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Old 03-23-2011, 01:45 AM   #1
Command Sergeant Major
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Default giant wire headphone LDII Overview_2812

LDII Overview
Islamic Da'wah Society of Indonesia (LDII) standing in consensus with the ideals of the pioneering clerics that is for receptacle for Muslims apt study, train and scattering Islamic tenet purely based ashore Al Quran and Al Hadiths, with the cultural background of Indonesian society, in the frame Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945..
In the study and practice the religion of Islam based on Al Qur'an and Al Hadith ,pilgrims are advised to forever based on pure intentions BECAUSE of GOD ie anticipating a remunerate mercy and blessings of Allah be HEAVEN and alarm to God's wrath and discipline in fashion of HELL.
Based on the Word of Allah The High and Rasulullah SAW word:
Al-Quran Surah Al Lail verse 19-21 ????? ???????? ??????? ??? ????????? ??????? - ?? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? - ?? ?????????? ??????? - ??
"And naught fknow next to nothing ofmeone who is rewarded with the enjoyment of God (Heaven) in Allah's sight. Unless (their practices) because of seeking God's face of his Lord the Highest. And they'll always be happy."
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Those whom they invoke seek method of way to their Lord, [striving as to] which of them would be nearest, and they hope for His mercy and fear His punishment. Indeed, the punishment of your Lord is ever feared.
Hadith narrated Nasa'i from Abi Amamah, Rasulullah spoke ????? ????? ??? ???????? ???? ????????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ???? ????????...??????* ???? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ???????
"Verily Allah will not adopt a practice unless the practice is based on intentions pure and quest His face (God)."
Al Quran Surah Ali Imron verse 131-133 ??????????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ?????????????? * ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? * ???????????? ????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ????????????? ?????????? ????????? ?????????????? * ?????? ???? ?? ????? ???-???
"Fear you all on HELL invested for those who disbelieve . And obey Allah and His Messenger to you all, have euthanasia. And the marathon on forgiveness from your Lord and HEAVEN that the amplitude of the sky to the world, arranged for the pious people."
In conducting worship of God, Jemaat LDII directed to be orderly, solemn, mutawari'(be detailed) and ardent. Always stay away from acts jealous, heresy and kurofat and avoid doings of sin, violence, vices, haram merchandise, usury, and others.
Also every pilgrims are recommended to have a mainstay practice, namely the routine sunna practice that is done without interruption until his death, such as specialist fasting, praying sunna, experts night sunna shalat, a reminiscence, shodakoh experts and others. Ulama 'LDII also has published guidance to the practice routine that could easily be done by any pilgrims among others; reading the Quran at fewest 3 (three) verses in a daytime reading the Prophet in the a.m. and afternoon 100x 100x, read a prayer Asmaulhusna and others.
In the social life LDII pilgrims is always encouraged to be trustworthy, submissive and obedient to the rule of decree and the legitimate administration of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945. In context every LDII congregation is expected to be a virtuous models with good character, sincerity, believed, discipline and fulfilment and does not violate community rules and norms preponderating in the surroundings.
1. Hadith Shohih Bukhori
2. Hadith Shohih Muslim
3. Hadith Sunan Abi Dawud 4. Hadith Sunan Termizi
5. Hadith Sunan Nasa'i and
6. Hadith Sunan Ibnu Majah Al-Quran Surah Al An'am verse 153 ??????? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????? ????? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ????????? ???????? ????????? ???? ??????????? ??????????
"And verily, this (Qur'an) is the true way so follow it,Timberland discount, and do not follow any route, it will stray from the path of Allah be with you all."
Rasulullah SAW word in Hadith narrated by Malik ???? ??????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ????????? ??? ????????????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? * ???? ???? ?? ??????
"I (Prophet) has left for you all, the two cases. You will not get lost (definitely true), while holding quickly to both, that Kitabillah (Al Quran) and the Sunna of the Prophet (Al Hadith)."
To preserve science of Hadith as the basic guidance of Islam, the Islamic Da'wah Socity of Indonesia (LDII) sometimes and alternately held a recitation of the Great Hadith. The hadith study is held in several LDII boarding-school in Indonesia.
In educating the Quran and Hadith sciences LDII uses word for word translation that is written directly underneath every word in the paperback of Al-Quran or Al-Hadith. The explaination / interpretation of the verse by verse alternatively the Hadith is written directly to a empty sheet next to Verses or Hadith in answer.
To assist wisdom transfer and practice it, LDII Also print the Hadith accumulations by topic / chapter characteristic fulfilment, such as;
Kitabusholah (Book of collection of hadith chapter Salaat procedure)Kitabu Da'wat (Book of collection of Hadith almost the Various Islamic dua)Kitabushiam (Book of collection of hadith chapter FastingKitabu Jannah Wannar (Book of collection of Hadith about heaven and hell).Kitabul Adab (Book of collection of Hadith about good persona)Kitabu Manasikil Haji (Book of collection of Hadith about the procedure of implementation of the Hajj). Etc.
Until immediately it is recorded LDII has 15 kinds of hadith collection. With this method proven Quran and Hadiths is easily followed and carried out by LDII pilgrims that consisting of assorted strata of society.
To retain the validity of their knowledge LDII ulema', religious teacher, mubaligh and mubalighot likewise use science tools favor nahwu,Home Remedies For Acne_1848, shorof, badi', ma'ani, bayan, mantek, balaghoh, usul fiqih, mustholahul-Hadith, and so forth and assisted by a diversity books of Commentators like Ibn Kathir and sara, Muatho', Jalalain etc.
Every month LDII pass among 400 to 500 mubaligh and mubalighot to be assigned education the Qurran and Hadith as well as navigate the Jamaat LDII at Various levels of study teams,How To Jump Higher Fast-An "all in one" training software especially for the vertical jump_7148, Executives Child Branch (PAC) that exist in nearly every countryside in Indonesia. Al-Quran and Al-Hadith knowledge in this PAC levels are normally held 2-3 times a week.
Studying AL-Quran dan Al-Hadith is the conviction and foremost adore procedure in LDII. Studying must be acted by anyone unit of LDII from usual congregation, union custodian even ulema', ustadz, ustadzah, mubaligh, and mubalighot.
The behalf of studying Quran Hadist include:
Guarantee the legitimate practice of worship that is done, for a practice of worship that are not based on scientific knowledge / proof is not attractive to God.Maintain the purity of Islam, shirking ro'yu , wishful considering , attitudes or liberalization in the understanding and practice of Islamic doctrine.Mastering the science of Quran and Hadith is a obligation to the life of Islam religion and uphold the faith of a Muslim.By understanding the basic proposal in the Quran and the Hadiths the pilgrims respectively ambition comprehend the rights and duties as Muslims, so they are simple warned, directed and encouraged to worship and do pious.With the knowledge of Quran and Hadiths each congregation in worship is not only fixated on the figure of the ulema', syeikh or the actuator.Studying the Quran Hadiths is indeed a principal duty in Islam.
Al Quran suraa Al Israa verse 36 ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ????????? ??????????? ???????????? ????? ????????? ????? ?????? ??????????* ??
" And do not you all practicing on a practice that has not any knowledge you have , ... "
Al Quran surah Al Mujadalah verse 11 ???????? ????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ??????? ????? ??????????? ???????* ??
"Allah heave the believers and the people who are given science degrees,... "
Hadith narrated Abu Syaikh from Ibnu Abas ????????? ??????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????...????? * ???? ??? ????? ?? ??? ????
"Science is the life of Islam and the rule of faith."
Hadith Ibni Majah par 1 page 81 ?????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ???????? ...?????* ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ????
... From Anas binary Malik reported that Rasulullah SAW said, "Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim male ... "
Hadith narrated Abu Dawud from Abdulloh ibn U'mar ibn A'sh ???????? ????????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ??????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ????????? * ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ?????
"Science (which is mandatory to be studied) that there are three, when other than the three is extra(not required to quest); muhkam verses ( Al Quran ) uphold Sunnah (Al Hadith) or faroid science fair (science division of inheritance)."
LDII behaved numerous forums types of Quran Hadith learning based on age group and gender, amid others ;
PAC Level Study Group This type of study conducted a customary 2-3 days a week at churches, mushalla that exist in almost village in Indonesia. Each PAC groups usually consist of between 50 to 100 worshipers. Learning matters at the class of this group is the Quran ( reciting, translation and explanation), the hadith collection, and religious counsel. In this forum LDII pilgrims also taught rote memorization, dua, Quran Hadiths theorems and rote short letters Al Quran. In the PAC level study group forum congregation also corrected the practice of worship such as the practice of ablutions and salaat.
Childhood Study Religious cerebral and magnificent form (akhlakul karimah) evolution of the pilgrims begins at one early age. Childhood is the main foundation of faith and morals formation of the people, because at one early age a child is easily fashioned and directed. Cabe rawit (Childhood) study holds every day in each LDII Quran Hadith study group with materials such as readings iqro', wrote pegon (Javanese Arabic letter), rote dua, and short Quran verses. Caberawit study forum also interspersed with pastime and activity. Youth Quran Hadith Study Young people or teens should get special consideration in the religious cerebral development. At this age children start to develop the mindset and the negate environmental and social inspire becomes stronger. Therefore, during this phase needs to maintain and fortify the youngster with ample religious understanding to the LDII younger generation does not fall into cursed sinners, sins and offenses that can harm the religion of their future. As a form of seriousness in formative the younger generation, has formed Team Movers LDII adviser Generus ( TPPG ) consisting of schooling experts and psychologists. Youth development in LDII at least have three objectives, namely: Making the younger generation that pious , devout ( more knowledge ) and responded in worship. Making the younger generation who berakhlakul karimah ( chaste magnificent character ), character honest, trustworthy, courteous and respectful to parents and other people. Making the younger generation that is orderly, disciplined , versed in their work and can live independently. Women Quran Hadith Study Forum The matrons, mamas and teenager girls need to be given a special container in the guidance of faith and religious understanding promotion, thinking the digit of special problems in the religion of Islam caring women's roles. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, ablutions (keeping cleanlines), teach and nurture children, serve and manage the home is a special problem of matrons and mothers. Besides giving worship capability, the LDII matrons / mothers forum also provide knowledge and practical skills about woman world that is useful for daily alive supplies and supporting the household income . General Quran Hadith Learning General study is a joint forum between the PAC and PC LDII pilgrims. This study is also a friendship medium through LDII to foster harmony and unity among the pilgrims.
All LDII Quran Hadit study is open to the public, anyone may come to follow every direction in accordance with the timetable.
Assets below LDII usually comes from individuals pilgrims' shodakoh jariyah. While the physical architecture of the mosque, mushalla, halls and other religious facilities built on alms from several local aghniya (the rich) prices assisted by the all congregation to volunteer in accordance with their respective capabilities .
LDII pilgrims also issue monthly shodakoh voluntarily to decisive requirements such as operational costs for mubaligh anf mubalighot, duafa assistance' , maintenance of vehicles, payout of electricity and others.
All these expenses are as barricade fii sabililah vouched by the theorem Quran and Hadith .
Allah's Word in Al Quran surah Ashof verse 10-13 ??? ???????? ????????? ???????? ???? ??????????? ????? ????????? ????????? ????? ??????? ???????* ?? ??????????? ??????? ??????????? ?????????????? ??? ??????? ????? ??????????????? ????????????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????????* ?? ???????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????? ??? ????????? ???????????? ??????????? ????????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????????* ?? ????????? ????????????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ??????????????* ??
O those who believe in you all, I would like to see merchandise that can save you from the painful torture (Hell).(10) Believe in you by God and the Messenger of Allah and defense the religion of Allah with their wealth and yourself, so it is nice for you if you only knew.(11) I excuse the sins of you and shall I put thee into perpetual heaven, so it was large vengeance.(12) and added (from me) that you are happy that is help from God and close victory.(13)
Al Quran surah At Taubah verse 38-41 ??? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ???????? ??? ??????? ????? ????????????? ????? ???????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????????? ???? ????????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ????????????? ???????* ??
O ye who believe, why when it is said unto you: "Go (to vindicate) in the way of Allah "you feel hard and want to stay at your place? Are you extra elated with life in the earth of the hereafter? While enjoyment of life in this world (likened to life) in the afterlife is just a tiny.
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If you do not go (to defend the religion of Allah), He will penalize you with a painful punishment,monster cable headphone, and (God) will change (you) with another people, and you will not be proficient to give injure to Him whatsoever. Allah has power over all things.
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If you do not assist him (Muhammad), Allah has helped him 1 (ie) when the kafeers (polytheists of Mecca) pursue him away (from Mecca) he was one of 2 people when either were in the cave, at the time he said to his companion: "Do not mourn, Allah is with us. " And Allah sends down His calm to them (Muhammad) and helped him with forces which you did not look it, and God made the infidels shriek menial. And the sentence of Allah is tall. Allah is Mighty, Wise.
1 Means: those who disbelieve had coincided to kill the Prophet Muhammad. Allah SWT. advise the disbelievers' malevolence to the Prophet Muhammad. Since then he 's out with the corporation of Abu Bakr of Mecca and Medina on his way to his hiding in a cave in the hills Tsuur
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You work well in a state of mild or caustic circumstances , and fight with your wealth and yourselves (strength) in the way of Allah. That is better for you if ye only knew.
Al Quran surah At Taubah rhyme 111 ????? ????? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ??????????? ??????????????? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????? ????????????? ????????????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ????? ??????????????? ???????????? ??????? ??????????? ???? ???????? ???? ????????? ??????????* ???
Allah has repaid from believers, themselves and their personalties with them to Heaven. They fight in Allah, then they kill or be killed. (It has chance) the true promise from God in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is better to keep her promise (other) than Allah ? So delight in the bargain which ye have done it , and that's a huge victory .
Al Quran surat Al Hujurat ayat 15 ???????? ?????????????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ??????????? ????? ???? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????????? ????????????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????
Truly the believers are those who faith in Allah and his messenger (of Allah) then they did not hesitate and they defended with their asset and themselves in the path (religion) of Allah, so that they are the lucky ones.
Al Quran surah Al Munafikun verse 10 ??????????? ??? ???? ???????????? ???? ?????? ??? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ????? ??????? ???????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????????? ??????? ????? ?????????????
And disburse chapter of what God give proceeds to you before coming to one of your mortality, so they say (sorry) My Lord, whether it ends in necrosis thou me near so I will shodakoh and I will become a pious person.
Embryo of the Islamic Da'wah Society of Indonesia organization (LDII) was established on January 3,timberland stores, 1972 in Surabaya , East Java with the name of Yayasan Karyawan Islam (YAKARI)
At YAKARI meeting [ Mubes ] in 1981, the name of YAKARI was changed to the Lembaga Karyawan Islam [LEMKARI].
In LEMKARI conference [Mubes] in year 1990, in accordance with the directives General Rudini as Minister of Home Affairs [Home Minister] at that time, the same name with the acronym LEMKARI Karate -Do Institute of Indonesia, was changed to Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia / Islamic Da'wah Society of Indonesia (LDII)
The late Syeikh Nurhasan Al Ubaidah is LDII Founding Fathers, who had accustom all his live to study the Islamic religion and spread in Indonesia. In 1930 until 1941 (11 years) onward with his friend H. Nur Asnawi (the late),supra vaider lofty How apt Reduce Sweating_416, he studied Islamic religion in Mecca and Medina .
Syeikh Nurhasan Al Ubaidah mastered the Qur'an, (reciting, translation and interpretation) and he is also a complete stamp with the 49 books of hadith and the science tools. She also mastered Qiroah sab'ah, namely reading Nafi' al- Madani, Al- Makki Ibn Kathir, Abu Amr al- Basri, Ibn Amir Al Syami, Uthman al- Kufi, Hamza al- Kufi, and Ali Al Kisa'i. Each teacher has two students who are well known, so the readings are termed 21 readings. Among his teachers were: Imam Abu Samah, Umar Sheikh Hamdan, Sheikh Yusuf, and others.
In the year 1952 with the his students Syeikh Nurhasan Al Ubaidah founded the LDII Islamic boarding-school in Banjaran, Burengan, Kediri, which today is an of the centers of religious play because Islamic Da'wah Society Indonesia (LDII) pilgrims. This boarding educate is situated precisely in the course of HOS 195 Cokroaminoto Kediri, Eastern Java province .
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