Known for its colorful knitwear, Coogi has since extended their outstanding color variations to men's jeans. Each pair of jeans offers a unique color variation that is shown only in the stitching. The actual denim is a traditional color; faded blue, black, or white, but each pocket has colorful details added to them. The colored stitching that outlines each pocket is also <a href=""><strong>supra fashion shoes red white and black</strong></a> seen around the top portion of the jeans as well. The two belt loops on the backside of Coogi jeans are attached at an angle, with the upper portion being closer together than the lower. Another detail commonly seen on many pairs of men's jeans <a href=""><strong>cheap chocolate ugg boots</strong></a> in the Coogi collection is the company label affixed to the right side of the waistband. Each large back pocket has a different design embroidered onto it. Some additional features on a few pairs include a small zippered pocket located above the right back pocket and/or embellishments around the edges of each pocket, both front and back. Coogi mens jeans are a stylish addition to any man's current wardrobe. Each pair is crafted from high quality fabric and exceptional embroidery is shown on every <a href=""><strong>black Ugg Classic Short Boots Women</strong></a> pocket. They exude class and a casual style that is all rolled into one fine pair of jeans. For more details please visit:Â*