When enjoying the great outdoors,
http://cgwave.dothome.co.kr/renew/sm...2868#msg662868, you have to make sure you are staying protected from the suns rays. Sun protective clothing and UV protective clothing, particularly Sun Hats are important in protecting the skin against cancer and premature aging. Its important to understand the facts about how UV clothing and a sun hat can protect your skin and youll be less likely to get wrinkles, sun-spots, and hurtful sunburns. For starters, sun protection clothing isnt just about covering up against direct sunlight or the unbearable at times - summer sun. Statistics stated from the American Academy of Dermatology) show that up to 80 percent of ultraviolet (UV) rays can pass through clouds or if you up in the mountains in winter, it can reflect off the snow. Also, even though youre indoors you still cant get sunburned or harmed by the sun some types of window glass blocks the UVB that causes most harmful damage, however there are still damaging UVA rays that can still penetrate, and do as much damage as being out side. The fact of the matter is, you cant escape the sun, plain and simple. Sun protection clothing is a must, specifically types of sun protective clothing like UV clothing or UV protection clothing, and sun hats are a must. A sun hat in particular is always a good measure and can be worn indoors or out, year round, every day 365 days a year if youd like.
Below are some tips you can follow to make sure that you are protecting yourself from the harmful rays of the sun:
#1, make sure you are wearing the proper sun protection clothing,
http://emeraldcoastfilmgroup.org/elg...-for-improving, COVER UP!
Use water proof sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Look for the AAD information, the Skin Cancer Foundations seal of approval so you know its legit protection.
When shopping,
http://ting.comze.com/pg/blog/asdfgf...er-fashionista, opt for UV clothing with a broad spectrum UV coverage that protects against ALL of the harmful rays of the sun.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are purchasing UV protective clothing that is put together and manufactured with strict AAD guidelines, you dont want to find yourself getting harmed by the sun.
Apply sunscreen 20 minutes prior to you going outdoors and always be diligent in reapplying every two hours, always after swimming.
Use the temp and sun-strength outside as a guide to gauge what types of sun protective clothing are good to wear, remember its your body and your life,
http://blog.hi.mop.com/GetEntry.do?i...wner=410274739, respect it
Always protect your neck, ears,
http://banday.info/MyBee/index.php?d...onista-fashio/, nose, hands and anything else that has a chance to get exposed from the suns rays.
Its a good idea to always limit your time in the sun, during the day between 11am and 3pm is when the sun is at its strongest.
Be mindful that glass, water and snow reflect the suns rays.
Wear sun hats, particularly wide brimmed hats, and sunglasses to add additional protection. The suns rays can penetrate lightly colored and thin fabrics so always try to wear darker, tightly woven fabrics, ones specifically made for sun protection. Pants and long sleeved shirts will ultimately help in your mission to stay protected.
Go for it! Trade your tanning lotion and ########-and-bake tanning beds for a sun hat and sunless self tanner, Mystic Tan, and airbrushing.
Most importantly: Go to the Doctor and get annual skin checks. Talk to your dermatologist and alert them as soon as possible if you notice anything out of the ordinary when it comes to your skin. Things like new growths or lesions can be caught and treated early with a high success rate of recovery
About The Author
Yolanda Ferguson is the author of this article on UV Clothing. Find more information about UV Protective Clothing here.