Buying designer bags is one thing that all women love equally and are willing to spend a huge amount of money for purchasing the perfect designer bags. However, for many women, buying more than one designer handbag at a time is not an option, as they are very expensive. The answer to this problem is the wholesale handbag distributors,who sell the same designer handbags at a discounted price.
There are also some distributors in the market who are selling cheap knock offs in place of originals. You need to make sure that the wholesale handbags distributor that you are working with offers the original products. Otherwise, you will end up spending a lot of money on the ######## handbag, which will deteriorate in condition with in no time. The key is to find the perfect distributor and then stick to it.
Many women are looking for the perfect wholesale handbag distributors, but they also have many reservations about the quality of the bags. Some women fear that since the handbags are available at a reduced rate, there might be some hidden flaw or the material that has been used to make the bag might be inferior in quality. The fact is that these handbags are of great quality and are original, but they are available at a cheaper rate since they are purchased at wholesale.
There are many wholesale handbags distributors in the market nowadays, and you can find a lot of different designer bags available with them. However, it is true that every distributor might be offering you a different price for the same bag. So, you need to do a market survey to find the best available rates before you make a purchase.
Designer handbags available at wholesale make the life easier for many women who love designer bags but are reluctant to spending too much money on a handbag. With huge discounts offered by the wholesale distributor, the prices of the designer handbags come down considerably.
With the ease of internet, many such websites also give you the option to buy stuff online. So, once you find the wholesale distributor who is offering good rates
Dior Sunglasses, you can make the purchase then and there. Making an online purchase saves you a lot of time and effort and lets you take the decision easily.
ii. See if the seller has a good rating and feedback
Check to see that the seller has good ratings and positive feedback.iii. If the price is too good, it probably is
Unless there is a lot of wear on the purse and it needs to be refurbished expect to pay between 20% to 60% off retail. Of course there are exceptions and this does NOT include limited editions or purses that become popular AFTER they are made. An excellent example of this is the Gucci Blondie Bowler circa 2004, which is now highly sought after.iv. Ask
Roberto Cavalli, ask, ask away
If a seller doesn't provide pictures or answer your questions move on. Ask for more pictures
Gucci Belt, make sure the seller is not just using stock pictures. That is a red flag. Ask to see the labels, tags, hardware, back of zippers, corners, etc. A good and experienced seller will already post these pics on line but if not, should provide them to you. It the seller is not responsive or evasive. Move on.
A way to get better pricing is eBay and Bonanzle. The upside to these sites is you don't have to buy from a middle man and can generally get a better price since you're generally buying directly from the seller. The downside: there are a lot of ########s on these sites and you must be an educated consumer.Yes, it can be scary. A few years ago, I ended up with a ######## Gucci, Guccissima Chocolate Indy. Thankfully, it was authenticated and I got my $$ back.HOW TO AVOID BUYING A ########:
i. Know the product.
Again, do your research. For example, Louis Vuitton Murakami Multicolore line does not have red LVs in it. If you see one on eBay with red LVs, it's ########.
The reason why wholesale bags are available at a cheaper rate as compared to the original market is that an item purchased in wholesale costs less to the distributor as compared to an item purchased as a retail item. This in turn allows the distributor to sell the same product at a lower rate than that of the market rate. For this very reason, all things that are available at wholesale rates are much cheaper than the market rate.
Finding a good wholesale handbags distributor is now not as hard as it used to be since you can avoid going to the market and roaming about from one shop to another, in hopes of finding the perfect distributor. Thanks to the internet; you can search online and compare the prices given by different distributors. The testimonials given by different buyers can also help you in determining the reputation of the distributor.