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Old 03-19-2011, 11:12 AM   #1
Sergeant Major
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hackjslm is on a distinguished road
Default x卧底软件免费下载 调查发现众多建筑商用廉价易燃外墙

  虽说XPS挤塑板有着严格规范,但市场上假冒伪劣的“普板”生产模式,已经成为行业的“潜规则”,这种 现状让人担忧。

  “劣质挤塑板生产好几年了,没有听说谁来管过。”一位厂家负责人坦言,也就是没有人遭遇惩罚,所以这种 造假行为才如此肆无忌惮。

  明知危险依然顶风造假,挤塑板厂生产销售假冒伪劣“普板”的做法普遍存在。“厂家没有太大利润,只是按 照成本生产,女子误将好友60万现金当做垃圾扔掉!”一家企业面对“违规生产”的指责还“满腹委屈。”

  “阻燃板不阻燃将隐藏巨大危险。”周工坦言,密密包裹大楼的“保温外衣”变成助燃的“燃烧层”,那对所 有大楼的使用者和全社会来说,这将是一场巨大的悲剧。目前,挤塑板这种新型建材在我省使用非常普及,80% 的建筑项目都在使用,也就是说,我们生活的“城市森林”中,已经有很多楼房穿上了这种“炸弹外衣”。“一旦 失火,根本无法扑救,也来不及抢救;一个火点,将使整栋大楼变成一个燃烧的火炬。”

  “前几天,有家建筑单位和我们公司签订了5000方的合同,前200方订的是阻燃板,其余部分全部使用 普通板代替!”依照订单生产违规产品的做法,已经成为一些生产企业的潜规则。该厂负责人介绍了他们和很多建 筑单位合作的“范例”。
  如此挤塑板 等同助燃剂

  “价格这样低的挤塑板,质量绝对有问题。”3月6日,在某建筑工地负责施工的李工程师反映了一件令他异 常诧异的现象:目前,市场上销售的新型建材挤塑板,同等规格的产品但价格差距近三成。而且,国家有着强制规 范的建材,厂家还可以根据要求“降低价格和标准生产”。“一沾火就燃烧,qq密码破解器。我怀疑这种伪劣阻燃板因为偷工减料,手机短信拦截器,达不到阻燃的标准,中年女子在街头散发百元大钞。”

  建筑物外墙阻燃的“保温外衣”,却因建筑商“偷工减料”,成了遇火即燃且难以扑救的“隐形燃烧弹”。近 年来,建筑行业保温的新型建材挤塑板(全称为绝热用挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料),是国家普遍推行的新型节能材料 。而为了“降低建筑成本”,一些建筑企业偷工减料,大量使用不加阻燃剂的“普板”,导致大楼“保温外衣”成 了易燃物。而这种使用“隐性炸弹”牟取暴利的非法行为,已经成为兰州建筑材料市场半公开的秘密 。



  据老板介绍,目前厂里产品都是普板,从临夏生产的,阻燃板生产线正在兰州筹建。“发泡剂氟利昂的单价越 来越高,生产成本也在增加。”
  对于一些厂子还在违规生产普板的做法,一位挤塑板企业负责人更多的是对行业的危机感,还有深深地担忧。 “被水泥包裹的挤塑板保温层如果燃烧,小火将迅速蔓延到整个大楼,根本无法灭火。”他说,这种隐蔽的危险, 将彻底摧毁的是挤塑板行业。


  “这是昨天才生产出来的新板,等过一段时间,硬度就会增强。”一位负责人这样解释自己生产的“普通板” 。普板和阻燃板的最大区别是有没有添加阻燃剂,重量稍轻:阻燃板每方30公斤以上,男子用80万根牙签制作7.6米游轮模型(组图),普板只有28公斤左右。“阻燃剂的价格很高,阻燃板的成本因此也大幅度提高。”没加阻燃剂的普板阻燃效果 不是很好,甚至可以说阻燃率为零。这种板子的价位比较便宜,每平方340元;有多种规格,手机监听器煜然惊曝,2公分到10公分等多种型号,其价格都一样。阻燃板“离火即熄”,价格每平方500元。

  按照国家标准,挤塑板名称就叫绝热用挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料,保温,阻燃、抗压、环保等功效是最重要的功 能,现行的国家标准GB8624《建筑材料制品燃烧性能分级》规定:B2级是现在XPS挤塑板的最低阻燃要 求氧指数≥26。根据《中华人民共和国消防法》第十一条规定“建筑构件和建筑材料的防火性能必须符合国家标 准和行业标准”的要求,挤塑板在生产过程中需要添加阻燃剂,盗q软件下载,以阻止和延缓聚苯乙烯板材的剧烈燃烧。
  “普通板不阻燃!”很多厂家却对其含糊其辞。据了解,国家规范中根本就没有普板之说。“这是应建筑方造 假而生产的违规产品。”一家挤塑板厂负责人坦言相告,手机窃听器煜然好用,“原材料上涨,价格低于500元的挤塑板绝对不能阻燃!”

  建筑商提出要求 小厂家应声听命
  “建筑材料成本年年猛增,建筑行业利润空间越来越小,一些建筑公司确实利用偷工减料的手段来降低成本。 ”一位建筑公司负责人毫不忌讳的揭露行业存在的违规现象。


  “挤塑板真伪辨别非常简单,一个小小的打火机就可以完成初步的检验。”某建筑公司周工坦言 ,x卧底软件免费下载,既然多家生产厂家敢向市场销售,“订单造假”也成为一种“潜规则”,这说明假冒挤塑板还是大有市场。同时 ,因为很多建设单位、监理单位对这种新型建材很陌生,所以造假的厂子和用假的建筑公司才有可乘之机,大肆浑 水摸鱼。

  沈阳皇朝万鑫国际大厦,上海教师公寓,一夜之间成为黑色“空壳”,而大楼外墙使用的“易燃”挤塑板,是 造成火灾的原因之一,渔民拾获珍稀黄唇鱼卖出近百万高价(图)

  据李工程师介绍,目前,这种厚度为2-10公分的挤塑板,一般是在建筑物外墙表面用特制粘结胶粘结到基 层上,外侧用阻燃玻璃纤维网及水泥粘结胶浆保护层“天衣无缝”地裹上一层,形成外墙保温体系。也就是说,目 前,很多在建楼房都是用挤塑板保温、隔热,从头到尾都穿了一层轻型“保温大衣”。
  据介绍,如果使用单价350元的普通板代替单价500多元的阻燃板,一平方就可以“节省”150元,这 样,一万平方米,建筑单位就可以“减少成本”150万元,高清卫星定位系统 英国母亲脑死亡两天后产女www.84699

  就是因为偷工减料包含的巨大暴利,目前“混合使用”挤塑板“节省成本”的做法已经成为建筑行业内部的公 开秘密。

  上海教师公寓大火、沈阳皇朝万鑫大厦……一幢幢美丽的大楼变成了黑色的焦炭,无数生命刹那间被火魔吞噬 。而火灾发生的原因之一,就是因为XPS挤塑板失去阻燃性能导致火势大肆蔓延。


  对一般建筑的外墙保温材料选择,国家《民用建筑外保温系统及外墙装饰防火暂行规定》明确规定:低于10 0米的建筑,其保温材料的燃烧性能不应低于B2级,具有离火即熄的特性。也就是说,生产厂家的这两种产品中 ,只有阻燃性挤塑板是符合国家规定,可以在建筑生产中投用。
  而对于这些违规生产的企业来说,他们所销售的“价格低廉”的劣质品对正规的挤塑板厂市场造成巨大威胁。 “很多建筑企业只关心生产成本,以次充好的做法比比皆是,我们的产品就被迅速挤出市场。”一位大厂的负责人 如此叫苦。
  “如果不按照规范生产,那就是违法行为;明知有危险,还敢顶风生产危险产品,那将是严重犯罪。”兰州市 质监局一位负责人这样认为:“生产厂家要按国家制定的标准生产,一定要具备齐全的证件,所有建筑类产品出厂 时必须要提供合格的检验报告。”

  挤塑板“见火即燃”,那就说明大楼全身披挂的这层“保温大衣”就成为异常危险的“燃烧弹” 。

  XPS挤塑板挤塑聚苯乙烯是我国近年普遍推广应用的新型建筑材料,这种利用废旧塑料变废为宝的新型环保 材料,因其卓越的高强度、抗压性、优良的保温隔热性、质地轻、使用方便、优质的憎水、防潮性和环保性能、稳 定性、防腐性好,成为建筑行业普遍推广的新型建材。广泛用于墙体和楼面保温。


  订单生产挤塑板“偷工减料”牟取暴利的行为,专家称超级月亮将引发自然灾害说法不足为信,已经成为兰州建材行业的潜规则。而这种“隐形炸弹”形成火灾“悲剧”的阴影,因为伪劣“挤塑板”使用的潜 规则,也笼罩在兰州上空……



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Old 03-19-2011, 11:13 AM   #2
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m1knv5dj5dg is on a distinguished road

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138782 2009 年 01 月 17 日 21:39 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
; I do not know I was not a slow person. In the past few days, many things to many people very exciting moment, I do not much ups and downs. I thought I was negative on a lot.
one who ushered in the slow exciting things
actual fact, such things really happened to me, I can not calm .
as the Olympic torch relay. In the early times to people at the mouth hot, boiling whom the torch to China. I think it is very important, but I'm still a bit far away.
outside the Olympic torch was passed when there was discord, so that people very angry, causing the momentum to resist relatively vast protests. I am also angry, but it is clearly that this is not accidental, and the strength is not strong correlation. He is so understanding: To avoid a similar situation occurred only country strong, I will not do general protest in vain.
then,new balance sneakers, the country began to pass out. I paid attention to the relatively calm, at least calm than the media. I think the torch relay is important, but so far I was from. I am just an ordinary civilian, I still spare the labor, this is my life.
I do not like them called the Indeed, the sacred Olympic torch, but do not say we repeated the same time, not because it is not known as the flame is not sacred.
5 27, the torch to Hefei.
I know, the torch away from me near, but is so far away, because I know I can not witnessed,new new balance shoes, only a distance.
until 27 pm, I think so.
a dramatic turn for the better things.
afternoon, I received a higher notification, we sent 60 people to participate in on-site delivery. Comes far too abruptly,new balance 574, but not much excitement, because I just put this as a piece of work, since it is working to organize it according to the procedure complete.
I was originally not going to go. Cheng Zhuren said to me: you must go to the scene to organize.
so I had to go. At this time, mind seemed excited.

Second, look at the torch relay, is also an important work, an early look at the atmosphere

; 16:00,The earthquake came, not to hide under a table it!, to take delivery of the mission president, I will begin the meeting, arranged to determine the candidate to develop the program, personnel group, vehicle arrangement, contact with the relevant personnel ......
The problem is that we should proceed in two in the morning, more terrible storm that night.
home at 20:00, took a shower, the sleepy Council on duty did not sleep the night before. But a call to continue, to participate in the torch relay on the scene, and some want to go, and some went to adjust so sure. So, no sleep. 23, the rain a bit now, take the gap, went to school.
some teachers came. Identified to the students in the room watching movies. Some of the storm, already lying on the table and fell asleep.
in the mind, then the relevant issues over again, and added some links.
midnight and the rain, some cold, some difficulties, like the sofa in the office by the Council, but could not sleep.
is 28 am, 1:40, our collection of students and teachers participating in a simple mobilization, account for a little attention, a group of personnel.
2, we start, a rainy night in fresh air, but because to participate in such activities, the students were elated. Thought it was going to go to the feast, thinking that everything will be as good as they imagined and is smooth.
In fact, everything can change, just as suddenly as the opportunity to see the torch relay. Circumstances of life, and slowly out from can goods.
two-pronged, Yu Shenfu teachers with some of the people to the Olympic Sports Center,new balance running shoes, me and most people go to the Pearl Plaza. Along the way, see a lot of the crossings are sealed out. Bars the way to the torch relay has sealed, and set the relay kiosk, banners,If and results - Qzone log, balloons are all the way, there are sporadic security personnel hit the road. Only in the deep darkness, some deserted.
, however, still makes people feel a climate ahead is generated.

Third, emergent change, we rain Night, truly understand ; to the Pearl Plaza, we are afraid it is the first to reach the spectators. At this point, police began to gradually fortified distribution.
we arranged our department, they are, and some companies, we are a third party.
question is, who is not a company site, we do not know the exact location where we can not reach the place we expected.
phone one after another, the comrades of a company every time perfunctory.
heart to cool a bit, the matter or to ......
All the security in place, because there is no pass, we were police officers Please, from the Convention Center on the west side is the main venue for the torch relay, to the pedestrian bridge under the road and then south with safety. Each time from the core area of the.
rain is still falling, we will be here to avoid the rain. Three in the morning, it was sleepy time of the most concentrated, to the students is still small, are too sleepy to sit on the floor, a nap. But I can not, must try. We are very good reason, to reach the scene, not settling crashed.
our staff to the competent authorities, and we discuss, not this dry, etc., think of ways, ranging from that company, and our actions, by people than by already.
Pathfinder in front of him, we lead students to the rain the whole team moving. Parallel torch relay from the road and then detour to the relevant crossing, we reached a mud rain one of the first crossing. Far away from the road to pass sealed the area and inform the security personnel can not stay here.
we became exhausted,N boys can not find a good reason for his girlfrie, and some angry words in the said complaint, and some sadly, some said to go back. Differences emerged.
my opinion, anyway, here we will see the torch relay. We mobilized to form a consensus.
with us to go roundabout, about half an hour to reach another crossing. Read the terrain, here is a dead end, the torch relay route which North Shui forward, we rely on the walk, not leavin. Walled out this bar.

four, or jump off the wall to see the torch relay would be a rare experience

our place in the crossing from the torch relay route of the fence still There are two hundred meters away, blocked off yet no one in front of the line, one was definitely not see the scene. At this point, the day as the light increased, more and more people. Are units of organization, a pass, one after another started to play.
Do not say that the students, I very much to envy them.
our front railings, the armed police facing us, lined up.
can not just dried. I looked around they go with the terrain, next to a building site, which you can turn in, but to the female teachers and female students do?
time spent in this way,new balance outlet, seven, and people are more and more are all inside and outside. We decided over the wall, can be advanced to go in, stronger than all out.
we went in one after another, turning into the.
have more dramatically, so we just jumped off the wall, turn back to see them, they all come in the original release of the old police once, they walked into the scene, go so proud , good.

five, after the rain the sky is always bright and clean, after twists and turns in a good outcome

fact, this is so long before time, we really do not know there is such a good turn for the better things will. But as we wait for the depression, the efforts are still laughing. I think that our spirit will affect students. We kept saying, we have repeatedly said is not abandoned, nor give up. Really, is how we traveled all the way to encourage each other.
the sky after the rain is so blue and clean, the air is incredibly fresh, the mood is good, uh.
reached, entered, then the result is of course good friends. We went to the location, easy to find a better position to see the torch relay.
sea of people, very lively. Saw such a situation, the mood is no reason to not be excited, also go some of sigh.
the peak of happiness, so short.
28 日 八 时三非常 around, the torch is passed in the road where we walk.
a great time, walked in our eyes. We just century-old Olympic dream in China a bit close contact, history and today, at this moment intersection.
I'm standing still in place. Waves pass by in front of people, follow the direction of the torch, with a very long time.
I found just the crowded and lively has completely disappeared, and some just wide of the fence on the road winding all the way to go, sometimes there are some people dropped the flags and debris. Perhaps, after the lonely is such busy, right?
still pass the torch of the next section, we organize the students in the crowd scattered. Tired of sitting by the roadside, waiting for the car to take us back, some holding the knee, this sleep, I sleep in Hu also lost for a while, like a long time.

VI arises from the perception

way, on the torch, we arrived at the scene, we witnessed , we close contact, and we got what we originally wanted. Although some circuitous and difficult process.
this way, we've got an experience on the Olympic Games, on the torch, on a rainy night, better to live on, and so on.
look back about it, I think that in this process, some experience to bear in mind mentality, such as:
say we abandoned all the way, do not give up the belief that ---- important. We are tired, sleepy
Cross when there is no retreat ---- insist is so important.
We have been a better way to describe the future ---- the dream is so important.

-------------- of Zhou of our unit, when we've been through. My text color far worse than he !
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