1 A man went to the front, just said something to me, : gone, really do not know how to tell her ... ...
4 a customer to the fore.
Customer: : Me: (super excited, can you guess it right one time.) I :!@~#$%^&&**~!@#$%^&*
5 an old lady came in, very nice attitude, said: pounds chicken wings. br> I said: .
Customer: McDonald called the new earth, KFC called sundae. are the same, here is the Kentucky Fried Chicken. ! uncle to the front desk to order and looks very skilled, do not hesitate to pointed plate, said:
11 Garfield listed.
barrels a customer asked the family to buy the sentence: I'm a Singapore meatloaf! I: Kuangyun!
13 One day, a swaggering Old Man came in to the counter.
very loud voice said: br> I: br> me: That sundae do?
Customer: May I ask how to get to the nearby McDonald's?
I :#¥@%... ... ¥