How To Increase Gprs Speed?
Do You want to Increase Aircel GPRS Speed?
I am Sure That You Will Answer YES!
Because Thats Why You are Interested to View this Hub...
Solution is here
Click The Link Below to Increase Aircel GPRS Speed Instantly for FREE!!!
Get Free GPRS Settings to Get 32 KBps Download Speed in Aircel
Get Free Step By Step To Manually Enter GPRS Settings
Here i will Help You Regarding
GPRS Activation (Pocket Internet & Aircel Online)
Configuring Settings in PC to Browse Through PC &
Clearing Aircel GPRS Browsing & Download Speed Problem
GPRS Activation (Pocket Internet & Aircel Online)
For users who cant able to connect to internet via pc, first of all you have to activate aircel online!
If you are using Nokia Mobile, type GPRS BP NOK N73 and send it to 57788.
After that you will receive some message from aircel. If you dont receive leave it.
Then send YESBP to 57788.
Now you will Aircel Online, Aircel MMS, Aircel Thrills,
tory burch flat sale, Aircel Office PR(for prepaid numbers) configuration Settings and some Message.
Then Type PI to 121
You will receive Pocket Internet Configuration Settings.
Ok Now recharge your mobile with Rs. 14 Pocket Internet Card (3 Days Unlimited Browsing).
(You may also Use Rs. 98 Unlimited If You have Bigger Pocket).
Now go to your Mobile Browser and Select Pocket Internet as Default Configuration and open http: //www. google. com.
Sure it will work and they wont charge you for 3 days as you have Recharged with Rs. 14. Until now you cant browse internet Through PC!!!
Because, aircel online service must be activated in order to browse internet via PC,
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Dont worry You had already sent message to activate it (its those two messages sent to 57788)
OK. Now You have to wait for 3 Days. Meanwhile Call Customer Care and Ask them whether aircel online has been activated or not Daily from the Day 1.
Most Oftenly Your Aircel Online Service(to Browse internet through PC) will be Activated after the Fourth Day of Sending SMS. You Must Wait until as you have no other option.
In The Third Day Your Rs. 14 Will be expired and in the Fourth Day Change your Configuration Settings in Mobile to aircel office pr (or) aircel online and try to open google. com. If google page opens,
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Clearing Aircel GPRS Browsing & Download Speed Problem
Many Peoples are in eager to increase the Download & Browsing speed as they report they are getting just 1-6 KBps Download Speed and even worse some cannot able to open a single webpage!!!
To those all worried answer is here
Aircels Network Tower Across 98 % of india is 3rd Class and only 2 % of it Which is in Metropolitan or Urban Areas are EDGE Compatible. You can Simply Check in what type of tower You are connected by a simple procedure
Connect to the Internet in your phone and check the connection symbol. If it Shows just G your Signal reception is from 3rd class Tower. If it Shows E Your Signal Reception is from EDGE Configured Tower.
What is the Difference Between Them?
If you Have G or Tower Symbol in your Mobile,
shop ferragamo, You will Get a Maximum Of 1-6 KBps(Download Speed)
Whereas if you have E Symbol in your Mobile, You Can Get Upto 15-22 KBps(Download Speed)
Do You Have E Symbol and Not Getting the Above Mentioned Speed?
Yes it will Not! Because Aircel Activates EDGE Service only in Metropolitan and Urban Areas. Even if you are connected to Edge Tower in a rural area, You wont Get that much Speed. You will just get the same as G Speed
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