You can never go wrong with inexpensive stylish handbags. Skip the designer brands and search for fun and funky off the rack styles. Search for fun bright colors and patterns. The sun is out and so are outrageous styles. Pick something bold and eye catching.
Bright patterns and animal prints will not fail you. Animal prints are nothing new to fashion gurus, but this season's styles are also introducing peacock feathers and peacock prints everywhere. Teals and turquoises are sassy colors to mix into your style through jewelry
ED hardy hoodies, shoes and handbags.
Naturally every one is occupied. Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the cubicle. You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter; you have long arms and tell yourself: 'I'll just keep one hand against it.' At this point you would hang your handbag on the coat hook if there was one--but there isn't--so you hang it around your neck whilst glancing furtively about to make sure no one saw you commit such a dreadful faux pas. You could put it on floor, but given that the floors in public toilets are invariably wet, you might just as well pee in it yourself.Finally, you yank down your knickers, and assume the dreaded 'Position'.
That was a long time ago. Even now, in my forties, 'The Position' is excruciatingly difficult to maintain for more than thirty seconds, especially when one's bladder is bursting.If that wasn't bad enough
Police Sunglass, when you have to visit a public toilet, you usually find a line of anxious women have got there before you, which makes you think you must have taken a wrong turning and stumbled across a half-price sale of M&S underwear. So, you wait, trying not to look as if you're squeezing your legs together and smile politely at all the other women, who are also trying not to cross their legs and smiling through clenched teeth.As you get closer to your goal, you start checking for feet under cubicle doors.
In recent years, there has been a minimalist approach. It's time to lose your plain make-up and give it a boost. One of the hottest trends right now is false eyelashes. This gives even the plainest Jane an updated look. Many make-up artists are saying that false eyelashes are like a pushup bra for your eyes! Bold make-up colors are making a come back as well. Lose boring browns and add metallics, purples and pinks. Find the right pallet for you and you will shimmer in the sun this summer.
New jewelry is an excellent way to give your style a boost. Match your jewelry with your handbag style and color. If your purse is yellow-pink, so should your bangles. If your shoes are fushia, so should your earrings. Don't forget that you can never fail with rhinestone jewelry. We hope that you've already spent time at the gym because belly chains are making it for another go around. Pair with one of this seasons trendy jumpsuits.
It's finally summer
LV Jeans! What does this mean for you? It's time for you to pump up your look. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, you can make simple and low cost updates this season with fresh new accessories. Jeans are just jeans, but you can give them a new look with trendy new accessories. You will go from plain to sassy by completing your look with womens accessories this season.
Whether you are saving money and spending every last penny, make sure you buy what will enhance your outfits. FUN is the style this season. Make your look fun and funky, but don't forget to have fun in the process. Enjoy your summer and make sure have the right look before you step out!