dvd Army Wives season reairs on Sci Fi channel and on BBC America ""I bought this at the end of the American airing of the first season after reading a post on Neil Gaiman's blog about watching the second season's finale. I think the price is too
Boston Legal dvd complete high and I didn't enjoy it as much because it cost me so much. Season 2 which I taped off of television is more enjoyable
complete Army Wives box set than Season 1. David Tennant is just a warmer Doctor. Watching the finale of Season 2,"" I was also moved (in spite of myself!) """""
"This is NOT Doctor Who! ""I had reservations
30 Rock dvd 4 about Dr. Who being "brought back." After watching the first season of this "new" show my gut feeling was correct. This is NOT Dr. Who. I think it said, "based" on the original program at the beginning but it
House MD on dvd box set should really say, "inspired." This isn't even a pale shadow of the original ground breaking series. This show is
Bones dvd 5 frankly speaking lousy. It's basically just weird and stupid. The charcters are
box set tv shows Boston Legal awful and bizarre and the actor who
Breaking Bad tv series boxsets plays the Doctor is uninspired. He doesn't even come close to the worst of the original television Doctors in characterization and appeal. The inside of the TARDIS is just plain ugly. The continuity of the show is shot by trying to make this Doctor
Breaking Bad series box sets the same that was on the original series. The ######ualizing of the show was a mistake and can only be used as an example of
seasons of Breaking Bad how to trash the memory of a classic children's program. The special effects may be an improvement over what the BBC was capable of back in
Ally McBeal dvd box set the day,"" but that is
box set of Bones nothing compaired to what is really dreadful about this show. I really feel dread that the world today now finds some of the disgusting
24 hours 1-8 boxset elements on this "new" program acceptable. The stories are just comic book garbage with just the strange and bizarre to support them.
Big Love tv series box set The show is just really awful. Rest in peace Dr. Who! """""
"It loses a star because of the box it comes in The new Doctor Who series is fanastic.
Army Wives seasons 4 As most of the other reviews have said.
Boston Legal seasons on dvd My only problem
Brothers and Sisters tv shows box sets with the American DVD release is that it wont be put it in the TARDIS shaped box like the UK release did. http://www.amazon.com/review/R20D4FD2QTRNLN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
"great, silly fun ""great change of pace from the usual dreary,"" dystopian sci-fi on TV """""
"DR WHO deserves
Boston Legal seasons box set a malpractice suit ""Wow! This show was disappointing. I'm a big
dvd House MD 6 fan of British tv and a huge fan of the writer of this series
Boston Legal on dvd (who also wrote the UK
dvd in Big Love Queer As Folk and Bob and Rose) and so I bought it with high hopes. But the first two episodes were painfully bad. The protagonist made me wince; he mugs and grins every other minute; it's like a visual laugh track. The effects are atrocious and while ordinarily I wouldn't care,"" the rest of the show is terrible too. Maybe it gets better--I couldn't bear to watch more than the first two episodes. I never saw the original Dr. Who series. It could
Boston Legal dvd series be that the popularity of this show is wholly
Boston Legal box set seasons 1-5 dependent upon
Brothers and Sisters seasons dvd nostalgia. Nothing else explains it... """""
"There's More To Life Then Just Fish And Chips. See as Rose Tyler found out about the good doctor that
Bones tv series box set there is more to
dvd les simpons life than just muckin about going through life just eatin fish and chipsThere are sights to be seen relms to posses lives to save for bloody sakeSo with that being said get off your duffs and buy this sci-fi seriesMoooooove Run For Your Lives! http://www.amazon.com/review/R1WQ2CXSZZX3U,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
"Too expensive ""I was looking forward for months to going out and buying this collection
Ally McBeal seasons box set today -- until I saw the price. $70 for 13 one hour episodes? And MSRP is $99?? This continues the Dr. Who DVD trend of being just too darn expensive ... I am a Dr. Who fan from way back,""
seasons of Brothers and Sisters but I can't rationalize spending this much on what amounts to half a season of
Army Wives complete seasons 4 a network show in the US. """""