核都很 大! 不仅要表面红润,而且捏起来要饱满有弹性,如果没弹性很软感觉有点空就是放的时间长了.还可以轻轻按一下荔 枝的尾部,如果感觉软,没有按到硬物,一般说来核是比较小的,如果可以感觉按到硬物,一般是大 核。
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葡萄要挑整串饱满的,一粒粒长得密密的那种,先闻一下香味,果香浓的才买.如果冬天挑葡萄,千万要买新鲜的 。不要看果粒,要看梗,新鲜的葡萄,梗硬挺,鲜艳的绿色。当颜色变深褐色,软啪啪的,jimmy choo boots sale,就是摘下来比较久的了,这样的葡萄虽然可能果粒看上去也比较挺实,可是其实都是低温保存的结果,并不是真 的新鲜。买"玫瑰香"葡萄尤其要注意,这种小粒的果实不容易保存。
香蕉不要挑两头有绿色的,那是处理过的,并且个儿不要太大,小些的香蕉才好,要圆润的,不要有棱角的才是好 香蕉,正常黄色,略带芝麻点的。
选猕猴桃一定要选头尖尖的,像只小鸡嘴巴的,而不要选扁扁的像鸭子嘴巴的那种。鸭嘴巴的那种是用了激素的, 鸡嘴巴是没用过激素或少用激素的.真正熟的弥猴桃整个果实都是超软的,挑选时买颜色略深的那种,就是接近土 黄色的外皮,这是日照充足的象征,也更甜。
猕猴桃要挑接蒂处是嫩绿色的,这种的新鲜。整体软硬一致,如果一个部位软就是烂的。颜色在接蒂处周围是深色 的也甜。
草莓不买太红的,颜色越是鲜艳就越酸,红里带点白的草莓最香甜了.买草莓的时候不要选个非常大,形状特奇怪 的那种,要选大小一致的,小一点更安全,颜色不要特别红,里面最好带点白色的小点点的。
木瓜也分公母,肚子大的是母的,比较甜。一般挑鼓肚子的,表面斑点很多,颜色刚刚发黄摸起来不是很软的那种 。如果表面上还有点胶质的东西,那没关系,是糖胶,这样的会比较甜.买木瓜如果要马上吃,就要挑黄皮的,但 是不可以太软,这样的木瓜才甜而不烂,mexico 66 baja。如果做木瓜排骨汤之类的,要买没有完全成熟的青皮木瓜,这种木瓜当然是比较硬,一般不生吃。成熟的时候一 般皮就黄了,可以当水果吃。如果做甜品的话,就要买红色的夏威夷木瓜,很甜。
选樱桃,要看果柄是否新鲜。新鲜的果柄绿绿的,放置时间长的果柄发黑。然后看果皮是否起皱,起皱说明果实摘 下来放的太久,失去水份。
挑选西红柿时,不要挑选有棱角的那种,也不要挑选拿着感觉分量很轻的,都是催红剂作的怪。要买这种表面有一 层淡淡的粉一样的感觉,而且蒂的部位一定要圆润,如果蒂部再带着淡淡的青色,就是最沙最甜的了。不要买带尖 和底很高的,要那种整体看起来都比较光滑的,带尖的都是春天抹快速催熟的东西抹多了。选西红柿要选颜色粉红 、浑圆,表皮有白色的小点点的。
要挑选大小适中的水果,太大的极有可能是激素、膨大剂什么的催的。总之,太大的最好不要买,无论是水果还是 河里的螃蟹、鱼和虾!
北方卖的南方水果大都是用乱七八糟的东东催熟的,因为南方果子熟了后不好运输,ralph lauren outlet02680,只能是生的运过来再加工熟,所以尽量吃本地水果也是一个方法。
一般一闻、二看,三捏一捏。先闻有没有水果应该有的香味,也闻闻有没有其它的怪味。二看有没有发黑或者烂的 地方。三捏一捏,就不用多说了
挑水果有一个秘诀,nike dunk 6.0 high men,无论什么水果,在蒂的部位凹得越厉害就越甜
选水果的原则是颜色好看有光泽的,onitsuka fabre 74,还要看水果的根部是不是够凹,有没有一个圈圈,有的话就是母的,母的水果比较甜。
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Old 05-14-2011, 08:50 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 479870668 at 10:15 on May 14, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Eagle sister

do a lot of people will tell you that Amway, Amway's something expensive, because of something good, buy the expensive, with the cheap. Or a super-concentrated, etc., it is really the case?

1, Amway sells 422 yuan per egg powder, in fact only be the cost of 30 yuan!
fact plus soybean meal and then some vitamins, and food production in southern Guangxi,zoom lebron shoes, soy flour, only 8 per bag! ! ! %]
Amway egg viper, is the processing of soybean in Heilongjiang, which is not marked on the package in its egg viper400 grams Amway
252 yuan, 40 yuan in Hong Kong before the same can purchase it! What this show?

2, Amway deep sea fish oil, lecithin, in fact, less than the cost of 20 yuan a bottle 4 u @
Fish Oil's cost generally less than 20 yuan, because the main component of health care products are the same, raw materials, not a monopoly or exclusive resources, Amway sells 350 yuan, it is too high! club.W
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; ;

3, on the Amway pot: the cost of 248 yuan sets
When you buy with the jacketed kettle in the kitchen after all, and now most families are no more than 5 people live, more more than a 3-member family, friends,nba basketball shoes, even at home when the dinner will not let you understand where the price of this product, and now there is little stopping often to eat; really need to treat not as to rub the restaurant meal, that is not cumbersome and time-saving, as well as face the most important. If I do not like to take this 6,800 yuan to buy gold too! Would you buy a 6800 yuan pots and pans it? Do you think it is here in our market?
loss they will come to this price, only to do Amway do crazy more appropriate.

4, on the Amway toothpaste:
Amway toothpaste, the price was 42 yuan, higher than the Colgate and Crest 7 times the price,kobe bryant shoes, in fact, the main factors affect the quality of the toothpaste is the friction agents, general use of calcium carbonate, but also useful for better silicon material. Even if the silicon material, the production cost of toothpaste and there is absolutely no more than 10 yuan. Imagine: factory price of toothpaste is not sold for 10 yuan 42 yuan,lebron iii, 32 yuan to go where the other was very clear! Hype can only confuse some people, but common sense to have knowledge of the role is not confused.
club.dzwww.com0 {5 Y! I teeth as the role of lubrication and cleaning, also need to have some friction, but by generating foam toothpaste to clean teeth.
Amway does not make teeth whitening toothpaste, if you want white teeth, I suggest you use the Chinese Glister white, inside it contains a scaling component.

5, vitamin C was even worse cost of 10 per bottle
, @ P & T 'i0 n6 k4 h. c-G
Amway products and other big brands of health products no big difference, such as an Amway products: Vitamin C (VC)
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Amway Nutrilite vitamin C tablets, the sales price is : 313 yuan a bottle, CSPC vitamin C tablets, selling price: 10 yuan.
the only difference between the two products is the packaging is different,nike hyperdunk shoes! !
30 times as the difference, really scary! ! K


6, wheat germ oil capsules for the full cost price is not higher than 70 yuan! And its retail price of up to 415! Close to 7 times the cost!

7, a component of vitamin E capsules and ordinary, like just an ordinary vitamin content and effective E (each and content of 100mg) capsules 1 / 5 of health care products, the cost of just less than 70 yuan, but still sold 400 yuan! Vitamin E capsules to know that ordinary 40 tablets, and a box of just only 4 to 5 yuan!
in the United States there are many identical nutritional supplements, like the English name, composition tables. But really cheap, like from the hospital before the opening of domestic out vitamin C as very, very cheap! You can use in the United States is the largest manufacturer of a food product, with mail order. The same name, the same ingredients, the price difference in 5-10 times! ^ 2
Amway whitewash in any case, are not covered by the nature of MLM companies: profits, fraud! Amway has a lot of publicity lies: large number of people with great confidence of Amway products and Amway direct sales force, the majority of consumers to buy Amway products, but also because immersed in it for Amway in the United States and Mexico the natural yearning of the farm. * V-m) B! P.]: f
but the fact is that domestic sales of Amway products, all Amway production base in Guangzhou, production, and was commissioned as part of OEM other companies, and largely from domestic raw materials also. L
such as Amway egg viper, is a genetically modified soybean in Heilongjiang (4567, -10.00, -0.22%, right) processing, which is not marked on their packaging. H
large bottles of detergent, Amway is a processing plant in Jiangsu OEM. In 2005, Amway in the domestic production of eggs for the first time found a viper desiccant
) B-m% M2 G0 ~ 9 U
believe it would be to believe, are smart, that should not be believed, is a fool; should not be deceptive to believe that things are shameless; liar always makes you to believe he wants you to believe something, you do not believe, how can he cheat to succeed?
be deceived the poor; self-deception that is sad.
believe that sometimes is not power, but the trap. Finally, we give a word: I believe the truth, do not believe the propaganda master the truth. Admittedly, many of Amway discourse, speaking from the text alone is indeed the truth, the truth can no longer true, and unfortunately, sometimes the truth is always being used for evil acts and the purpose for which disguised,
, w , ~ v: K9 i2 W
Amway people often borrow the catch-phrase: life is not the most important efforts, choosing instead, in this advise everyone, do not choose the wrong direction, away from the Amway!
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