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Old 04-09-2011, 03:59 AM   #1
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Default 男孩被拐卖30年后与父母团聚 生父递苹果谢养父

  市公安局副局长杨建强见状,连忙搀扶白叟。他弯下腰说:“千万不能这样啊,这都是我们公安机关应当做的 。”而身旁的李世群早已放声嚎啕大哭。“找不到我的娃儿啊,我逝世了都不闭眼!”李世群双手发抖,猛地坐在 地上。


  同窗们玩笑开多了,吴久兵越来越感到抬不开端。后来,他对学习没了兴致,小学毕业就辍学了 。
  吴茂胜接通电话,笑呵呵地说,能找回失散30年的儿子,要感谢的人太多。10日晚上,自己十分高兴,就 让外孙调换了彩铃。




  说完,李世群双手贴着吴久兵的脸说:“娃儿,你受苦了!”说罢,她开端回想儿子小时候的事 。


  他说,全家人一直苦寻儿子30年,刘女士通过网络帮了大忙。今年5月,吴茂胜的家人在网上宣布寻子帖子 。刘女士在网上看到信息后,及时联系他们,并将寻子信息上传到“法宝回家网站”。随后,刘女士和其余意愿者 ,还帮忙写信向公安部反应。

  吴久兵刚进入门口,忽然停下脚步。吴茂胜、李世群夫妻的座位背对着他,夫妇俩并不了觉察。“妈!”吴久 兵大喊一声,吴茂胜夫妇赶快扭头看去。“妈妈!”“娃儿,我对不起你!”还没等李世群说完,吴久兵就飞驰上 前,与母亲牢牢拥抱。两个人简直同时跪倒在地上相拥而泣。“我可找到我的娃儿了!”“妈,我再也不会分开你 了!”
  小学毕业后,吴久兵在家呆了两年,就到广东打工了。1994年,他在广东东莞一家五金厂上 班。
  场景让人动容。杨建强和市刑警支队的引导,纷纭扭头拭泪。一名女民警静静走到室外,取出纸 巾擦泪。


  兴许是被上气不接下气的哭声呛倒了,李世群不停地咳嗽。民警们连忙将她扶起来,有的忙着倒开水,有的忙 着剥橘子。
  方城县间隔南阳城区100余里,车子从平原驶入伏牛山区。一路平稳,但吴久兵的话却不停。他拉着吴茂胜 的手,诉说这30年的成长。
  吴茂胜说,我们现在是一家人,我要把你接到重庆养老。秦东生弹了弹烟灰摇摇头。他说他加入过抗美援朝, 现在每月有300多元的慰劳金。“我每月还有几十块的低保,够花了。”秦生礼说,走亲戚去住两天还能够,住 城里时间长了不习惯。
  ■人物:吴茂胜 朱光甫

  女婿李中宣笑呵呵地用普通话转述,说起吴久兵两岁时烤火盆被烧伤的事。吴久兵掀起裤腿,指着小腿说:“ 疤还在这儿呢。”




  采访车沿山路持续前行20里,映入眼帘的是山坡上一排破旧的民房,asics nimbus 12,秦生礼的家就在其中。吴久兵说,这间屋子也是村委会放弃的。“爸,我回来了!”吴久兵大喊一声,只见秦生 礼佝偻着走出门。他站在山坡上招手示意。“谢谢你,谢谢老大哥!”吴茂胜握住秦生礼的手。秦东生微笑着说: “来了,屋里坐!”



  ■人物:吴茂胜 秦生礼 朱光甫

   楚天都市报讯 谢!老夫妇送锦旗谢民警

  妻子带着儿女来湖北寻找丈夫,却被人贩子将儿子拐走。襄阳警方察访半年,终将失散的30年的儿子找到了 (见本报10日报道)。30年前,4岁的吴久兵仍是孩童,李世群是一位27岁的母亲。30年后,母亲的脸上 已千沟万壑,而破之年的孩子也饱经沧桑。30年前,4岁的吴久兵被贩卖,后又被屡次转手,带给一家人苦楚的 回忆。30年后,饱含辛酸的两代人相认,父爱、母爱惊天动地。

  听罢,吴茂胜拉着秦生礼坐在身边,笑着说:“你也少不了!”说话间,邻近的村民也拉着小孩赶来。吴久兵 连忙拿出糖果披发。
  3人抱在一起坐在地上,长达两分钟。民警几回上前,试图将他们拉到座位上,成果都不忍心打断他们。“这 是好事,要愉快!”杨建强劝告着,但相认的哭声仍旧。随后,杨建强支配民警将他们部署到宾馆住下。吴茂胜送 上一面锦旗谢民警。
  说完,吴茂胜向朱光甫深鞠一躬。“哎,哎,哎,可不能这样!”朱光甫连忙禁止。吴茂胜笑着说,当初咱们 是一家人了。
  临行时,吴茂胜筹备拿1000元钱留给秦生礼。吴久兵连忙推辞说:“爸,我会按期给这个爸寄钱的!”说 完,在场的人哈哈笑起来。




母子俩紧紧相拥 记者李溪摄
给乡亲们发喜糖 记者 李溪 摄

  杨建强安慰说,这些年,你们遭遇了情感的折磨,立刻就可以会晤了。李世群这才坐定,固然没有哭声,但仍 在不停地抽咽,sale jordan shoes


  这对老夫妻就是吴茂胜和李世群。李世群满脸皱纹,下车时紧紧攥住少年的手;吴茂胜的头发已略显花白,走 路也有些跛。看到他们,民警们快步上前。“真谢谢你们啊!30年了,没想到我还能见到我的娃儿!”吴茂胜、 李世群紧紧握住民警的手。
  后来,吴久兵接过杯子,用嘴吹了吹,然后给母亲喂水。李世群喝了一口说:“娃儿,你也喝一 口。”

  中午12时,记者与吴久兵一行在南阳汇合,他们乘上本报的采访车赶往方城,去感谢养父秦生 礼。

  这一次,他要带着吴久兵到南阳方城,向儿子的养父秦生礼谢恩。李世群身体较弱且晕车,她在外孙的陪同下 返回了重庆。

  吴茂胜用带侧重庆口音的一般话说,你把儿子养这么大,真是不容易。“这事我不能藏着掖着,民警拿着照片 来,我就认出那是我家东生。”秦生礼边说边握着吴茂胜的手。“找到了就好!”岳父朱光甫插了一句。“老大哥 你不轻易,你养我儿子30年,我要还你礼!”说着拿起一个苹果递给秦生礼。

  本报记者 张凡
  从会议室到宾馆,须下楼然后步行30米再次上楼。“妈,让我背你一次。”临下楼时,吴久兵自动提出。李 世群微微露出一笑,身材就到了儿子的背上。她一只手抓着吴久兵的肩膀,另一只手仍拉着他的手。




  杨建强先容侦办进程时,女婿李中宣不停地微笑拍板。吴茂胜腾地起身深鞠一躬,而后抬头不语,一只手不停 敲着桌子。

  小学三年级时,吴久兵与同学吵架。一名同学骂他“没妈的孩子”“杂种”时,他“哇”地大哭起来。吴久兵 边哭边走,当时就想离家出奔。

  据说吴久兵要回家,hunter jimmy choo,他的岳父朱光甫也驾车赶来。

  会议室在三楼,可吴久兵已经没有力量上楼。下车时,他双腿发软,连忙扶着车门。两名民警扶 着他上了楼。



  下午3时许,襄阳警方在市刑警支队召开消息发布会。会后,吴茂胜、李世群夫妻被请进了会议 室。

  谈话间,泪水已经沾满了李世群的脸颊。身旁的少年连忙递上纸巾。“不哭,不哭!”吴茂胜抚慰妻子后连忙 介绍,身旁的两人是女婿李中宣、外孙吴添。
  迈下几步阶梯,李世群嚷着要下来,big pony polo shirts。说完,她摆脱儿子的手站到了地上。


  道不尽的告别苦 谢不完的养育恩
  采访车行至方城县境内时,到处是低矮的丘陵和山坡。一路上,吴茂胜不停询问什么时候到镇上。吴久兵讯问 要做什么时,吴茂胜笑着说只是问问罢了。


  楚天都市报讯 本报记者 张凡
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Old 04-09-2011, 04:21 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,591
zq8j8ha3b5t is on a distinguished road

Sun Shasha and her mother returned home Sun Shasha ,designer handbags
every day to the mother body massage

to hesitate. students as to enjoy the rich school life, but quickly left the campus toward a rental house, where there is her most dear - bedridden mother.
usually return home, Sun Shasha will cook one side, while the campus of interesting things happen tell my mother to listen, to resolve the loneliness of the mother alone at home, accompanied her simply can no longer simply eating The dinner, Sun Shasha massage every day to her mother to ease her physical pain.
this rhythm of life mother and daughter, 8 years old from Sun Shasha began.
8-year-old girl home alone bear the burden of

8 years old, for most people, is a Shangqie live in happiness the infant age, but 8-year-old Sun Shasha has become a mainstay of the family. March 1, 1999, normally the mother suddenly fell hard work, the hospital diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment for the mother, the family deep in debt, six months after his father threw away her daughter, from heard from since.

fields outside the village, the scene can often see such a childish off the young figure, doing this should be the adults engaged in heavy physical labor. The mother is a memorable day in the fall of 2002, 11-year-old Sun Shasha to the resumption in the mu peanuts, a small effort to get fixed Jue head, she's pulled one by one by hand, then the missing peanuts one by one out of you, the evening heavy rain, Sun Shasha pushed close up with the cart of peanuts to go home, because strength is small, the rope tied to a very loose, slipped from the car again and peanuts, but also to be a stubborn Sun Shasha hold times on the train .....。 Went to the village, saw the frantic salsa is on crutches waiting for his mother. Mother and daughter holding a ball crying.
no source of income, little salsa to develop such a habit, she would stroll on to the market after school, not to spend money to buy things, but throwing away the leaves and secretly pick someone else back, and then take home to maintain the livelihood of mother and daughter. Not heating things like ice-cold cold winter at home, the mother's worse, the pain can not sleep all night, Sun Shasha will foot into his mother's arms, while talking with my mother side massage.
life of suffering without overwhelming the little girl, but she grew more robust. On the junior high school, Sun Shasha not bought a textbook, students are borrowing on an old book with a down, but it was the first annual examination.
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9-year stumble over time. In 2005, Sun Shasha 600 multisection good results were Jimo one early admission, but she is not happy: the school more than 30 miles away from home,gucci handbags, life can not take care of themselves at home mother of a man how to do? So Sun Shasha like a mother raises the idea, and his mother go to school. But the stronger was the mother could not bear to drag her daughter, and even salsa launched a fire.
less than 10 square meters of low rented houses, while going to school while caring mother.
5:00,prada leather handbags, Sun Shasha get up to cook, and then help the mother get dressed, wash, so my mother after dinner rush to pack bags ran to the back of the school, class bell rang at noon, she returned home to his mother cook in the evening under the night classes, helping her mother first massage joints, settled his mother asleep Hou Shasha often read and study late into the night.
despite living expenses Sa Sa has thrifty to the extreme, but they still need at least 3 dollars a day living expenses. Summer vacations, Sun Shasha will go to factories to work, finish the day shift and sometimes even dry night,gucci bags, the work of more than 16 hours a day.
2008, the Sun Shasha admitted with honors Teachers College, Linyi, Shandong Province, to achieve their college dreams.
they rented a house near the school, to earn the mother's medical expenses, living expenses and monthly rent of 120 yuan, Sun Shasha took part in the school's work-study, the use of every day at noon and time to study up to clean the classroom after school health, the use of weekend advertising time to send a single community, to do promotion, earn a meager reward to support their family.
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the money for treatment, Sun Shasha mother's illness has been dragging,paul smith bags, eat a penny a day, pain medication, long-term medication to the mother's stomach became disordered, and often as angry and with a toothache, which makes the Sun Shasha pains beyond their grasp, She secretly resolved in the diary.
every night, her mother should be two hours of massage, and the mother engaged in small talk, the psychological comfort of the mother. She went to school library books borrowed from family medicine, to help mothers adjust their diets, increasing nutrition. In the Sun Shasha's taken care of, the mother's condition now than before had been a marked improvement. Before bed-ridden mother, who have to rely on for meals fed, although it faltered, but has been able to get out of bed moved.
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learned from the first side to see the Sun Shasha since been infected by her simple smile. Recalled the hard life in the past, this
Small Xun said, started going to school, she heard that Sun Shasha is the mother together in college, at first we thought that salsa is good family, the mother is to read with their parents, but soon they learned that the situation of small Xun wrong, she found Sun Salsa is actually wearing clothes when you buy on the sixth grade, and usually did see her spending of a penny,handbags uk, one has spare time to school work, / p>
counselor teacher said Dong, Sun Shasha who impressed him two points, one is very strong, did not take the initiative after admission to the department to reflect the circumstances to obtain benefits at home, never mentioned the special requirements. There is a salsa confident and optimistic attitude towards life, she often actively participate in school activities, take the initiative to help others, never negative emotions.
in the Sun Shasha's diary recorded the number and the number of such Bureau of Civil Affairs for the rural residents of our .....。

Recently, Sun Shasha old filial love of the country elected the candidates pro-model, she was infected with their own life experiences, more people around them. (Reporter Ren Junfeng)
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