This season is almost the last of the really great ones. It features some of the funniest episodes I've ever sat through, not the least being a hillarious Treehouse of Horror. Particular favorites of mine include Lisa's Date with Density, wherein Lisa develops an unwanted crush on local bully Nelson Muntz, Hurricane Neddie, wherein the normally unflappable Ned Flanders loses his temper to a degree that makes his outburst in Homer loves Flanders seem quite tame, and The Springfield Files, featuring guest appearances by Leonard Nemoy as well as Molder
sale 1-5 of Boston Legal and Skully from the X Files. And of course we can't forget The Mysterious Voyage of R. Homer, wherein Homer eats Guatemalan isanity peppers, has a fight with Marge and meets a strange coyote, voiced by the late Johnny Cash, who urges him to find his soulmate. Another favorite of mine is The Secret War of Lisa Simpson, where Bart pulls a majr prank on a tour of the police station and as punishment is sent to military school. Lisa, however, sees the potential challenges offered by such a life and
cheap Doctor Who 1-5 dvd set decides to stay behind. All in all this season is one of my favorites. Aside from great episodes it features the usual audio commentary which, apart from being very insightful, is also more often than not quite funny. About the only down side is the fact that one of the writers occasionally felt the need to bring his kids into the studio with him. But since they didn't really disrupt things it's only a minor gripe of mine. But this season is definitely one of my absolute favorites and a must-have for any collector, even if he's just a casual one.
This is one of the other seasons I will always remember greatly. We had the episode of Sideshow Bob's brother Cecil coming to Springfield to pull a scam as well as trying to kill Bart Simpson to
cheap How I Met Your Mother dvd 1-5 show up his brother and failing badly. The reason I thought was great as it actually had Kesley Grammer(Voice of Sideshow Bob)and David Hyde Pierce(Voice of Cecil)who played brothers on the hit show Frasier and to hear
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Rescue Me 1-5 for sale when after Bart gets accidentally drunk Prohibition is enforced in Springfield forcing Homer to after a while commit bootlegging as well as matching wits with the new federal agent. There are too many in this season to list as great as they were forever
Smallville seasons 1-9 ingrained in my memories as being on of the few great times of the Simpsons so I say if your going to
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Yeah, its great. When I first got it, it was because it had two episodes I had seen on the plane home from England to Los Angeles to New Zealand. I
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buy The Golden Girls 1-7 dvd his mad Siamese twin who is intent on sewing them together again, Homer causes a
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