This is a compiler publish, float is a single-precision, smhardly ever very accurate length, to the median length of plastic, then you can use long double: long double his range is 10 to 5000 periods side, a colossal ah, note the emulating floating-point type,
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bit unsigned binary digit range of values hexadecimal notation scope
8-bit bin numbers 0 ~ 255 (255 = 2 ^ 8-1) 00 ~ 0FFH
16-bit binary numbers 0 ~ 65535 (65535 = 2 ^ 16-1) 0000H ~ 0FFFFH
32 bit binary number from 0 to 4294967295 (**= 2 ^ 32-1) 00000000H ~ 0FFFFFFFFH
machine code with a signed representation
1. Signed binary representation:
signed binary numeral with the highest morsel to indicate sign: 0 method positive, 1 negate.
digit binary number with the sign bit hexadecimal mathematical range of the coverage of performance
8-bit binary number of -128 ~ +127 ; 80H ~ 7FH
16-bit binary numbers -32768 ~ +32767 ; 8000H ~ 7FFFH
32 bit binary number -2147483648 ~ +2147483647 80000000H ~ 7FFFFFFFH
2, sign bit of that: The most commonly used usage namely the original code,
ghd product, anti-code and complement.
(1) the original code notation: a ma
chine number x by the sign bit and the effective value of two parts, set the sign bit is x0, x the true value of the perfect value | x | = x1x2x3 ... xn, then x, the machine can be expressed as the number of the original code:
[x] original =, when x> = 0 时, x0 = 0, while x <0 时, x0 = 1.
example: known: x1 =- 1011B, x2 = +1001 B, the x1, x2 are the original code are
[x1] original = 11011B,
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law: the original code is positive in itself, a negative absolute value of the original code was taken after the highest (left) meeting
(2) Anti-code representation: a negative sign bit of the same original code, the rest of you to bit is the number of anti-ma
chine code representation. Positive anti-code the same as the original code.
to bit means the bit is 1, it becomes 0, this bit is 0, becomes 1. Ie 1 = 0,0 = 1
example:,, Sum.
solution: =, =
(3) complement notation:
premier diagnosed the statement of two decimal numbers :79-38 = 41,79 + 62 = 141
If you are using a double-digit computer, to do 79 +62, the more 100 for a double-digit beyond the scope of computing device automatically discarded, so do the subtraction 79-38, with 79 +62's increase also to get the right result.
mode refers to a measurement system of measurement range, the size of the binary system to fathom the base for the base, the centre for the concordance of power. The two decimal numbers, such as the measurement range is 1 - 99,
christian louboutin simple pump 70, spillage is 100, mode is 10 ^ 2 (square 10) = 100, the operation is called modular arithmetic, can be written as: 79 + (-38) = 79 +62 (mod 100)
beyond written as -38 = 62, then the complement of say 38 (in terms of die 100) is 62.
computer is a finite word length of digital systems, so its action is a modular arithmetic, further the mode of operation the outcome ambition spill. n-bit binary mode is 2 ^ n, such as 8-bit binary number, calculation range is 00000001-- 11111111 join 1 to spill, which is 100000000, this number is the model, that is 2 ^ 8 = 100000000B
complement of a number written for [x] meeting,
jordan id, set mode is M, x is the true value, then the complement is defined It��s about time:
Example: Let n word = 8, x =- 1011011B, find [x] make.
Solution: Since n = 8, so the mode M = 2 ^ 8 = 100000000B, x <0, so
[x] make = M + x = 100000000B-1011011B = 10100101B
Note: This x, The highest complement bit is There is also a binary number for a more simple direction to find the complement of the original code:
(1) is the number of complement that the same as the original code;
(2) negative complement the original code symbol is bit to reserve the
The following chart lists the original 8-bit binary code, code and anti-complement and complement hexadecimal.
true value of the elemental code (B) anti-code (B) Complement (B) supplement (H)
+127 0 111 1111 0 111 1111 0 111 1111 7F
+ 39 0 010 0111 0 010 0111 0 010 0111 27
+0 ; 0 000 0000 0 000 0000 0 000 0000 00
-0 1 000 0000 1 111 1111 0 000 0000 00
-39 1 010 0111 1 101 1000 ; 1 101 1001 D9
-127 1 111 1111 1 000 0000 1 000 0001 81
-128 tin not be said that 1000000080
can be penetrated from, the true value +0 and -0's complement representation is the same, but in the original code and the anti-code that has differ forms. Complement the number of 8-bit machine can represent -128, but there is no corresponding complement of +128, accordingly,
nike air max on sale, the 8-bit binary number can be expressed complement the range -128-- +127. Note also that there is no -128 8-bit original code and the anti-code form. fixed point and floating-point
(a) of the fixed points (Fixed-Point Number)
computer processing of file not only signed, merely with a crowd of of file decimal, decimal point implied yet not in possession of a binary number in the machine in a fixed position. Usually take two uncomplicated convention: One is the concert the number of always the machines position the decimal point implied decimal number, the lowest level in the machine behind machine device called the point of pure numbers, referred to as fixed-point int. Another convention of all the machine numbers after the decimal point is implicit in the sign bit, the forcible part of the highest ahead the machine is called the number of nailed decimal fraction, referred to as fixed-point decimal. Both fixed-point integer, or decimal point, can have the original code, anti-code and complement 3 fashions.
(b) drifting (Floating-Point Number)
accepted as maximum cases, a calculator, said floating-point merits, technological notation it namely alike apt a binary number characterized at moving the decimal point and the ending of 2 chapters Order Code:
where: E - N of the order code (Expoent), is a signed integer
S - N mantissa (Mantissa), is the effective value of the digital part, the common requirement to take the form of a binary fixed-point decimal fraction.
Example: 1011101B = 2 +7 * 0.1011101,101.1101 B = 2 +3 * 0.1011101,0.01011101 B = 2-1 * 0.1011101
floating-point format is as usual:
E0 E1E2 ... ... ... ... ... En E0 E1E2 ... ... ... ... ... En
order symbol order by the end of characters ending in
array code and floating-point mantissa of two parts , pedestal 2 does no seem, is implied. Order code positive and negative symbols E0,
amount of christian louboutin shoes 管理员工的10个, in the most anterior, the number of N-order reflected the situation of the decimal point, prevalent complement. N decimal point binary number left 1 of each, order increased by 1. Mantissa is the decimal point, and constantly complement alternatively take the original code, code system is not necessarily the same order code, the number N of the decimal point shifted to the right an,
6 rings new jordans, for the mantissa in the floating-point rendition in the left 1. The length determines the number of mantissa accuracy of N. Last character ending symbol is called, is the number N of symbols, likewise accounted for one.
example: to write the floating-point binary number-101.1101B form of order set to take four complement code, ending in 8-bit original code.
-101.1101 =- 0.1011101 * 2 +3
floating-point form:
order code 0011 ending 11011101
supplementary explanation: in 0011 the highest-order bit code , backward the
example: computer floating-point format is consist in ..., write x = 0.0001101B normalized form, order code is a complement, ending in the original code.
x = 0.0001101 = 0.1101 * 10-3
and [-3] fill = [-001B] fill = [1011] fill = 1101B
so floating point is
1 101 0 1101000