it was foundthe eighth layer
being the oldest. And then the scientists can go back to that spot and dig some more."
We girls always brought thermoses of tea and small cakes for the scientistsand when they saw us
arrivethey quickly climbed up from the bottomrefreshed themselvesand said with grateful sighs
Thank youthank you. I was so thirsty I thought I would turn into another one of these dried-up bones.
Every now and thena rickshaw made its way up the steep roadand a pipe-smoking foreigner with thick
glasses stepped out and asked if anything new had been found. Usually the scientists pointed this way
and thatand the man with glasses nodded but seemed disappointed. But sometimes he became very
excitedand sucked on hispipe faster and faster as he talked. Then he got back in the rickshaw and went
down the hillwhere a shiny black car would be waiting to take him back to Peking. If we ran to a
lookout point on the hillwe could see to the far end of the flat basinand there was the black car
running along the narrow roadsending up streams of dust.
When winter camethe scientists had to hurry before the ground grew too hard and the season of
digging came to an end. They let some of us girls climb down and help,
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