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Old 09-02-2011, 09:44 AM   #1
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Default 【qq农场与消费者携手揪出骗子团伙】北京世纪子语文化

开心农场―给一点阳光就灿烂。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq1 00.com.cn,qq农场生态】俺种的不是果 是开心。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn, qq农场生态】人人都向往自然,外出旅游领略自然风光,人间仙境让人留恋忘返。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼 ,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】人人都渴望休闲,广阔 的天然农场,释放心中渴望已久的自由愿望。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,w ww.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】与其在名山大川间流连忘返,不如在家私藏一片花果山、浪漫 岛。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq 农场生态】与其梦想着天然农场的广阔,不如亲手建一座自己的伊甸园、山姆小屋。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼 ,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】给一点阳光就灿烂开心 农场,你身边的花园。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.c om.cn,qq农场生态】
为你提供如下几类产品:伊甸园:伊甸园是一种便携的快餐式花盆你能想象从花盆里长出“我爱你”、“生日快乐 ”、“天天向上”、“日进斗金”、“昨夜你真坏”会是一种什么感觉吗?你想过在你的办公桌上有一盆长出小番 茄的幼苗是多么的有趣吗?这就是伊甸园给你带来的新奇与快乐。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文 化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】花果山:花果山是一个小型的组合式模拟 农场由包装盒组成的立体容器、营养土、花果种子、流行的卡通玩偶(如:喜洋洋、灰太狼等)等多种元素组成便 携、时尚,可种、可玩儿、可看。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq 100.com.cn,qq农场生态】浪漫岛:浪漫岛是一个生态的、具有生命的生态小岛,由假山、溪流、花 草、贝壳、小鱼等组成。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100. com.cn,qq农场生态】
开心农场与一般盆景的最大区别是,开心农场是从种子开始种起,可以观赏到植物生根、发芽、枝叶分化、开花结 果生长的全过程,具有娱乐、休闲、探秘、求知、益智等功能,而一般盆景只是不完整的部分过程,无求知、探秘 、益智功能。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.c n,qq农场生态】
造成了一幅上种花种草、水中养鱼拾贝的生态画面每天给花草浇浇水,给鱼儿喂点食,一幅生态画卷活力呈现。【 qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生 态】山姆小屋:山姆小屋是一个小型的欧美式立体组合庄园,庄园里有尖顶屋,小烟囱,庄园里有牛、羊和鸡、鸭 、蚂蚁等各种物件,你可以在园中种花,屋下种瓜,让瓜藤沿着房子爬上屋顶,还可以发挥自己的想像力,打造出 一个微缩版的布什德劳福农场 。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农 场生态】开心农场是普通盆景吗?花草随时种,方寸显神奇种的就是刺激,玩的就是新潮。【qq农场,qq农场 魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】

什么是开心农场?开心农场是由便携迷你式包装制作,内填营养基、已经播种的快餐式种植花盆你只要浇浇水,就 能长出多彩缤纷的花草和瓜果,如绿草茵茵的青草、娇嫩欲滴的小花、手指粗细的黄瓜、弹丸似的番茄、网球大的 茄子等给你的生活注入田园般的气息,让你的身心都处于惬意之中。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语 文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】开心农场有哪些产品?开心农场根据形 状、大小、结构和功能的不同。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq1 00.com.cn,qq农场生态】
美化居室:伊甸园中可长出色彩斑斓,多姿可人的蔬菜和花果,可起到绿化装饰效果。【qq农场,qq农场魔法 鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】净化空气:在伊甸园 中种植植物,可以吸收空气中的异味,甲醛等有害物质,使室内空气清净宜爽。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北 京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】驱蚊防蝇:伊甸园的产品中 ,还有含除虫菊的植物,在家里放一盆伊甸园花卉,蚊子苍蝇不敢来。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子 语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】量身定做:可以根据客户和经销商的 需要定制。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn ,qq农场生态】
开心农场系列产品还具有如下特点:时尚新颖:有卡通、有祝福,多种设计图案紧跟时尚潮流,集知识性、趣味性 于一体。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn, qq农场生态】品种多样:既有番茄、辣椒、黄瓜等水果蔬菜,又有跳舞草、含羞草等观赏植物。【qq农场,q q农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】携带方便 :将大型盆栽压缩在一本精致书籍里,可随身携带,便于运输。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化 传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,qq农场生态】轻松种植:培养土营养均衡,种植过程不需 施肥,种植方法简单、方便、快捷。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.q q100.com.cn,qq农场生态】成活率高:伊甸园具有极强的耐候性,成活率高,采用转基因种子,无 病害。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.com.cn,q q农场生态】








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Old 09-02-2011, 10:04 AM   #2
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69132 2010 年 08 月 14 日 23:03 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: Personal Diary
beginning of the story, although the poor family of four, but enjoyable, and my father was originally a poor painter, my mother was a good housewife, and my father turned out to be rich kids, and her mother ran away to be kicked out of home, but the two main characters children are brother and sister. Brother always let my sister, brother, sister, shout Obama always chasing. The day a tomato only to surrender it to the sister brother, sister, brother, have to keep to eat. Earthquake, and a large stone to suppress the two siblings, only to one, father was killed by her mother do not know how to do, my brother said, to save her sister, her sister said that to save her brother, three people were crying a heap, crying for an hour, an hour each humility, I do not know to how to do. Aftershocks came,la gear police, my brother fainted, and my sister to brother, his mouth stuffed tomatoes,la gears sneakers, as rescue workers said it first to my brother, and then herself.

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sister had to go because his family was poor inside the company to do cleaning woman, brother and sister ran into my brother did not know that this is his sister, my sister knows this is his brother, but the fear of him and his life not to recognize him. Crazy in love with his brother sister, sister,la gear, know that this is not possible to tell the truth hurt and fear his brother, two people so you come to me and I see a cry once. Brother's fiancee came out of the cynical sister, you're poor, you are assigned, he do, and my sister did not dare talk back, every time tears pharynx into the stomach.

sister in the mental hospital to see his mother, the mother went so far as the recovery of the memory of the magic, the original birth brother and sister, brother and sister from time to time, the two of them can fall in love, brother and sister that want to start a new life, a sudden found that sister had leukemia, will soon die, his brother carrying his sister came to the sea side, saying that a beautiful sea view ah, ah,la gear walking shoes, my sister in her brother's shoulders expires.

sister, brother, father earthquake label Korea
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