Republic of large 】 【 Panorama documentary war
■ ■ towards the war against the United States pass through ( the )
■ ■ towards the war against the United States pass through ( under )
■ □ □ ■ Sino-Indian border war ( on )
■ □ □ ■ Sino-Indian border war ( under )
■ □ self-defense against Vietnam war ( on ) □ ■
■ □ self-defense against Vietnam War ( under ) □ ■
■ □ ■ Sea self-defense war ( on )
■ □ ■ Sea self-defense war ( under )
; ; ■ □ □ ■ Sino-Soviet border conflict ( Battle of Treasure Island self-defense ) ( last )
■ □ □ ■ Sino-Soviet border conflict ( Battle of Treasure Island self-defense ) ( next )