Now, getting back to the shoes. Let's see just how they tie in with booklets. First, as stated above, just as a sandal is one kind of shoe, a booklet is one way to receive information. Think of it this way - there are shoes for men, women and children. There are also many different kinds of manuscripts targeted to men, women and children. Now, just as there are boots, sandals, pumps, etc. so there are books, blogs, articles, booklets, and so on. And, just as there are many different kinds of sandals, boots and so forth
mlb caps, there are many different kinds of booklets and books and articles. A sandal is still a sandal, and a booklet is still a booklet. But just like the sandal comes in different styles according to gender, occasion and taste, so can booklets.
Consider The Possibilities
Beginning with the invention of the radio, our attention spans have gotten shorter. It used to be that we would tell our stories to others, who listened patiently. Then, the radio came along and people became anxious for their favorite program to come on. They would listen patiently - for a little while.
Why Short Attention Spans Are Good News For Booklet Authors
And now, we have the internet. If within the first 3 seconds or so we don't make a connection with a website, as in we don't see anything of interest to us, we move on to the next one. We have the ability to find, shuffle through, and discard information online practically within the blink of an eye.
Just as we have a seemingly endless choice of shoes, so are your choices when it comes to writing a booklet.
Television came next, and our attention spans grew even shorter. As proof, consider the person sitting in the chair in front of the television, t.v. clicker in hand ready at a moment's notice to change the channel as soon as a commercial comes on.
Have you ever noticed how many different kinds of shoes there are in a shoe store? They have shoes of just about every size and color, and for just about every occasion imaginable. There are shoes for men, women and children. There are sandals and sneakers, boots and pumps. And within each category, there are numerous choices - brown, black, white, bronze, gold, pink, or blue sandals. Sandals with a heel strap and sandals without. Sandals with high heels, medium heels, and low heels. There are even sandals with no heels, called flats.
Why are there so many choices? Why don't we just have sandals for men, women and children in various sizes and leave it at that? Why not have all sandals be black flats? While black flats might be appropriate for everyone, people's tastes vary as do the occasion for which they might wear sandals. Black flats might be appropriate for a lady to wear with shorts, but she may prefer a pair of white, high heeled sandals to wear with a pretty dress.
As one can see, a baby's foot is a remarkable thing, and usually develops just fine on it's own. Parents find themselves in an excellent position to encourage this development based on this advice. Deformities that affect the foot's future ability to function properly are relatively uncommon in infants and young children, but can be corrected in almost all cases when they are present. As a parent, one should be vigilant for any abnormalities, but also recognize that the young foot needs time to properly develop and grow, and many minor early developmental concerns often correct themselves.When you are planning an email marketing campaign, there are two important issues to be addressed. The first issue is ensuring that your email marketing campaign gets delivered and the second is persuading the recipients of the email marketing campaign to open the emails and read them.
Copyright 2009 Kim Hillman
One Style Doesn't Fit All
Back To The Shoes
Email Marketing Campaigns - RobotsDespite the scare headlines about the death of email marketing, it is alive and well and email marketing campaigns are still fighting a running battle with their arch-enemies - the filterbots. These are the poorly trained robots that filter out legitimate marketing emails and correspondence from your relatives but persistently deliver enormous amounts of rubbish right into your mailbox.You have probably had the experience of signing up for an email marketing campaign - you know, the sort that offers a useful training course or a series of interesting articles - and then finding that you only get about half or two thirds of the promised emails. Sometimes a ten part email campaign mysteriously disappears after part seven or you receive all of the email marketing campaign except parts 1
######## Ray Ban Sunglasses Men's Casual Shoes and Oth, 5 and 9. It always seems random but we are told that the filterbots are trained to seize mail containing certain words, symbols or combinations of words and symbols.
Just the the shoe example above, people also prefer to receive their information in various ways. A booklet is one way to receive that information. There may be many books written about nutrition, but not everyone wants to read an entire book on the subject.
Our Attention Spans Have Diminished
All of this is very good news for the booklet author. You don't need to be concerned about stuffing your booklet with every possible bit of information on your topic. You just need to give the reader the basics, or an overview of the subject. You can then include more information in a second booklet, or your reader can, if they wish, seek out a more thorough presentation of your topic.
The next time you visit the shoe store, consider the possibilities for your writing. You may write a ladies black, low heeled sandal today, and decide to create a pink and green girl's rain boot tomorrow! In other words, you might write a booklet about a particular topic, such as horses, for a particular audience, such as beginners today. Then, you may decide to take that information and spin it into another form - such as a book, blog or article.