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Old 03-22-2011, 06:18 AM   #1
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Default windows 7 pro activation rdb slow to connect to wi

ittoolbox as adapted from citrix-l discussion group summary: we've 2 terminal servers and when our end users use a thin consumer to connect to our win2003 64bit terminal server,windows 7 pro activation, it will take a very long time to connect and utilize desktop settings. does anyone understand how to resolve this? total posting: disclaimer: contents are usually not reviewed for correctness and therefore are not endorsed or endorsed by ittoolbox or any vendor. popular q&a contents include summarized information from ittoolbox citrix-l discussion unless otherwise noted.
adapted from a response by arnoldhf on 8/12/2008
ack!! you have terminal server running on a domain controller and people can log in?? you *really* need to re-evaluate your architecture. it's hard to imagine a bigger security exposure,Windows 7 Enterprise!!
almost 100% of the time,office Standard 2007 product key, slow logins are due to either dns configuration errors or large roaming profiles. any server that is a dns server (and yes,office Pro Plus 2007 key, you can have more than one) should point to itself as the primary dns server. if there are more than 1, make the secondary dns server any of the others. all workstations should point to one or more of the dns servers.
do not point to any external dns servers,microsoft office Professional 2007 keygen!! if you have external dns servers provided by an isp, add them as "forwarders" in the dns server configuration. disclaimer: contents are not reviewed for correctness and are not endorsed or advised by toolbox.com or any vendor. well known q&a contents include summarized information from citrix discussion unless otherwise noted.
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Old 03-22-2011, 06:22 AM   #2
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misfits is on a distinguished road
Default lamivudine manufacturer shanghai

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