Qing Hai tourism, outdoor activities, backpacking, CYTS and international youth hotel characterize our style. Join us ! Share your happiness with the hikers , friends and strangers together.
展开一幅幅美丽画卷,讲述一幕幕青藏高原户外旅途故事 演绎一场场异域蓝梦,回味一段段风土人情… QQ群112184098
青海行户外俱乐部为广大来青海(青藏高原,大西北)旅游的朋友提供“游、购、娱、吃、住、行”综合一条龙服务;并开辟青藏高 原野外生存、青藏高原野外探险穿越、青海藏地野外背包客探险和自驾车探险旅游等各项特色自助游,以及野外拓 展、乡村旅游、
在这里,你可以参与和组织户外活动。无论你是喜欢登山、摄影、背包旅行、徒步、骑行、自驾,或是穿越、攀岩 、、野营、、滑雪,更或者是野外探险等等,都可以在这里找到知音结伴同行;
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The website Qinghai Tour and BBS is a big camp absorbing travel fans and offers a platform for their heartly communication. My motto is “Strangers are the potential new friends. Do something instead of everything. ” Making money is without limit while the quantum of true friends is limited.” Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is well known for its crystal clear sky and cotton like clouds. How spacious your eyesight is then how far can you intrude. Adventure together and find your space in the plateau! Take your backpack without hesitation!