accounting on line features a full payroll processing solutions designed specifically for Australian SME and larger businesses, which is easy to use and set up, with most features fully automated.
With Shoebooks integrated
payroll software system, you can improve your business efficiency. Manage your pay records better and keep your employees happy without having to panic each pay day.
The Shoebooks
accounting software for small business comes with a payroll module which provides the ability to maintain employee records and perform all payroll related functions, which includes:
- General payslips that automatically calculate tax and superannuation that can be printed or emailed to employees
- Set up post and pretax allowances and deductions
- Store information related to employee such as contact details, pay rates, super fund & bank details.
- Import timesheet information to automatically generate payslips.
- Generate EFT files for bulk payment of salary & wages.
- Associated reports relating to Super, BAS and leave entitlements.
Experience the advantages of Shoebooks
small company accounting software for all your bookkeeping needs.