The Homepage Trip Planner will uncover the quickest trips within a one particular mile walking distance of your origin and vacation spot.
To begin, enter your starting up handle or boarding location (e.g. station or park & ride name). If you start typing a station name or park & ride area, the Trip Planner will suggest locations. You can select these by pressing Enter or Tab. You can also enter any street address or intersection. Be sure to include your city and state. Commas are acceptable, but are not required.
If you prefer to use a particular travel mode (e.g. "rail only,
Office 2007 Serial," "bus only,
Windows 7 Serial," etc.),
Windows 7 Serial, simply select the appropriate button.
You can adjust the date and time to plan a future trip, if desired.
To plan an ADA-accessible trip,
Office 2007 Professional, check the box next to the word "Accessible."
To plan a trip using other settings, including shorter walking distances and fewer transfers,
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, please use our Advanced Trip Planner by clicking "Advanced."